1. What is the use of vain efforts in the fate of mankind?
That is why we think our wakefulness is a slumber.
١. ما ذي المَساعي الغُرُّ في قَدرِ الوَرى
فَلِذاكَ نَحنُ نَظُنُّ يَقظَتَنا كَرى
2. It shows our eyes merits not seen
in both worlds, nor does one see.
٢. تُبدي لِأَعيُنِنا فَضائِلَ ما رَأَت
أَمثالَها في العالَمينَ وَلا تَرى
3. Your supreme merits have become evident,
unquestioned in truthfulness and praise unexaggerated.
٣. وَضَحَت لَنا فَعَلاؤُها لا يُمتَرى
في صِدقِهِ وَثَناؤُها لا يُفتَرى
4. You had asked about its secrets,
so I became since you brought me near, informed.
٤. قَد كُنتَ عَن مَكنونِها مُستَخبِراً
فَغَدَوتُ مُذ قَرَّبتَني مُستَخبَرا
5. I wished my days with you be years
and my short hours be months,
٥. فَوَدِدتُ أَيّامي تَكونُ لَدَيكَ أَع
واماً وَساعاتي القَصيرَةَ أَشهُرا
6. to see and hear each glance
that pleases a listener and stuns a beholder.
٦. لِأَرى وَأَسمَعَ كُلَّ لَحظَةِ ناظِرٍ
ما راقَ مُستَمِعاً وَأَذهَلَ مَنظَرا
7. O you whose fame when people spread,
fills the world with a fragrance surpassing ambergris.
٧. يا مَن إِذا نَشَرَ الأَنامُ حَديثَهُ
مَلَأَ الدُنا عَرفاً يَفوقُ العَنبَرا
8. When it spreads in the farthest countries, then
Syria has been, through your presence, perfumed.
٨. إِن فاحَ في أَقصى البِلادِ فَبَعدَ أَن
أَضحى الشَآمُ بِطَرفِهِ مُتَعَطِّرا
9. Until we found its scent and soil
aloes wood and yellow musk.
٩. حَتّى لَخِلنا دَوحَهُ وَتُرابَهُ
عوداً قَمارِيّاً وَمِسكاً أَذفَرا
10. You who carried red banners as
the daring of wars used to carry them forward.
١٠. مَن أَصدَرَ الراياتِ حُمراً مِثلَما
أَصدَرتَها غِبَّ الحُروبِ تَصَدَّرا
11. And the clothes of glorification befit one
who wearies if he wears coats of mail.
١١. وَمَلابِسُ التَعظيمِ لائِقَةٌ بِمَن
يُعيِي إِذا لَبِسَ العَجاجَ الأَكدَرا
12. Were it not for your justice and events plentiful,
guidance would have perished from those who abandoned its reins.
١٢. لَولا اِنصِلاتُكَ وَالحَوادِثُ جَمَّةٌ
لَغَدا الهُدى مِمّا عَرا واهي العُرى
13. Through you the Beneficent supported the externals of His religion,
and by the edge of your sword aids one requesting aid.
١٣. بِكَ أَيَّدَ الرَحمَنُ ظاهِرَ دينِهِ
وَبِحَدِّ سَيفِكَ يَنصُرُ المُستَنصِرا
14. And whenever bands terrify, you divide them
between death and life, rending them asunder.
١٤. وَمَتى تُخيفُ عَصائِبٌ قَسَّمتَها
بَينَ المَنايا وَالرَزايا اِشطُرا
15. You subdued those who used to tuck up
their garments in wars - now relaxing.
١٥. ذَلَّلتَهُم فَلِذاكَ أَرخى ذَيلَهُ
مَن كانَ قِدماً لِلحُروبِ مُشَمِّرا
16. And brought them poverty until they resembled
Ma'n in little wealth.
١٦. وَمَنَيتَهُم بِالفَقرِ حَتّى أَشبَهَت
في قِلَّةِ الإِثراءِ مَعنٌ بُحتُرا
17. Had other than you attempted frightening their herds,
even deaf rocks would have been frightened.
١٧. وَلَوَ اِنَّ غَيرَكَ رامَ ذُعرَ سَوامِهِم
لَأَبى لَها صُمُّ القَنا أَن تُذعَرا
18. Until when the darkness of turmoil turned from them
and he of insight saw your guidance,
١٨. حَتّى إِذا ما أَقلَعَت ظُلَمُ الوَغى
عَنهُم وَأَبصَرَ رُشدَهُ مَن أَبصَرا
19. they sought refuge in your rule submissively, to be safe
from evil, imploring you for forgiveness that you may forgive.
١٩. عاذوا بِمُلكِكَ خاضِعينَ لِيَأمَنوا
صَرفَ الرَدى وَاِستَغفَروكَ لِتَغفِرا
20. You refused until you found none to replace
and forgave until you left none asking forgiveness.
٢٠. فَمَنَعتَ حَتّى لَم تَجِد مُستَبدِلاً
وَغَفَرتَ حَتّى لَم تَدَع مُستَغفِرا
21. They turned back, having cast off the trappings of their steeds
and they came, deprived of their embroidered gowns.
٢١. وَلَّوا وَقَد أَلقَوا أَعِنَّةَ خَيلِهِم
وَأَتَوا وَقَد سُلِبَت قِلاصُهُمُ البُرى
22. And whenever they plucked the fruits of your promise and transgressed,
they found your threat like your promise, bearing fruit.
٢٢. وَمَتى جَنَوا ثَمَراتِ وَعدِكَ وَاِعتَدَوا
أَلفَوا وَعيدَكَ مِثلَ وَعدِكَ مُثمِرا
23. Therefore, let the wolves fear in their deserts
a lion whose anger has flared, the lion of evil.
٢٣. فَلتَحذَرِ الذُؤبانُ في فَلَواتِها
أَسَداً تَحامَت سُخطَهُ أُسدُ الشَرى
24. And a victorious one whose determination
guaranteed he won't bring forward one who lags behind.
٢٤. وَمُظَفَّراً كَفَلَت لَهُ عَزَماتُهُ
أَن لا يُقَدِّمَ هَمُّهُ مَن أَخَّرا
25. Son of Jarrah called you while turning away
from that which he fears other than your pardon.
٢٥. إِنَّ اِبنَ جَرّاحٍ دَعاكَ وَمالَهُ
مِمّا يُحاذِرُ غَيرَ عَفوِكَ مُدَّرا
26. So respond to the call of the eminent father - for long
another called him submissively but he disdained.
٢٦. فَأَجِب نِداءَ أَبي النَدى فَلَطالَما
ناداهُ غَيرُكَ خاضِعاً فَاِستَكبَرا
27. And favor him, fulfilling his hopes,
as a generosity, for all game is in the belly of the hunter.
٢٧. وَاِمنُن عَلَيهِ مُحَقِّقاً آمالَهُ
كَرَماً فَكُلُّ الصَيدِ في جَوفِ الفَرا
28. No belt of his would be heavier, had he
foreseen from his affair what transpired.
٢٨. ما كانَ أَثقَبَ زَندَهُ لَو أَنَّهُ
مُستَقبِلٌ مِن أَمرِهِ ما اِستَدبَرا
29. He left countries after entering them
and soon you will praise, if you pardon, the source.
٢٩. خَلّى بِلاداً بَعدَ ذَمِّ وُرودِها
وَلَسَوفَ يَحمَدُ إِن عَفَوتَ المَصدَرا
30. Since he saw the courtyards of all the kingdoms
as dust, he remembered the radiant presence.
٣٠. مُذ راءَ أَفنِيَةَ المَمالِكِ كُلِّها
غُبراً تَذَكَّرَ ذا الجَنابِ الأَخضَرا
31. So he cried and your hope made him laugh, and none
saw other than him crying yet smiling.
٣١. فَبَكى وَأَضحَكَهُ الرَجاءُ فَما رَأَت
عَينٌ سِواهُ ضاحِكاً مُستَعبِرا
32. The steeds rested since you stopped them
seeking the enemy, galloping and neighing.
٣٢. قَرَّت جِيادُ الخَيلِ مُنذُ كَفَيتَها
طَلَبَ العَدُوِّ مُغَلِّساً وَمُهَجِّرا
33. So the one who does not rest his steeds rested them,
until they stirred the ground of every land.
٣٣. فَأَراحَها مَن لا يُريحُ جِيادَهُ
حَتّى تُثيرَ بِكُلِّ أَرضٍ عِثيرا
34. Until they were girded though they were girded
for a day of battle, they would be resolute.
٣٤. حَتّى لَقيدَت بُدَّناً وَلَوَ اِنَّها
قيدَت لِيَومِ وَغىً لَقيدَت ضُمَّرا
35. Of every chestnut that had not been
covered with it before, biting the tongue.
٣٥. مِن كُلِّ أَشقَرَ لَم يَكُن مِن قَبلِ أَن
تَغشى بِهِ وَخزَ الأَسِنَّةِ أَشقَرا
36. Followed by a bay that was for a time
clad in what the bright fire enkindles.
٣٦. يَتلوهُ أَدهَمُ كانَ وَرداً بُرهَةً
مِمّا تُسَربِلُهُ النَجيعَ الأَحمَرا
37. Black in the darkness, shining in its shadows,
so its beholder deems it a moonlit night.
٣٧. داجٍ وَيُشرِقُ مِن ضِياءِ حُجولِهِ
فَيَخالُهُ رائيهِ لَيلاً مُقمِرا
38. And behind them are horses as though their skins
were woven in Constantinople or Ctesiphon.
٣٨. وَوَراءَهُ خَيلٌ كَأَنَّ جُلودَها
مِن نَسجِ قُسطَنطينَةٍ أَو عَبقَرا
39. You have presented to your Prophet platforms
that exhaust kings preceding and succeeding.
٣٩. لَقَدِ اِنتَحَيتَ لِمُصطَفيكَ مَنائِحاً
تُعيي المُلوكَ مُقَدَّماً وَمُؤَخَّرا
40. From some of what your spear took from the foe -
this is not of what is sold and bought.
٤٠. مِن بَعضِ ما سَلَبَت قَناكَ مِنَ العِدى
ما هَذِهِ مِمّا يُباعُ وَيُشتَرى
41. And the whole of ignorance used to see
slitting the throat of a prisoner as munificence when a tribe was dishonored.
٤١. وَالجاهِلِيَّةُ كُلُّها كانَت تَرى
عَقرَ القَلوصِ نَدىً إِذا المَحلُ اِعتَرى
42. For in their time, even if they witnessed yours,
they would not have deemed gambling licit.
٤٢. إِذ لَم تَكُن في عَصرِهِم وَلَوَ اِنَّهُم
شَهِدوا زَمانَكَ ما اِستَحَلّوا المَيسِرا
43. And it sufficed them to slit the throat of a prisoner -
a bestowal with precious pearls most generous.
٤٣. وَكَفاهُمُ عَقرَ القَلوصِ مُمَلَّكٌ
بِعَطِيَّةِ الدُرَرِ الثَمينَةِ موفِرا
44. And you spread from exposing injustices a death
that no aspirant hoped would be exposed.
٤٤. وَنَشَرتَ مِن كَشفِ المَظالِمِ مَيتَةً
ما كانَ يَأمُلُ آمِلٌ أَن تُنشَرا
45. So by your rule the wrist of justice prevailed
and by fear of you the wrist of tyranny bent.
٤٥. فَوَرى بِحُكمِكَ زَندُ عَدلٍ قَد كَبا
وَكَبا لِخَوفِكَ زَندُ جَورٍ قَد وَرى
46. And you terminated the injustice of the unjust, so one who
used to walk with pride now walks groveling.
٤٦. وَحَسَمتَ ظُلمَ الظالِمينَ فَعادَ مَن
يَمشي العِرَضنَةَ وَهوَ يَمشي القَهقَرى
47. So injustice - one who did not eliminate it, eliminated it.
And right - one who denied it, confessed to it.
٤٧. فَالجَورُ قَد أَلغاهُ مَن لَم يُلغِهِ
وَالحَقُّ مُعتَرِفٌ بِهِ مَن أَنكَرا
48. The victorious was created with virtues and continence,
glory, goodly mention - ever triumphant.
٤٨. خُلِقَ المُظَفَّرُ بِالفَضائِلِ وَالنُهى
وَالمَجدِ وَالذِكرِ الجَميلِ مُظَفَّرا
49. A grandfather who aids him in possessing the heights -
a father, when the difficult is sought, it is facilitated.
٤٩. جَدٌّ يُشايِعُهُ عَلى حَوزِ العُلى
جِدٌّ إِذا طَلَبَ العَسيرَ تَيَسَّرا
50. And it is the heights - your father does not possess except
one whose origin is fragrant and whose lineage is noble.
٥٠. وَهِيَ العُلى وَأَبيكَ لَيسَ يَحوزُها
مَن لَم يَطِب أَصلاً وَيَكرُم عُنصُرا
51. The Turks are a people except that they
are stronger and firmer in adversity, crushing it.
٥١. وَالتُركُ بَعضُ الناسِ إِلّا أَنَّهُم
أَقوى وَأَصلَبُ في الكَريهَةِ مَكسِرا
52. And a spring is like an artery except that this one
gushes from the meadows while that one gushes from the ground.
٥٢. وَالنَبعُ كَالشَريانِ إِلّا أَنَّ ذا
نَبتُ الوِهادِ وَذاكَ نَبتٌ في الذُرى
53. Your peer seeking his goal is successful,
but when the lesser clashes with the great!
٥٣. باغي نَظيرِكَ فائِزٌ بِمُرادِهِ
لَكِن إِذا اِلتَقَتِ الثُرَيّا وَالثَرى
54. You are the feast of the Muslims, for they did not see
from you a single day deprived of the heights' meadows.
٥٤. فَلَأَنتَ عيدُ المُسلِمينَ فَلا رَأَوا
رَبعَ المَعالي مِنكَ يَوماً مُقفِرا
55. Calling you watered the meadow of my poetry, flourishing,
until it became, as you see it, illuminated.
٥٥. وَنَداكَ رَوّى رَوضَ شِعري بارِضاً
حَتّى لَصارَ كَما تَراهُ مُنَوِّرا
56. So may your glory make every defective meadow thrive,
which your favors guaranteed against barrenness.
٥٦. فَليَرعَ مَجدُكَ مِنهُ كُلَّ خَميلَةٍ
كَفَلَت لَها نُعماكَ أَلّا تُمعِرا
57. You do not see the meadow fresh and vibrant
unless where you see the writhing serpent.
٥٧. وَالرَوضُ لَستَ تَراهُ أَبلَجَ ناضِراً
إِلّا بِحَيثُ تَرى الحَيا مُثعَنجَرا
58. I found you the crown of every ruler
so I clothed this crown with this gem.
٥٨. إِنّي وَجَدتُكَ تاجَ كُلِّ مُمَلَّكٍ
فَكَسَوتُ هَذا التاجَ هَذا الجَوهَرا
59. And even if I, though I do not, let flow
a pen in praise of other than you it would not flow.
٥٩. وَلَوَ اِنَّني أُجري وَلَستُ بِفاعِلٍ
قَلَماً بِمَدحٍ في سِواكَ لَما جَرى
60. Or if I plunged outside your sea I would not be
a extractor of this carefully selected pearl.
٦٠. أَو كُنتُ غائِصَ غَيرَ بَحرِكَ لَم أَكُن
مُستَخرِجاً ذا اللُؤلُؤَ المُتَخَيِّرا