
The cure of guidance, O sword of wrath, is that you heal,

شفاء الهدى يا سيفه العضب أن تشفا

1. The cure of guidance, O sword of wrath, is that you heal,
And stopping the crushing misfortunes is that you stop.

١. شِفاءُ الهُدى يا سَيفَهُ العَضبَ أَن تُشفا
وَكَفُّ الخُطوبِ المُدلَهِمَّةِ أَن تُكفا

2. You have surpassed the utmost age of Noah, compensated
A thousand years from the years of his term.

٢. فَجاوَزتَ أَقصى عُمرِ نوحٍ مُعَوَّضاً
عَنِ العامِ مِن أَعوامِ مُدَّتِهِ أَلفا

3. The life of the children of this world is your life in peace,
So Islam was not changed from strength into weakness.

٣. حَياةُ بَني الدُنيا حَياتُكَ سالِماً
فَلا بُدِّلَ الإِسلامُ مِن قُوَّةٍ ضَعفا

4. You made sleep the eyes of people after their wakefulness.
Thus every eyelid since you became ill has not slept.

٤. أَنَمتَ عُيونَ الخَلقِ بَعدَ سُهادِها
كَذا كُلُّ جَفنٍ مُذ تَأَلَّمتَ ما أَغفا

5. Until God protected you gently for the sake of His creation,
So they did not miss the blessings of the Lord of gentleness.

٥. إِلى أَن وَقاكَ اللَهُ لُطفاً بِخَلقِهِ
فَلا عَدِموا مِنهُ تَبارَكَ ذا اللُطفا

6. And He secured them against all fears in you,
As they felt safe in your shade from injustice and despotism.

٦. وَأَمَّنَهُم فيكَ المَخاوِفَ كُلَّها
كَما أَمِنوا في ظِلِّكَ الجَورَ وَالعَسفا

7. Hearts were delighted which confided their secrets in you,
Despite it had not been hidden in the past.

٧. فَسُرَّت قُلوبٌ شافَهَتكَ بِسِرِّها
عَلى أَنَّهُ ما كانَ فيما مَضى يَخفا

8. Can the favours of a Benefactor be denied
If the course of fate changed, it would have a change?

٨. أَيُجحَدُ ما توليهِ آلاءُ مُنعِمٍ
إِذا جارَ صَرفُ الدَهرِ كانَ لَهُ صَرفا

9. And he of disappointed hope has come back ambitious,
So the grateful fulfilled and the vow-maker has fulfilled.

٩. وَذو الأَمَلِ المَغضوضِ قَد عادَ طامِحاً
فَأَوفى عَلى النُعمى وَذو النَذرِ قَد وَفّا

10. Had there not been fear of death within us,
And had the earth lacked you, it would not have felt safe from sinking.

١٠. فَلَو لَم تَكُن فينا لَمُتنا مَخافَةً
وَلَو عَدِمَتكَ الأَرضُ لَم تَأمَنِ الخَسفا

11. Do you not see the vegetation that the snake brought out?
When the snake turns away, its soil dries.

١١. أَلَستَ تَرى النَبتَ الَّذي أَطلَعَ الحَيا
إِذا ما جَفا صَوبُ الحَيا تُربَهُ جَفّا

12. So the firm-willed days did not swerve, their purpose cured
Truth from its diseases after it had cured.

١٢. فَلا فَلَّتِ الأَيّامُ عَزماً مَضاؤُهُ
شَفى الحَقَّ مِن أَدوائِهِ بَعدَ أَن أَشفا

13. Nor did the wind of victory abate, it surely
Storms while kings are with it stormed.

١٣. وَلا سَكَنَت ريحُ المُظَفَّرِ إِنَّها
إِذا عَصَفَت كانَ المُلوكُ بِها عَصفا

14. Nor its fires cease whenever the floods of destruction raged,
The torrents of havoc float upon them and do not extinguish.

١٤. وَلا بَرِحَت نيرانُهُ كُلَّما طَغَت
سُيولُ الرَدى تَطفو عَلَيها وَلا تُطفا

15. Due to your complaints, the atmosphere concealed its clouds from us
For a time, so when you recovered, it showed what it had hidden.

١٥. لِشَكواكَ أَخفى الجَوُّ عَنّا غَمامَهُ
زَماناً فَمُذ عوفيتَ أَظهَرَ ما أَخفا

16. God wanted to show us your high status with Him,
And who is worthier of love and closeness than you?

١٦. أَرادَ يُرينا اللَهُ جاهَكَ عِندَهُ
وَمَن مِنكَ أَولى بِالمَحَبَّةِ وَالزُلفا

17. Two blessings appeared so you stayed, and though
You were too high to be on our land, you were selfless.

١٧. ظَهَرتَ فَظَلَّت نِعمَتانِ أَظَلَّتا
وَإِن كُنتَ لِلإِمحالِ عَن أَرضِنا أَنفا

18. The souls of angels would ransom a noble soul
If it isolated itself from them while the rest of them sufficed.

١٨. فَدَت أَنفُسُ الأَملاكِ نَفساً شَريفَةً
إِذا اِنفَرَدَت عَنهُم فَسائِرُهُم أَكفا

19. The glory of the eminent humbled whoever of them was eminent,
And the high-ranked longed to have precedence.

١٩. وَطَودَ فَخارٍ فَخرُ مَن عَزَّ مِنهُمُ
وَطالَ مَحَلّاً أَن يَكونَ لَهُ الحِفا

20. The strongest of them to ward off an affliction that occurred,
And the most generous if a wave of favors gushed forth.

٢٠. أَشَدَّهُمُ كَفّاً لِنائِبَةٍ عَرَت
وَأَنداهُمُ إِن سيلَ مَكرُمَةً كَفّا

21. And most clement in pardoning and piety
Toward those who pardoned after ability and those who pardoned.

٢١. وَأَروَعَ عَفّى في التَجاوُزِ وَالتُقى
عَلى مَن عَفا بَعدَ اِقتِدارٍ وَمَن عَفّا

22. Indeed your news and grants have filled
The noses of mankind with honor and their hands with bounty.

٢٢. لَقَد مَلَأَت أَخبارُهُ وَهِباتُهُ
أُنوفَ الوَرى عَرفاً وَأَيدِيَهُم عُرفا

23. So O you who quenched us with security, justice and wealth
In the days of your rule which alternate between ease and hardship.

٢٣. فَيا مَن سَقَتنا الأَمنَ وَالعَدلَ وَالغِنى
عَلى ظَمَإٍ أَيّامُ دَولَتِهِ صِرفا

24. O you whose glories cannot be counted in speech,
Can the sea drain the water poured into it in cupped hands?

٢٤. وَياذا المَعالي لا يُعَدِّدُ فَضلَها
مَقالٌ أَيُفني البَحرَ وارِدُهُ غَرفا

25. And the inability of efforts to obtain even a little of it
Is like the inability of poems to encompass it in description.

٢٥. وَعَجزُ المَساعي أَن تَنالَ أَقَلَّها
كَعَجزِ القَوافي أَن تُحيطَ بِها وَصفا

26. If you come back in the later era, following,
Your glory follows but does not keep pace, rather it surpasses.

٢٦. لَئِن جِئتَ في أُخرى الزَمانِ مُعَقِّباً
فَمَجدُكَ لا يَقفو وَلَكِنَّهُ يُقفا

27. And it is inevitable that fate will turn its face
Back to you until its front has become its back.

٢٧. وَلا خُلفَ أَنَّ الدَهرَ عادَ بِوَجهِهِ
إِلَيكَ إِلى أَن صارَ قُدّامُهُ خَلفا

28. It saw miracles from you, O mainstay of guidance,
Which it sought in both worlds but did not find.

٢٨. رَأى مُعجِزاتٍ مِنكَ يا عُدَّةَ الهُدى
تَطَلَّبَها في العالَمينَ فَما أَلفا

29. And how many desiring this glory tried to gain its good graces
But when it refused with pride, he turned aside, bent in humility.

٢٩. وَكَم طالِبٍ ذا المَجدَ حاوَلَ عَطفَهُ
فَلَمّا أَبى عِزّاً ثَنى دونَهُ عِطفا

30. The borders of the countries made you accessible to firm resolutions
That sheathed swords and softened the hardened heart.

٣٠. أَباحَتكَ أَقطارُ البِلادِ عَزائِمٌ
كَفَينَ السُيوفَ السَلَّ وَالجَحفَلَ الزَحفا

31. And the edges of tongues gave you a position
That the Pleiades desire to last for it as a familiar friend.

٣١. وَأَمطَتكَ أَطرافُ الأَسِنَّةِ رُتبَةً
تَوَدُّ الثُرَيّا أَن تَدومَ لَها إِلفا

32. Sacrosanct, which before you no rider accepted
And more sacred after you forbade getting on behind.

٣٢. مُحَرَّمَةً لَم تَرضَ قَبلَكَ راكِباً
وَأَحرِ بِها مِن بَعدِ أَن تَمنَعَ الرِدفا

33. Had you wished to quickly overtake the kingdoms,
You would have been readier than fire for the oath.

٣٣. وَلَو شِئتَ تَدويخَ المَمالِكِ سُرعَةً
لَكُنتَ بِها أَغرى مِنَ النارِ بِالحَلفا

34. Indeed their masters were unable to make them strong
Whenever you willed them while the victim cannot remove the oppression.

٣٤. لَقَد عَجَزَت أَربابُها أَن تَعُزَّها
مَتى شِئتَها وَالضَيمُ بِالعَجزِ لا يُنفا

35. Had they been resolute, they would have given you half of what they possessed,
Yet that is beyond half that you take half.

٣٥. وَلَو حَزَموا أَعطَوكَ شَطرَ الَّذي حَوَوا
فَذَلِكَ فَوقَ النِصفِ أَن تَأخُذَ النِصفا

36. You were forebearing, knowing that they are for you against them
While the seeker of the forbidden takes it suddenly.

٣٦. تَمَهَّلتَ عِلماً أَنَّها لَكَ دونَهُم
وَمُلتَمِسُ المَمنوعِ يَأخُذُهُ خَطفا

37. You allowed me affluence, knowing that
What I entrust to pages will remain over days.

٣٧. أَبَحتَنِيَ الإيسارَ عِلماً بِأَنَّني
سَيَبقى عَلى الأَيّامِ ما أودِعُ الصُحفا

38. Gifts which I do not know if I sensed
The aroma of musk or lasting perfume.

٣٨. مَواهِبُ لا أَدرى إِذا أَنا شِمتُها
أَصَوبَ بَنانٍ شِمتُ أَو دِيَماً وُطفا

39. So thanking for them does not oblige me to bear their weight,
For who do I have of poetry bearing what it concealed lightly?

٣٩. فَلا يُلزِمَنّي شُكرُها حَملَ ثِقلِهِ
فَمَن لي بِشِعرٍ حامِلٍ مِنهُ ما خَفّا

40. And time has come that joined the distant ones to me
While your justice does not accept and your favor distinguished me.

٤٠. وَقَد حافَ دَهرٌ أَلحَقَ الأَبعَدينَ بي
وَعَدلُكَ لا يَرضى وَفَضلُكَ بي أَحفا

41. By my life, I have indeed been given less than affluence
And in a tenth of a tenth of what I attained sufficed me.

٤١. لَعَمري لَقَد خُوِّلتُ ما دونَهُ الغِنى
وَفي عُشرِ مِعشارِ الَّذي نِلتُ ما كَفّا

42. And I have no motive to ask for more declaring,
Except my self-esteem that time split my nose.

٤٢. وَما حامِلي أَن أَستَزيدَ مُصَرِّحاً
سِوى أَنَفي أَن يَجدَعَ الدَهرُ لي أَنفا

43. Some horses are close in the race, while
The lead will not be reached by whoever lags behind.

٤٣. تُقارِبُ بَعضُ الخَيلِ في السَبقِ بَعضَها
وَلَن يُلحَقَ الطِرفُ الَّذي يَسبِقُ الطَرفا

44. I am the leader guiding you to strange wonders
Whose meanings point to an eloquent core.

٤٤. أَنا السابِقُ المُهدي إِلَيكَ غَرائِباً
تَدُلُّ مَعانيها عَلى جَوهَرٍ شَفّا

45. Distinguish eulogy that will remain straightforward for
The eminent as long as its poet lives and stands firm.

٤٥. فَمَيِّز مَديحاً لَن يَزالَ صَريحُهُ
عَلى ذي العُلا ما عاشَ شاعِرُهُ وَقفا

46. Shall I leave this accumulated cloud exposed
To whoever intended its collection while I moan?

٤٦. أَأَترُكُ ذا الغَيمَ الرُكامَ مُعَرَّضاً
لِمَن رامَ جَدواهُ وَأَنتَجِعُ الهِفّا

47. By your probity, God cured illnesses of wishes,
And from the favors of ungenerous people who were stingy and veiled.

٤٧. بِبُرئِكَ عافى اللَهُ مِن عِلَلِ المُنى
وَمِن مِنَنِ القَومِ الأُلى بَخِلوا أَعفا

48. So you always were for seekers in every crisis,
Life, and for enemies wherever they went, death.

٤٨. فَلا زِلتَ لِلراجينَ في كُلِّ أَزمَةٍ
حَياةً وَلِلأَعداءِ حَيثُ اِنتَحَوا حَتفا