1. With your graceful neck, my praise for you flows at all times
Gleaming like a pearl necklace
١. بِجيدِ عُلاكَ مَدحي كُلَّ آنِ
يَلوحُ كَأَنَّهُ عِقدُ الجُمانِ
2. Even if poets did not compose praises for you
The verses of the Quran would have sung your praises
٢. وَلَو لَم يَنظِمِ الشُعَراءُ مَدحاً
لَكُم أَغنَتكُمُ سُوَرَ القُرانِ
3. Included in the prayer for you is a special prayer
Clear at the call to prayer and during the ritual prayer
٣. وَفي ضِمنِ الصَلاةِ لَكُم صَلاةٌ
فَلاحٌ في الإِقامَةِ وَالأَذانِ
4. Are you not the son of the one who conquered the enemies
And warded off the vicissitudes of time with his wisdom
٤. أَلَستَ اِبنَ الَّذي قَهَرَ الأَعادي
وَذادَ بِرَأيِهِ غِيَرَ الزَمانِ
5. And terrified every lofty and conceited person
A terrifying one, the lord of Teylasan
٥. وَرَوَّعَ كُلَّ صاحِبِ مَشرَفِيٍّ
مَروعٍ وَهوَ صاحِبُ طَيلَسانِ
6. Whose father's fame spread among people until
Both near and far were talking about him
٦. وَشاعَ إِباؤُهُ في الناسِ حَتّى
تَناذَرَهُ الأَقاصي وَالأَداني
7. When the bold ones became insolent before him
They saw him striking and stabbing with his spear
٧. إِذا الهَيجاءُ هاجَتهُ رَأَتهُ
مَلِيّاً بِالضِرابِ وَبِالطِعانِ
8. In the morning he rides a fierce lion
And at night a biting serpent
٨. لَهُ في الصُبحِ فَرسَةُ لَيثِ غابٍ
وَتَحتَ اللَيلِ نَهشَةُ أُفعُوانِ
9. When he left us, it was as if a sword
Had lost its sharp cutting edge
٩. وَلَمّا غابَ عَنّا نُبتَ عَنهُ
كَما نابَ الحُسامُ عَنِ السِنانِ
10. Although the status of people varies
The exalted are only a handful
١٠. وَإِن كانَت خِلالُ الناسِ شَتّى
فَما العَلياءُ إِلّا في ثَمانِ
11. Relieving the fallen, enriching the poor
And fulfilling the wishes of the deprived
١١. إِقالَةِ عاثِرٍ وَغِنى فَقيرٍ
وَنَيلِ مُمَنَّعٍ وَفَكاكِ عانِ
12. And security not tainted by any fear
And bounty not marred by obligation
١٢. وَأَمنٍ لَم يُشَب بِمَذيقِ خَوفٍ
وَمَنٍّ لَم يُكَدَّر بِاِمتِنانِ
13. And spreading fear amongst rebels and dissidents
And establishing justice amongst compatriots and strangers
١٣. وَبَذلِ الرُعبِ في عاصٍ وَباغٍ
وَبَسطِ العَدلِ في قاصٍ وَدانِ
14. These are attributes that signify for you
That you are unparalleled in nobility
١٤. صِفاتٌ كُمِّلَت لَكَ مُؤذِناتٌ
بِأَنَّكَ في الكِرامِ بِغَيرِ ثانِ
15. And that glory lies not in what
One person narrates about another
١٥. وَأَنَّ المَجدَ ما توليهِ لا ما
يُحَدِّثُهُ فُلانٌ عَن فُلانِ
16. We have seen in you what was never seen in them
So we put aside hearsay in the face of evidence
١٦. رَأَينا مِنكَ ما لَم يُروَ عَنهُم
فَأَلغَينا السَماعَ لَدى العِيانِ
17. They faded when you appeared
Just as sunlight obscures the light of crystals
١٧. خَفوا لَمّا ظَهَرتَ كَذاكَ يَخفى
بِضَوءِ الشَمسِ نورُ الزِبرِقانِ
18. Your conquest of those who once struck fear
Suffices you in boastfulness in this time
١٨. وَقَهرُكَ مَن أَخافَ الناسَ قِدماً
كَفاكَ تَطاوُلاً في ذا الزَمانِ
19. So no mighty person from the dusty land
Nor a demon from the verdant valley
١٩. فَما مِن عالَمِ الغَبراءِ عادٍ
وَلا في الجَمَّةِ الخَضراءِ جانِ
20. Remains, because since you became bound to it
The impact of the Quran began appearing on earth
٢٠. لِأَنَّكَ مُنذُ صِرتَ لَها قَريناً
بَدا في الأَرضِ تَأثيرُ القِرانِ
21. And even if praise goes beyond your merit
Until even the palm trees vie in praising you
٢١. وَإِن جاوَزتَ قَدرَ المَدحِ حَتّى
لَأَصبَحَ جاهِدٌ فيهِ كَوانِ
22. Your delightful discourse is more pleasing
To a refined ear than melodies
٢٢. وَإِنَّ حَديثَكَ السَيّارَ أَشهى
إِلى سَمعِ الطَروبِ مِنَ الأَغاني
23. You are the redemption for every person of honor
Whether hopeful or disgraced
٢٣. فِداؤُكَ كُلُّ ذي عَرَضٍ عَزيزٍ
عَلى الراجي وَذي عِرضٍ مُهانِ
24. You have brought life with al-Wahadi and al-Rawwas
With flowing water before cups
٢٤. وَأَملاكٌ أَبادوا ما أَبادوا
مُضاعاً في القَناني وَالقِيانِ
25. And with horses and wild game
You have made meadows of praise needless of irrigation
٢٥. وَعَزَّ الخَيرُ مِنهُم فَالتَعازي
إِذا بَطَشَ الزَمانُ بِهِم تَهاني
26. Gifts came to me, so I imagined it was Kisra
And days like festivals
٢٦. لَقَد رَوّى وَهادِيَ وَالرَوابي
حَياً قَبلَ اِنتِجاعيهِ سَقاني
27. Neither delayed by procrastination or compelling
Nor preceded by a promise or guarantee
٢٧. وَأَغنى بِالسَواري وَالغَوادي
رِياضَ الحَمدِ عَن سُقيا السَواني
28. And if your munificence has enriched me
Then so have the rhymes I devoted to you
٢٨. هَدايا واصَلَت فَظَنَنتُ كِسرى
وَأَيّاماً كَيَومِ المِهرَجانِ
29. Taking me to the lands of Nahrawan
And to the edges of Qayrawan
٢٩. وَما شينَت بِمَطلٍ وَاِقتِضاءٍ
وَلا سُبِقَت بِوَعدٍ أَو ضَمانِ
30. Marvels that have no intercessor
When they befall a wrathful king
٣٠. وَإِن أَغنى نَداكَ فَقَد تَغَنّى
بِما حَبَّرتُ فيكَ الخافِقانِ
31. Wonders apart from you are averse
As old women are averse to youth
٣١. فَأَقصاهُ بِأَرضِ النَهرَوانِ
وَأَدناهُ بِأَقصى القَيرُوانِ
32. I have presented to you all prime poetry
And not allowed others to share in it
٣٢. غَرائِبُ لا يُرَدُّ لَها شَفيعٌ
إِذا حَلَّت ذُرى مَلِكٍ هِجانِ
33. Shall I praise one in whom I doubt
And abandon one who initiated his favors to me
٣٣. أَوانِسُ عَن سِواكَ لَها نِفارٌ
كَما نَفَرَت مِنَ الشَيبِ الغَواني
34. And call upon one who is stubborn and unaware
And refrain from answering one who called upon me
٣٤. زَفَفتُ إِلَيكَ فيها كُلَّ بَكرٍ
وَلَم أَسمَح لِغَيرِكَ بِالعَوانِ
35. I do not see holding back my tears
As your bestowal preventing their flow
٣٥. أَأَمدَحُ مَن أُرَجِّمُ فيهِ ظَنّي
وَأَترُكُ مَن بِأَنعُمِهِ اِبتَداني
36. You have been exalted in deeds, and I in words
So one who saw you, and one who read my works
٣٦. وَأَدعو مَن بِهِ صَمَمٌ وَعِيٌّ
وَأَقعُدُ عَن إِجابَةِ مَن دَعاني
37. Was certain that you are the lord of the pinnacle of glory
And that I am the lord of the pinnacle of meaning
٣٧. وَلَستُ أَرى إِراقَةَ ماءِ وَجهي
نَوالُكَ عَن إِراقَتِهِ نَهاني
38. So the nights do not cease surrendering to you
And all that the two horizons contain bow to you
٣٨. شَرُفتَ مَناقِباً وَشَرَفتُ قَولاً
فَأَيقَنَ مَن رَآكَ وَمَن رَآني
39. The vast desert was not obscured by darkness
But rather illuminated by your glory like fires
٣٩. بِأَنَّكَ رَبُّ أَبكارِ المَعالي
وَأَنّي رَبُّ أَبكارِ المَعاني
40. You spend each year after year
Vanquishing it with never fading life
٤٠. فَلا بَرِحَت تَدينُ لَكَ اللَيالي
وَتَخضَعُ ما تَدانى الفَرقَدانِ
٤١. وَلا دَجَتِ البَسيطَةُ بَل أَضاءَت
بِمَجدِكَ ما أَضاءَ النَيِّرانِ
٤٢. تُقَضّي الدَهرَ عاماً بَعدَ عامٍ
وَتُفنيهِ بِعُمرٍ غَيرِ فانِ