
By you, your era can be proud,

سما بك دهرك فليفتخر

1. By you, your era can be proud,
Prouder than any past or faded era.

١. سَما بِكَ دَهرُكَ فَليَفتَخِر
عَلى كُلِّ دَهرٍ مَضى أَو غَبَر

2. Had its days faces,
Your efforts in it would be bluffs.

٢. فَلَو أَنَّ أَيّامَهُ أَوجُهٌ
لَكانَت مَساعيكَ فيها غُرَر

3. How much did an insistent striver strive
In seeking your heights, but gained no trace!

٣. وَكَم جَدَّ مُجتَهِدٌ في طِلابِ
عُلاكَ فَلَم يَكتَحِل بِالأَثَر

4. Where is Thamud from the two Meads
Or the two 'Ad tribes from Samar?

٤. وَأَينَ الثَمادُ مِنَ الرافِدَينِ
وَأَينَ مِنَ الفَرقَدَينِ السَمَر

5. As if you had set time's course right
And led destiny wherever you wished.

٥. كَأَنَّكَ أَحكَمتَ رَيبَ الزَمانِ
وَسُقتَ إِلى ما تَشاءُ القَدَر

6. By your resolve turning misfortunes
And your vengeance holding back the hostile.

٦. بِصَرفِ اِعتِزامِكَ صَرفُ الخُطوبِ
وَكَفِّ اِنتِقامِكَ كَفُّ الغِيَر

7. Time has obeyed you concerning whom you want:
Whom you wished fared ill, whom well.

٧. وَطاوَعَكَ الدَهرُ فيمَن تُريدُ
فَمَن شِئتَ ساءَ وَمَن شِئتَ سَرّ

8. There your miracles stand alone
And your day - yes, that day is most wondrous.

٨. هَناكَ اِنفِرادُكَ بِالمُعجِزاتِ
وَيَومُكَ ذا فَهوَ يَومٌ أَغَرّ

9. And this Dilly man who never attained
Kingship in ancient times,

٩. وَهَذا السِدِلّى الَّذي ما سَما
لَهُ مَلِكٌ في قَديمِ العُصُر

10. You raised a dome for him become
Loftier than all lofty and towering things.

١٠. رَفَعتَ لَهُ قُبَّةً أَصبَحَت
تَطولُ عَلى ما عَلا وَاِشمَخَرّ

11. When it shows gleaming in the dark
Bejeweled with stars all a-flower,

١١. إِذا ما بَدَت في الدُجى خِلتَها
مُرَصَّعَةً بِالنُجومِ الزُهُر

12. You'd think, in the black dark, clouds
Like mantles were upon it.

١٢. وَفي الدَجنِ تَحسِبُها كاعِباً
عَلَيها السَحائِبُ مِثلُ الأُزُر

13. The sun makes way for it at sunrise
Else, had it kept itself back, it wouldn't shine.

١٣. تُراعُ لَها الشَمسُ عِندَ الطُلوعِ
فَلَو مَكَلَت نَفسَها لَم تُنِر

14. And if the moon spied it at its fullest
And had the power, it would hide itself.

١٤. وَلَو راءَها البَدرُ في تَمِّهِ
وَكانَت لَهُ قُدرَةٌ لِاِستَتَر

15. So it became a sign in building
Like its lord's wayfaring in travels.

١٥. فَصارَ لَها عَلَماً في البِناءِ
كَسيرَةِ صاحِبِها في السِيَر

16. Khosrow's iwan - though it made
The uncouth despair - is trivial by it.

١٦. فَإيوانُ كِسرى وَإِن أَعجَزَ ال
بَرِيَّةَ في جَنبِهِ مُحتَقَر

17. Every building the kings erected
New, lofty; aged, crumbling.

١٧. وَكُلُّ بِناءٍ بَنَتهُ المُلوكُ
حَديثٌ عَلا وَقَديمٌ دَثَر

18. How few the dwelling places for the owner
Of traits when he championed the true creed!

١٨. وَقَلَّ مَقَرّاً عَلى ذي الصِفاتِ
لِمَن نَصَرَ الدينَ لَمّا اِنتَصَر

19. Thanks to him the ropes of truth beneath his shade
Survived, despite the foes, unbreakable.

١٩. فَأَضحَت عُرى الحَقِّ في ظِلِّهِ
بِرَغمِ العِدى مُحكَماتِ المِرَر

20. For the state's choice, the Triumphant,
Victorious sword of the humans' imam.

٢٠. لِمُنتَجَبِ الدَولَةِ المُصطَفى ال
مُظَفَّرِ سَيفِ إِمامِ البَشَر

21. Whose feats tells of his origin
As the sword's notching tells of its blow.

٢١. مَآثِرُ تُخبِرُ عَن أَصلِهِ
وَما نَسَبَ السَيفَ مِثلُ الأَثَر

22. How much the scowling kings craved it
But their searching the towns and wastes wearied.

٢٢. وَكَم قَد بَغاها المُلوكُ الأُلى
فَأَعيَت عَلى بَدوِهِم وَالحَضَر

23. Had they won it, by my life,
It would have been the crowns on their brows.

٢٣. وَلَو يَظفَرونَ لَعَمري بِها
لَكانَت لِتيجانِهِم كَالدُرَر

24. One of lofty resolve saw their vainglory
To be as the wind-borne spider web's.

٢٤. شَآهُم إِلى المَجدِ ذو هِمَّةٍ
بِباعِ المَجَرَّةِ عَنها قِصَر

25. Their munifience sinks into his bounty
As the slender into ample seas submerged.

٢٥. تَضِلُّ مَناقِبُهُم في عُلاهُ
كَما ضَلَّ في الريحِ سافي العَفَر

26. How can a cloud in the sky compete
With his rain of gifts on people showering?

٢٦. وَيَغرَقُ جودُهُمُ في نَداهُ
كَما غَرِقَت في الأَتِيِّ الغُدُر

27. How can lightning bolts vie with his glinting blade
Whose gleam foretells no rain will pour?

٢٧. وَأَنّى يُسامي سَحابَ السَما
ءِ في الأَرضِ مِنهُ الحَيا المُنهَمِر

28. Your contentment has held back the plea
Till the hoped-for came, as wished.

٢٨. وَيُزجي الظَعائِنَ صَوبُ البُروقِ
وَبِشرُكَ ذا بارِقٌ لا يَغُرّ

29. In every land you passed
You left a trace - yes, some trace!

٢٩. أَمَرَّ اِرتِياحُكَ حَبلَ الرَجا
إِلى أَن حَلا لِلمُنى ما أَمَرّ

30. With the sword you exalted them
Without you, not one stone had stood.

٣٠. وَغادَرتَ في كُلِّ أَرضٍ مَرَرتَ
بِها أَثَراً يا لَهُ مِن أَثَر

31. You erased the corruptors' traces
What is unforced cannot be forced.

٣١. أَبانِيَ بِالسَيفِ أَعلَيتَها
وَلَولاكَ ما قامَ مِنها حَجَر

32. Thus glory is reached by one who wants it
And homelands are settled by one who settles.

٣٢. مَحَوتَ بِها أَثَرَ المُفسِدينَ
وَما لَيسَ تَجبُرُ لا يَنجَبِر

33. Though the wicked bore sin therein
You were exempted from that burden.

٣٣. كَذا يَبلُغُ العِزَّ مَن رامَهُ
وَيَعمُرُ أَوطانَهُ مَن عَمَر

34. They made lawful forbidden things
Nearly rending the heavens apart.

٣٤. لَئِن حَمَلَ الوِزرَ فيها العِدى
فَإِنَّكَ مِمّا جَنَوهُ الوَزَر

35. Into war's deep well they drove you -
How many drivers were undriven!

٣٥. أَحَلّوا مَحارِمَ مِن دونِها
تَكادُ السَمَواتُ أَن تَنفَطِر

36. Content with escaping, fearing harm
Though had you wished none could escape.

٣٦. وَقَد وارَدوكَ بِحارَ الرَدى
وَكَم وارِدٍ مِنهُمُ ما صَدَر

37. So you bewildered them from seeking heritage
How much blood of theirs flowed wasted!

٣٧. رَضوا بِالفَرارِ حِذارَ البَوارِ
وَلَو شِئتَ لَم يُنجِ مِنها المَفَرّ

38. They will never pay you those debts
Even were they the Forest's trees.

٣٨. فَأَذهَلتَهُم عَن طِلابِ التِراثِ
فَكَم مِن دَمٍ مَرَّ مِنهُم هَدَر

39. Their Mania beside the Cross
And whom you did not plunder went unplundered.

٣٩. وَما يَقتَضونَكَ تِلكَ الدُيونَ
وَلَو أَنَّهُم في عِدادِ الشَجَر

40. Everyone who tried to help it failed
So how can who conquers it be abased?

٤٠. مَنِيَّتُهُم بِجِوارِ الصَليبِ
وَمَن لَم تُجِر مِنهُمُ لَم يُجَر

41. Too hard for Romans was protecting
Religion's forts - to stab the forts!

٤١. وَقَد ذَلَّ مَن حاوَلوا نَصرَهُ
فَكَيفَ يَعِزُّ بِهِ المُنتَصِر

42. Concerning what your hounds did
To their king, for them it's a lesson.

٤٢. وَعَزَّ عَلى الرومِ ما كُلِّفوا
حَمى ثُغَرَ الدينِ طَعنُ الثُغَر

43. Some dogs, while others some of those
You smashed with a single blow.

٤٣. وَفيما جَرى مِن طَريدَي ظُباكَ
عَلى مَلكِهِم لَهُمُ مُعتَبَر

44. They thronged unto Damascus in their pride,
At which mountains bow down.

٤٤. وَبَعضُ كِلابٍ وَهُم بَعضُ مَن
قَهَرتَ رَماهُم بِإِحدى الكُبَر

45. Two hundred thousand invaders in two hundreds.
But they scarcely lasted a blink of the eye.

٤٥. وَقَد يَمَّموا الشامَ في قُوَّةٍ
يَخِرُّ لَها الجَبَلُ المُشمَخِرّ

46. Then they fled routed, fearing evil -
But what fear can protect from fate?

٤٦. مِئينَ أُلوفٍ غَزَوا في مِئينَ
فَلَم يَلبَثوا غَيرَ لَمحِ البَصَر

47. On a day when dogs exulted,
Bristling at all noble Murris.

٤٧. وَوَلّوا هَزيماً حِذارَ الرَدى
وَهَل حَذَرٌ عاصِمٌ مِن قَدَر

48. But no! You turned them toward Kosayr
And your resolve sent those raiders.

٤٨. بِيَومٍ تَكَنَّت كِلابٌ بِهِ
عَلى كُلِّ ذي نَخوَةٍ مِن مُضَر

49. Their prowess failed, their iron melted in fear
Of the rending lion there.

٤٩. فَأَلّا ثَنَوها حِيالَ القُصَيرِ
وَعَزمُكَ يَقدُمُ تِلكَ الزُمَر

50. Better staves' knock than war pounding
And needles' pricks than lances' stabbing.

٥٠. وَقَد كَلَّ بَأسُهُمُ وَالحَدي
دُ خَوفاً مِنَ الأَسَدِ المُهتَصِر

51. Naught protects folk from destiny
When narrow is the house of spears.

٥١. وَوَقعُ الظُبى دونَ قَرعِ العَصا
وَوَخزُ القَنا دونَ نَخسِ الإِبَر

52. Terror tore the war-makers from them
As it tore the zebras from the donkeys.

٥٢. وَما يَدفَعُ الكَرُّ عَن أَهلِهِ
إِذا ضاقَ بِالدارِعينَ المَكَرّ

53. On what day did you see the fray
And not keep pulling victory's train?

٥٣. ذَعَرتَ حُماةَ الوَغى مِنهُمُ
كَما اِنذَعَرَت لِلهِزَبرِ الحُمُر

54. The seasoned avoided this fight
And news the amateur found dire.

٥٤. وَفي أَيِّ يَومٍ شَهِدتَ الوَغى
وَما عُدتَ تَسحَبُ ذَيلَ الظَفَر

55. Had the riffraff disputed with you out of error
It would have rubbed the experience from the expert.

٥٥. تَجَنَّبَ ذو الخُبرِ هَذا النِزالَ
وَرَوَّعَ غَيرَ الخَبيرِ الخَبَر

56. The lion of earth concedes your might
When death gapes its mouth in a grin.

٥٦. وَلَو شاجَروكَ القَنا ضَلَّةً
لَطَمَّ عَلى الخَبَرِ المُختَبَر

57. Distant people now fight shy of you,
Wastelanders and settled folk.

٥٧. يُقِرُّ بِبَأسِكَ أُسدُ الثَرى
إِذا المَوتُ عَن ناجِذَيهِ فَغَر

58. Events made bare their white blades.
First your fathers, then the famed sword.

٥٨. فَقَد أَحجَمَ الناسُ عَنكَ الغَدا
ةَ أَهلُ الفَيافي وَأَهلُ المَدَر

59. Through it your superiority to all was clear.
By night the moon's superiority.

٥٩. وَقائِعُ جَلّى دَياجيرَها
إِباؤُكَ ثُمَّ الحُسامُ الذَكَر

60. Our days passed under your protection,
Safe, yes, forever from bitterness.

٦٠. بِها بانَ فَضلُكَ لِلعالَمينَ
وَبِاللَيلِ يُعرَفُ فَضلُ القَمَر

61. You bettered our homelands through justice
Without you, no settled place had been improved.

٦١. صَفَت في جَنابِكَ أَيّامُنا
فَحاشى لَها أَبَداً مِن كَدَر

62. So the Lord on High built what you built
And did not deprive Syria of this oversight.

٦٢. وَحَسَّنتَ بِالعَدلِ أَوطانَنا
وَلَولاكَ ما حَسُنَت مُستَقَرّ

63. How many a sanctuary, had you neglected it,
Would have been despoiled! How many a frontier,

٦٣. فَشَيَّدَ رَبُّ العُلى ما بَنَيتَ
وَلا أَعدَمَ الشامَ هَذا النَظَر

64. Had you been far, would have been breached!
Without your battles and favors

٦٤. وَكَم حَرَمٍ لَو نَأَيتَ اِستُبيحَ
وَكَم ثَغَرٍ لَو بَعُدتَ اِنثَغَر

65. People would have died from fear and woes.
You rewarded equally the repentant and obstinate:

٦٥. وَلَولا قِراعُكَ وَالمَكرُماتُ
لَماتَ بِهِ الناسُ خَوفاً وَضُرّ

66. Good for good and ill for ill.
We don't recall past troubles -

٦٦. جَزَيتَ المُنيبينَ وَالمارِقي
نَ بِالخَيرِ خَيراً وَبِالشَرِّ شَرّ

67. Your spreading justice folded up their wrong.
You are the most generous possessor of might

٦٧. فَلَسنا نُفَكِّرُ بِالحادِثاتِ
طَوى جَورَها عَدلُكَ المُنتَشِر

68. Who pardoned and overlooked when able.
For you excuse has ample scope

٦٨. وَإِنَّكَ أَكرَمُ ذي قُدرَةٍ
عَفا وَتَجاوَزَ لَمّا قَدَر

69. For acceptance, and sin to be forgiven.
I openly boast of gaining such traits -

٦٩. وَلِلعُذرِ عِندَكَ إيساعُهُ
قَبولاً وَلِلذَنبِ أَن يُغتَفَر

70. Yes, of a tenth of their tenth I am proud.
Virtues never gathered in one person

٧٠. فَفَخراً بِنَيلِكِ هَذي الخِلالَ
فَفي عُشرِ مِعشارِها مُفتَخَر

71. So Glory to the One Who gathered them in a mortal!
Had they been created ere Revelation descended

٧١. فَضائِلُ لَم تَجتَمِع في الوَرى
فَسُبحانَ جامِعِها في بَشَر

72. Their mention would have been in the surahs.
None of noble lineage should seek to gain them -

٧٢. وَلَو خُلِقَت قَبلَ أَن يَنزِلَ ال
كِتابُ أَتى ذِكرُها في السُوَر

73. That path to them is dangerous.
None dares ride the deathly precipice

٧٣. فَلا يَرجُ ذو شَرَفٍ نَيلَها
فَإِنَّ الطَريقَ إِلَيها خَطِر

74. Save the greatly perilous.
None perfects himself until he is

٧٤. وَما يَركَبُ الخَطَرَ المُستَهالَ
مِنَ القَومِ إِلّا العَظيمُ الخَطَر

75. Gentle when at peace and harsh in war.
A virtuous woman whom women birth

٧٥. وَما يَكمُلُ المَرءُ حَتّى يَكونَ
لَدى السِلمِ حُلواً وَفي الحَربِ مُرّ

76. Comes not from wombs but minds.
When singers lift their voices,

٧٦. وَعَذراءَ لَمّا تَلِدها النِساءُ
وَلَكِنَّها مِن بَناتِ الفِكَر

77. The chaste rise above singers.
She donned eloquence's intricacies

٧٧. إِذا رَفَعَ الخَفَرُ الغانِياتِ
سَمَت بِالتَبَرُّجِ لا بِالخَفَر

78. As a twig dons its blossoms.
And she came to praise you for what you attained,

٧٨. تَحَلَّت بَدائِعَ حُرِّ الكَلامِ
كَما يَتَحَلّى القَضيبُ الزَهَر

79. While planters reap what they planted.
I did not flag, as you can see,

٧٩. وَجاءَتكَ تُثني بِما قَد أَنَلتَ
وَلِلغارِسينَ اِجتِناءُ الثَمَر

80. Though I admit my falling short.
Flattery of other than you

٨٠. وَلَم آلُ جُهداً كَما قَد تَرى
وَإِنّي بِتَقصيرِ جَريي مُقِرّ

81. Seeking favor, however long my life drags on.
My truthfulness forbade sophistry

٨١. وَما أَنا مُثنٍ عَلى مَن عَداكَ
رَجاءً لَهُ ما تَمادى العُمُر

82. While the wine made me forget all but wine.
My wishes overflowed from your repose

٨٢. نَهاني عَنِ الضَيحِ قُربُ الصَريحِ
وَأَنسانِيَ الغَمرُ شُربَ الغُمَر

83. Leaving me no need from any creation.
With hands whose bounty overwhelms me

٨٣. وَجادَت أَمانِيَّ مِن راحَتَيكَ
فَلَم يَبقَ لي عِندَ خَلقٍ وَطَر

84. As rain overwhelms the land with bounty.
With it time desisted from its tyranny

٨٤. أَيادِيَ يَغمِرُني جودُها
كَما غَمَرَ الأَرضَ جَودُ المَطَر

85. Else had I not kept my pact, I would have snapped.
So for the favor you conferred on me

٨٥. بِها أَقلَعَ الدَهرُ عَن جُرمِهِ
وَلَو لَم أَصِر في حِماها أَصَرّ

86. I've a tongue admitting, an eye joyously beholding.
Yes, your action toward me

٨٦. فَلي بِالجَميلِ الَّذي خَوَّلَت
لِسانٌ يُقِرُّ وَعَينٌ تَقَرّ

87. Circulated among people - I've no excuse not to praise.
Then praise spread among the people, and I have no excuse not to join in praise.

٨٧. لَقَد سارَ فِعلُكَ بي في الأَنامِ
وَلا عُذرَ لِلحَمدِ إِن لَم يَسِر