
We are pushed toward two states, I do not see

لقد دفعنا إلى حالين لست أرى

1. We are pushed toward two states, I do not see
Between them an envied fate's selection.

١. لَقَد دُفِعنا إِلى حالَينِ لَستُ أَرى
ما بَينَ ذاكَ وَهَذا حَظَّ مُختارِ

2. Either to stay, living in fear and darkness,
Or to leave, departing from home and abode.

٢. إِمّا المُقامِ عَلى خَوفٍ وَمَسبَغَةٍ
أَوِ الرَحيلِ عَنِ الأَوطانِ وَالدارِ

3. And death is easier than both, nothing of
Death's agony, nor in it shame or disgrace.

٣. وَالمَوتُ أَيسَرُ مِن هَذا وَذاكَ وَما
كَربُ المَماتِ وَلا في المَوتِ مِن عارِ

4. He who dwelt near lions did not feel safe
From their sudden attacks. Lions do not spare a neighbor.

٤. مَن جاوَرَ الأُسدَ لَم يَأمَن بَوائِقَها
وَلَيسَ لِلأُسدِ إِبقاءٌ عَلى الجارِ