1. None before you in time gone by
Put deeds before words, nor mounted high.
١. ما كانَ قَبلَكَ في الزَمانِ الخالي
مَن يَسبِقُ الأَقوالَ بِالأَفعالِ
2. Then you came and sufficed with your glory,
Silencing question and hope's allegory.
٢. حَتّى أَتَيتَ مِنِ اِرتِياحِكَ ما كَفى
ذُلَّ السُؤالِ وَخَيبَةَ الآمالِ
3. Not content with the honor you inherited,
You matched high with higher and carried.
٣. لَم يَكفِكَ الشَرَفُ الَّذي وُرِّثتَهُ
حَتّى شَفَعتَ مَعالِياً بِمَعالي
4. Renewing the ways of Barmak's line,
Giving in hardship what pardon declined.
٤. وَنَسَختَ سيرَةَ آلِ بَرمَكَ مُنعِماً
في الشَدِّ ما عَفّى عَلى الإِرقالِ
5. They gave in plenty and worldly things,
Not what you give in your winnowings.
٥. أَعطَوا مِنَ الإِكثارِ وَالدُنيا لَهُم
دونَ الَّذي تُعطي مِنَ الإِقلالِ
6. They made asking the way and means,
While seekers throng to you for no means.
٦. وَعَلَوا بِأَن جَعَلوا السُؤالَ وَسيلَةً
وَنَداكَ مُنهَمِرٌ بِغَيرِ سُؤالِ
7. By your duty you came with no peer in the world,
A high model built with no former.
٧. وَبَواجِبٍ أَن أَعدَمَتكَ مِنَ الوَرى
مَثَلاً عُلىً بُنِيَت بِغَيرِ مِثالِ
8. Saving her from slur, untruth and ferment
And guarding her glory in grace and betterment.
٨. حامَيتَ عَنها بِالنَزاهَةِ وَالنَدى
وَحَمَيتَها بِالفَضلِ وَالإِفضالِ
9. Skilled in war and giving, belying thereby
In her the coward's and miser's lie.
٩. وَمَهَرتَها بَأساً وَجوداً كَذَّبا
فيها مُنى الجُبَناءِ وَالبُخّالِ
10. Aspiring men tried for her hand,
But you attained her, their goals as sand.
١٠. حاوَلتَها قِدماً وَكُلٌّ عاشِقٌ
وَبَلَغتَ غايَتَها وَكُلٌّ سالِ
11. Her ways were distant save for your feet,
Her bridal gifts out of others' reach.
١١. طُرُقاتُها إِلّا لَدَيكَ بَعيدَةٌ
وَمُهورُها إِلّا عَلَيكَ غَوالِ
12. They looked on her from valley's floor,
While you came down from a prospect more.
١٢. نَظَروا إِلَيها مِن حَضيضٍ هابِطٍ
وَأَتَيتَها مِن مَرقَبٍ مُتَعالِ
13. By resolve and concision you guarded her from
All that they thought by default to strengthen.
١٣. وَحَرَستَ بِالإِنجازِ وَالإيجازِ ما
راموهُ بِالإِمهالِ وَالإِهمالِ
14. And had they been earnest and keen, your own
Sincerity foiled them, their efforts thrown.
١٤. وَلَوَ اِنَّهُم جُدّوا وَجَدّوا فاتَهُم
جَدٌّ عُرِفتَ بِهِ وَجِدٌّ عالِ
15. When men of your day aspire to such extent,
Where are the resolute ones from frailer bent?
١٥. وَمَتى يُحاوِلُ أَهلُ عَصرِكَ ذا المَدى
أَينَ الثِمادُ مِنَ الحَيا الهَطّالِ
16. You paid high prices for praise, then gave
More when they sought eulogy for nought and wave.
١٦. أَجزَلتَ أَثمانَ المَديحِ وَزِدتَهُ
لَمّا بَغَوا حَمداً بِغَيرِ نَوالِ
17. When you don new raiment of acclaim,
They rest content with old robe and name.
١٧. فَإِذا لَبِستَ مِنَ الثَناءِ مَلابِساً
جُدُداً رَضوا بِمَلابِسٍ أَسمالِ
18. And when they attain not the highest place,
They lean on uncle and cousin's grace.
١٨. وَإِذا هُمُ لَم يَبلُغوا شَأوَ العُلى
عَدَلوا إِلى الأَعمامِ وَالأَخوالِ
19. They wasted her then sought to guard
One far nobler under the dust's shard.
١٩. هُم ضَيَّعوها ثُمَّ راموا حِفظَها
مِن أَعظُمٍ تَحتَ التُرابِ بَوالِ
20. God chose Mohammed from your midst,
Still guarded by his noblest kin.
٢٠. خَصَّ الإِلَهُ مُحَمَّداً مِن بَينِكُم
لا زالَ مَحروساً بِأَكرَمِ آلِ
21. Your origin from a musky clay,
When He created men from base metal and clay.
٢١. وَبَراكُمُ مِن طينَةٍ مِسكِيَّةٍ
لَمّا بَرى ذا الخَلقَ مِن صَلصالِ
22. The Prophet's father is foremost of his kin,
Not like other brethren and their origin.
٢٢. وَأَبو الرَسولِ فَجَدُّكُم أَولى بِهِ
مِن دونِ إِخوَتِهِ بِلا إِشكالِ
23. How can he share in an uncle, but not
Share in an uncle and a father in allot?
٢٣. أَنّى يَكونُ شَريكُهُ في عَمِّهِ
كَشَريكِهِ في عَمِّهِ وَالخالِ
24. Banu Al Ala traced from him too far,
As Chapter Al Anfal settles that bar.
٢٤. نَسَبٌ بَنو العَلّاتِ عَنهُ بِمَعزِلٍ
وَبِذاكَ تَقضي سورَةُ الأَنفالِ
25. Lofty spirits rose with the dynasty's pride,
Attaining utmost glory and wide.
٢٥. شَمَخَت بِفَخرِ الدَولَةِ الهِمَمُ الَّتي
حازَت مَدى الإِعظامِ وَالإِجلالِ
26. Of generous disposition it holds,
Foiling the mean ones' hopes andfolds.
٢٦. رَحبُ الجَنابِ تَضَمَّنَت آلاؤُهُ
فَوزَ العُفاةِ وَخَيبَةَ العُذّالِ
27. When bounties seem to reach an end,
At his hand strange graces descend.
٢٧. فَإِذا تُمَلُّ المَكرُماتُ فَعِندَهُ
لَغَرائِبُ الإِحسانِ وَالإِجمالِ
28. Loyal in ties, no break in affection,
Pleased with no discontent and true selection.
٢٨. وَصلٌ بِغَيرِ قَطيعَةٍ وَرِضىً بِغَي
رِ تَسَخُّطٍ وَهَوىً بِغَيرِ مَلالِ
29. Sword blades shine when burnished by fights,
And minds shine when burnished by rights.
٢٩. يَبدو فِرِندُ السَيفِ بَعدَ صِقالِهِ
وَفِرِندُهُ بادٍ بِغَيرِ صِقالِ
30. Living by the eulogy of its youth,
Traces that revive the languid, the uncouth.
٣٠. وَحَياً لِصَيِّبِهِ بِكُلِّ ثَنِيَّةٍ
أَثَرٌ يَعيشُ بِهِ الهَشيمُ البالي
31. No wealth is safe from the grasp of his hand,
Can allotment be safe from the ruler's command?
٣١. لا تَأمَنُ الأَموالُ بَطشَ هِباتِهِ
هَل يَأمَنُ المَصروفُ بَطشَ الوالي
32. How oft a hope nursed in the heart's nest,
Only to be severed from the breast!
٣٢. كَم أَرضَعَت أَمَلاً شَكا إِجرارَهُ
دَرَّ النَوالِ وَلَم يُرَع بِفِصالِ
33. To seek from others is seeking
Mirage water with dreaming.
٣٣. وَمُريدُها مِن غَيرِهِ كَمُطالِبٍ
عَيرَ الفَلاةِ بِصَولَةِ الريبالِ
34. Yet best people after Mohammed
Are fiercest in battle furnace flamed.
٣٤. لَكِنَّ خَيرَ الناسِ بَعدَ مُحَمَّدٍ
وَأَشَدَّهُم بَأساً بِكُلِّ نِزالِ
35. In you, my nights were done when gone long,
The water unclear now limpid and strong.
٣٥. بِكَ لا اِنطَوَت عَنّا ظِلالَكَ أُنجِزَت
عِدَةُ اللَيالي بَعدَ طولِ مِطالِ
36. Time is ever derelict since you subdued it,
As days go by distanced from misdeed.
٣٦. وَبِقُربِكَ اِنقَشَعَت غَمائِمُ لَم يَزَل
ماءُ الحَياةِ بِهِنَّ غَيرَ زُلالِ
37. How oft were hopes denied by fate,
In the plunder of joys winds abate!
٣٧. فَالدَهرُ مِن تِلكَ المَساوي عاطِلٌ
مُذ ذُدتَهُ وَبِذي المَحاسِنِ حالي
38. Your word was matched by deed, leaving no glory
To words or claims of vainglory.
٣٨. كَم غَرَّتِ الآمالُ مِن تَكذيبِها
فَأَعَرتَها في سائِماتِ المالِ
39. Yours are resolves, nothing replaces,
What roaming dunes hold or far oases.
٣٩. وَسَبَقتَ قَولَكَ بِالفَعالِ وَلَم تَدَع
شَرَفاً لِقَوّالٍ وَلا فَعّالِ
40. With death blows you clarified for seekers,
The ways of right and error's beacons.
٤٠. وَلَكَ العَزائِمُ لا يَقومُ مَقامَها
ما في البَسيطَةِ مِن ظُبىً وَعَوالي
41. They craved your gifts but none could reach
A droplet of that distant beach.
٤١. وَمَنائِحٌ كَسَبَت مَدائِحَ هَدَّمَت
ما شادَتِ الأَقوالِ لِلأَقيالِ
42. You made me needless of them, as a staff
Of branches makes a lost one laugh.
٤٢. فَاِفخَر فَإِنَّكَ غُرَّةٌ في أُسرَةٍ
ذَهَبوا بِكُلِّ نَباهَةٍ وَجَلالِ
43. Long their ties aspired to my hands,
But my right and left made unclasped stands.
٤٣. تَتَزَلزَلُ الدُنيا إِذا غَضِبوا فَإِن
بَلَغوا الرِضى أَمِنَت مِنَ الزِلزالِ
44. And I see the rhymes - such innovations! -
Yet thanks for creating go to you, my patience.
٤٤. نُزُلٌ عَلى حُكمِ الرَجاءِ وَأَهلِهِ
حَتّى إِذا دَعَتِ الكُماةُ نَزالِ
45. No blame if they fall short, having carried
Burdens heavy, tiring, harried.
٤٥. سَبَقوا السُروجَ مُسارِعينَ إِلى قَرى
ذَيّالَةٍ جَرداءَ أَو ذَيّالِ
46. You honored them, so wide is their Lord's clemency,
If they come to you devoid of urgency.
٤٦. حَتّى إِذا طارَت بِهِم مُقوَّرَةً
شَرُفَ الوَجيهُ بِها وَذو العُقّالِ
47. Long forbidden, since your tie inaugurated,
I made them lawful, though night purple-belated.
٤٧. خَلَعوا عَلى الإِصباحِ أَردِيَةَ الدُجى
وَتَغَشمَروا الأَهوالَ بِالأَهوالِ
48. As if the hand that brought them in dawn's candle
Mixed hot with cool and kindled.
٤٨. وَإِذا اِمتَطَوها في نِزالٍ خِلتَهُم
آسادَ غابٍ في ظُهورِ رِئالِ
49. From all who dwell or roam the land,
The far and wide of every stretch and band,
٤٩. ما أَورَدوها قَطُّ إِلّا أُصدِرَت
جَرحى الصُدورِ سَليمَةَ الأَكفالِ
50. Unique in attributes but few
In likenesses, this ageBeing shy or obscure fails as their excuse,
٥٠. أُسدٌ إِذا صالوا صُقورٌ إِن عَلَوا
وَلَرُبَّما كَمَنوا كُمونَ صِلالِ
51. That a beauty be described as shy or obtuse.
If others bring their poor ones,
٥١. لُدٌّ إِذا شوسُ الكُماةِ تَجالَدوا
وَتَجادَلوا بِالضَربِ أَيَّ جِدالِ
52. I but yawn, though night's daughters and sons.
Some are clowns and mimes,
٥٢. لا عِزَّ إِلّا كَسبُ أَبيَضَ صارِمٍ
ماضي الشَبا أَو أَسمَرٍ عَسّالِ
53. And some words hecklers and mimes.
You honored them, so vaster their thanks swell,
٥٣. لا ما يُسَوِّلُهُ وَيُبعِدُ نَيلَهُ
حِرصُ الحَريصِ وَحيلَةُ المُحتالِ
54. Should they come, tardy and slow to excell.
No shapes or riddles trouble their pure frame,
٥٤. قَد سَدَّدَت عَزَماتُهُم أَرماحَهُم
حَتّى عَرَفنَ مَقاتِلَ الأَقيالِ
55. Yet loss alludes; is this to be blamed?
If others come with their little rhymes,
٥٥. وَإِذا اِنجَلَت عَنهُم دَياجيرُ الوَغى
عَدَلوا بِقَتلِهِمُ إِلى الأَموالِ
56. I frown though night's daughters and sons.
Some are clowns and mimes,
٥٦. فَلَهُم بِكُلِّ مَفازَةٍ مَرّوا بِها
آثارُ صَوبِ المُزنِ في الإِمحالِ
57. And some words hecklers and crimes.
Long you clarified the verse craft's course,
٥٧. عَمري لَقَد فاتوا الأَنامَ وَفُتَّهُم
في كُلِّ يَومِ نَدىً وَيَومِ نِضالِ
58. Making cheap the speech once held choice.
They craved your gifts but none could reach
٥٨. بِطَرائِقٍ أَبطَلتَ مُذ أَوضَحتَها
لِلسالِكينَ مَعاذِرَ الضُلّالِ
59. A droplet of that distant beach.
You spared me their need, as a staff
٥٩. أَلّا اِهتَدَوا بِكَ في المَكارِمِ مِثلَما
هُدِيَ الوَرى بِأَبيكَ بَعدَ ضَلالِ
60. Of branches makes the lost one laugh.
And long their ties aspired to my hands,
٦٠. ثَقُلَت وَإِن خَفَّت عَلَيكَ فَأَصبَحَت
في الخافِقَينِ عَزيزَةَ الحُمّالِ
61. But my right and left made unclasped stands.
I view the rhymes - such innovations! -
٦١. أَمّا الصِيامُ فَقَد أَظَلَّكَ شَهرُهُ
مُستَعصِماً بِذَراكَ غَيرَ مُذالِ
62. Yet thanks for creating go to you, my patience.
No blame if they fall short, having carried
٦٢. كَم زارَ غَيرَكَ وَهوَ مُغضٍ سادِمٌ
وَأَتاكَ يَمشي مِشيَةَ المُختالِ
63. Burdens heavy, tiring, harried.
You honored them, so vaster their thanks swell,
٦٣. وَقَّرتَهُ لَمّا أَتى وَإِذا مَضى
أَوقَرتَهُ مِن صالِحِ الأَعمالِ
64. Should they come, tardy and slow to excell.
No shapes or riddles trouble their frame,
٦٤. فَبَقيتَ مَحروسَ الفِناءِ مُهَنَّأً
في سائِرِ الأَعوامِ وَالأَحوالِ
65. Though loss alludes; is this to blame?
Your sky poured on me, no rain supplicated,
٦٥. ما دامَ شَعبانٌ يَجيءُ أَمامَهُ
أَبَداً وَما أَفضى إِلى شَوّالِ
66. Except it was successive, unsated.
I roamed in meadows limpid at heart,
٦٦. لا أَرتَجي خَلقاً سِواكَ لِأَنَّني
مَن لا يَبيعُ حَقيقَةً بِمُحالِ
67. Entrusted to kin, ne'er distant or apart.
You showed me home status brings disgrace,
٦٧. لا دَرَّ دَرُّ مَطامِعي إِن نَكَّبَت
بَحراً وَأَفضَت بي إِلى أَوشالِ
68. While honor is in travel's race.
After some fates bent my pride and comrades,
٦٨. فَمَتى أَمُدُّ يَدي إِلى طَلَبٍ وَقَد
أَثرَيتُ مِن جاهٍ لَدَيكَ وَمالِ
69. I chose your gift over mean mouths' dictates.
I sought of it pearls to hoard,
٦٩. صَدَّقتَ ظَنّي فيكَ ثُمَّتَ زِدتَني
ما لَيسَ يَخطُرُ لِلرَجاءِ بِبالِ
70. And ignored what leads to the slavecord.
You fulfilled my expectation, then redoubled
٧٠. وَسَنَنتَ لي طُرُقَ الثَناءِ بِأَنعُمٍ
واصَلنَ بِالغَدَواتِ وَالآصالِ
71. What imagination never troubled.
You pioneered the roads to praise for me,
٧١. فَإِذا المَعالي أَعجَزَت رُوّادَها
مِن بَعدِ طولِ تَطَلُّبٍ وَكَلالِ
72. With gifts succeeded by gifts continually.
When the lofty defeated the seekers,
٧٢. ذَلَّلتَ جامِحَها بِغَيرِ شَكيمَةٍ
وَحَبَستَ شارِدَها بِغَيرِ عِقالِ
73. After long quest and its bleakness.
You tamed the recalcitrant without force,
٧٣. إِلّا بِإِهدائي المَديحَ لِحَضرَةٍ
أَعدَت غَرائِبُ مَجدِها أَقوالي
74. And stopped the wanderers without recourse,
Save offering you eulogy's diction,
٧٤. فَجَليلُها مُتَعالَمٌ وَدَقيقُها
قَد أَلحَقَ العُلَماءَ بِالجُهّالِ
75. That made my songs' concepts fruition.
So lofty and profound it made wisdom's stars
٧٥. جادَت سَماؤُكَ لي وَما اِستَسقَيتُها
بِالغَيثِ إِلّا أَنَّهُ مُتَوالِ
76. Join ignorance' children in learning's cars.
Your sky poured on me, no rain beseeched,
٧٦. وَسَرَحتُ طَرفي في خِضَمٍّ ماؤُهُ
عَذبٌ وَكانَ مُوَكَّلاً بِالآلِ
77. Except it was successive, never breeched.
And I roamed in meadows limpid at heart,
٧٧. وَأَفَدتَني أَنَّ الإِقامَةَ لِلفَتى
ذُلٌّ وَأَنَّ العِزَّ في التَرحالِ
78. Entrusted to kin, from stranger and the far.
You showed the degradation in settled ways,
٧٨. مِن بَعدِ أَن كَلَّت وَذَلَّت إِذعَرا
بَعضُ الخُطوبِ صَوارِمي وَرِجالي
79. Honor being only in traveling days.
When some fate bent my spirit's pride,
٧٩. وَلَقَد تَخَيَّرتُ المَواهِبَ مُغرِباً
عَن وَصلِ ذي مِقَةٍ وَهِجرَةِ قالِ
80. I chose your gift, not the mean mouth's side.
I sought of your gift gems to hoard,
٨٠. فَبَغَيتُ مِنها ما يُعَدُّ قَلائِداً
وَصَدَفتُ عَمّا عُدَّ في الأَغلالِ
81. Not what leads to the slavecord.
You fulfilled my expectation, then redoubled
٨١. أَوضَحتَ لي نَهجَ القَريضِ بِنائِلٍ
رَخُصَت بِهِ فَقرُ الكَلامِ الغالي
82. What no imagination ever troubled.
You pioneered the roads of praise for me,
٨٢. فَهَمى عَلَيكَ وَكَم بَغاهُ مَعشَرٌ
لَم يَظفَروا مِن بَحرِهِ بِبِلالِ
83. With gifts succeeded endlessly.
When the lofty defeated the seekers' all,
٨٣. أَغنَيتَني عَنهُم كَما أَغنى القَنا
عِندَ الكَريهَةِ عَن عِصِيِّ الضالِ
84. After long vain quest and its pall.
You tamed the defiant without might,
٨٤. وَلَطالَما وَصَلَت يَدَيَّ صِلاتُهُم
فَأَبَت يَميني قَبضَها وَشِمالي
85. Stopped the wanderers without recourse or rite,
Save offering you eulogy's expression,
٨٥. وَأَرى القَوافِيَ إِن أَتَت بِبَدائِعٍ
فَالحَمدُ في إِبداعِها لَكَ لالي
86. That gave my songs' concepts fruition.
So lofty, profound, the wise men class
٨٦. لا لَومَ يَلزَمُها إِذا قَصَرَت خُطىً
مِن فَرطِ ما حَمَلَت مِنَ الأَثقالِ
87. Cannot know, with children, its compass.
Your sky poured on me, no rain beseeched,
٨٧. أَوقَرتَها مِنَناً فَأَوسِع رَبَّها
عُذراً إِذا جاءَتكَ غَيرَ عِجالِ
88. Except in succession, never breeched.
In meadows I roamed, their waters sweet,
٨٨. حَرَّمتُها زَمَناً فَمُنذُ خَطَبتَها
حَلَّلتُها وَالسِحرُ غَيرُ حَلالِ
89. Watched by your eye, from beyond's seat.
You showed me home disgraces the man,
٨٩. وَكَأَنَّ مُهدَيها غَداةَ أَتى بِها
مَزَجَ الشَمولَ بِبارِدٍ سَلسالِ
90. While honor is in the caravan.
When fate bent my soul's pride, somewhiles,
٩٠. مِن كُلِّ ثاوِيَةٍ لَدَيكَ مُقيمَةٍ
جَوّالَةٍ في الأَرضِ كُلَّ مَجالِ
91. I chose your gift, not the mean's wiles.
I sought of it gems to hoard and store,
٩١. وَكَثيرَةِ الأَمثالِ إِلّا أَنَّها
في ذا الزَمانِ قَليلَةُ الأَمثالِ
92. Not what leads to servitude's floor.
You fulfilled, then doubled expectation,
٩٢. لَم تُحشَ حوشِيَّ الكَلامِ فَقَد أَتَت
مَعدومَةَ الأَشكالِ وَالإِشكالِ
93. Beyond imagination's equation.
You paved praise's course, your gifts to draw,
٩٣. وَتَتيهُ إِدلالاً وَلَيسَ بِمُنكَرٍ
أَن توصَفَ الحَسناءُ بِالإِدلالِ
94. With visits graced, and gifts evermore.
When the lofty defeated the seekers,
٩٤. وَإِذا أَتى غَيري بِحَولِيّاتِهِ
أَربَت عَلَيها وَهيَ بِنتُ لَيالِ
95. After long travail and its meekness,
You tamed their colt without a rein,
٩٥. وَمِنَ الأَنامِ مُبَرِّزٌ وَمُبَهرَجٌ
وَمِنَ الكَلامِ جَنادِلٌ وَلَآلي