
Your status is higher than the status of the sun

محلك من محل الشمس أعلا

1. Your status is higher than the status of the sun
So has the rival despaired of reaching it or not?

١. مَحَلُّكَ مِن مَحَلِّ الشَمسِ أَعلا
فَهَل يَئِسَ المُنافِسُ فيهِ أَم لا

2. I did not doubt why he desired it
For he did not find the path to it easy

٢. وَما اِستَفهَمتُ شَكّاً لِم بَغاهُ
فَما وَجَدَ الطَريقَ إِلَيهِ سَهلا

3. You have set out to collect the best qualities
So you gained both the rival and the elevated

٣. ضَرَبتَ لِحَوزِ أَعشارِ المَعالي
فَكانَ لَكَ الرَقيبُ مَعَ المُعَلّا

4. An ambition carried you which brought you fame
And it carried the times while they were heedless

٤. سَمَت بِكَ هِمَّةٌ كَسَبَتكَ ذِكراً
وَسَمتَ بِها الزَمانَ وَكانَ غُفلا

5. So seek any position you wish, for I see
All are inferior in this glory to you

٥. فَطُل مَن شِئتَ مَنزِلَةً فَإِنّي
أَرى كُلّاً عَلى ذا المَجدِ كَلّا

6. You have ascended it while it rose high
And your dignity refused that an old man be brought near to it

٦. عَلَوتَ يَفاعَهُ يَفَعاً وَيَأبى
إِباؤُكَ أَن تُدانى فيهِ كَهلا

7. And after keenness, not after reluctance
One who lags behind vacates his position from you

٧. وَبَعدَ الحِرصِ لا بَعدَ التَواني
تَخَلّى عَن مَكانِكَ مَن تَخَلّا

8. To them, exertion was added to seeking
So their lagging behind was more evident

٨. أُضيفَ لَهُم إِلىالطَلَبِ اِجتِهادٌ
فَكانَ عَلى تَخَلُّفِهِم أَدَلّا

9. So do not try to undo resolves when they
Wish to untie your rope and add discord

٩. فَلا تَلحَوا عَزيماتٍ إِذا ما
أَرادَت نَقضَ حَبلِكَ زادَ فَتلا

10. So who can blame misfortunes for sin
When you cannot move the rough ground

١٠. فَمَن ذا يُلزِمُ النَكباءَ ذَنباً
إِذا لَم تَستَطِع لِلهِضبِ نَقلا

11. Are you not the son of the most high whose generosity
The sky of glory poured forth copiously?

١١. أَلَستَ اِبنَ الأُلى جادَت ثَراهُم
سَماءُ المَجدِ تَسكاباً وَهَطلا

12. When hope descended on them they removed
"Perhaps" from their words and "maybe"

١٢. إِذا نَزَلَ الرَجاءُ بِهِم أَزالوا
عَسى مِن قَولِهِم وَنَفَوا لَعَلّا

13. They gained pride with wealth by giving generously
To its seeker and with dignity by being stingy

١٣. أَفادوا الفَخرَ بِالأَموالِ جوداً
لِطالِبِها وَبِالأَعراضِ بُخلا

14. Hardships were placed in the meadow of sublime qualities
It grazed them loudly and grazed them silently

١٤. مَصاعِبُ بُوِّئَت رَوضَ المَعالي
رَعَتهُ مُصَوِّحاً وَرَعَتهُ بَقلا

15. In a land that produced vines and valor
Glory harvested it, not vile people and vulgarity

١٥. بِأَرضٍ أَنبَتَت كَرَماً وَبَأساً
جَناهُ العِزُّ لا نَشَماً وَرُغلا

16. They transcended the time of life so they were not transcended
And they transcended fate by obeying it so it was humiliated

١٦. سَمَوا زَمَنَ الحَياةِ فَلَم يُسامَوا
وَساموا الدَهرَ طاعَتَهُم فَذَلّا

17. They disappeared on immaculate pages that
The ages did not make disappear by reciting them

١٧. وَغابوا في صَفائِحَ لَم تُغَيَّب
صَحائِفَ ما أَقامَ الدَهرُ تُتلا

18. Sublime ones that the times were adorned with but
Were not adorned with qualities like your glory

١٨. عُلىً حَلِيَ الزَمانُ بِها وَلَكِن
بِمِثلِ صِفاتِ مَجدِكَ ما تَحَلّا

19. Your ransom is a world in which you left
No frightened one from calamities nor abased one

١٩. فِداؤُكَ عالَمٌ لَم تُبقِ فيهِم
مَروعاً بِالخُطوبِ وَلا مُقِلّا

20. When they sought refuge in your generosity, you poured generosity
And when they sought refuge in your forbearance, you poured justice

٢٠. إِذا لاذوا بِجودِكَ فِضتَ جوداً
وَإِن عاذوا بِحِلمِكَ فِضتَ عَدلا

21. So O most faithful of kings in protection and forbearance
And most pleasant in scent and praise and origin

٢١. فَيا أَوفى المُلوكِ حِجىً وَحِلماً
وَأَطيَبَهُم نَدىً وَثَناً وَأَصلا

22. And most humble when your heart prays
And bravest when the swords clash

٢٢. وَأَخشَعَهُم إِذا صَلّى فُؤاداً
وَأَشجَعَهُم إِذا ما السَيفُ صَلّا

23. He who cares for us is a benign master
So honor the master and the one who has mastery

٢٣. لَقَد وَلّا كَنا مَولىً رَؤوفٌ
فَأَكرِم بِالمُوَلّي وَالمُوَلّى

24. Since you arrived in this city, clouds that
Gathered fear have scattered and fallen apart

٢٤. فَمُنذُ حَلَلتَ ذا البَلَدَ اِستَقَلَّت
غَمائِمُ ضُمِّنَت خَوفاً وَمَحلا

25. You did not burden yourself with any sin in it
Nor burden your honor with any weight

٢٥. وَما حَمَّلتَ نَفسَكَ فيهِ وِزراً
وَلا حَمَّلتَ عِزَّكَ فيهِ ثِقلا

26. And you ignored any craving
As if you were, in generosity, hearing dispraise

٢٦. وَكُلُّ سِعايَةٍ أَعرَضتَ عَنها
كَأَنَّكَ سامِعٌ في الجودِ عَذلا

27. You strove and overcame prevention
You made easy and poured abundant generosity

٢٧. حَمَيتَ مُشَمِّراً وَقَهَرتَ مَنعاً
وَجُدتَ مُيَسِّراً فَغَمَرتَ بَذلا

28. In a land that if others than you ruled it
The mighty would not have left the lowly

٢٨. بِأَرضٍ لَو عَداكَ الحُكمُ فيها
لَما تَرَكَ الأَعَزُّ بِها الأَذَلّا

29. He who adheres to piety in words and deeds
God assumes protection of what he adhered to

٢٩. وَمَن لَزِمَ التُقى قَولاً وَفِعلاً
تَوَلّى اللَهُ عِصمَةَ ما تَوَلّى

30. I saw your decisive sword cutting
When it spilled prohibited blood

٣٠. رَأَيتُ حُسامُكَ الحاكيكَ قَطعاً
إِذا سَفَكَ الدَمَ المَمنوعَ طُلّا

31. And your wealth never spilled unlawful blood
And how much rationality and composure you imposed on it

٣١. وَمالُكَ ما أَراقَ دَماً حَراماً
وَكَم أَلزَمتَهُ قَوَداً وَعَقلا

32. Virtues carry every burden from you
So you are found self-sufficient and self-sufficient

٣٢. تُحَمِّلُكَ المَكارِمُ كُلَّ عِبءٍ
فَتُلفى مُستَقِلّاً مُستَقِلّا

33. And if words grew long without propriety
I attained with you the best conclusion of speech

٣٣. وَإِن طالَ الكَلامُ بِلا صَوابٍ
أَصَبتُ لَدَيكَ أَدنى القَولِ فَصلا

34. Clear explanation and brilliant insight
You overwhelmed with favor and dazzled with superiority

٣٤. بَيانٌ واضِحٌ وَنَدى بَنانٍ
غَمَرتَ تَفَضُّلاً وَبَهَرتَ فَضلا

35. Sometimes you frustrate the wisest with words
And sometimes the most generous with deeds

٣٥. فَطَوراً تُعجِزُ الحُكَماءَ قَولاً
وَطَوراً تُعجِزُ الكُرَماءَ فِعلا

36. Victory was not attained over the caliphs except by you
For they found you the most faithful of people

٣٦. وَما اِنتَصَرَت بِكَ الخُلَفاءُ إِلّا
وَقَد وَجَدَتكَ أَوفى الخَلقِ إِلّا

37. You will never defend reckless acts
That would make the minds of the sublime lose composure

٣٧. فَأَنتَ وَلَن تُدافَعَ عَن مَساعٍ
تَظَلُّ لِشارِدِ العَلياءِ عَقلا

38. You are trusted with the abundance which if
A king took charge of, he would betray

٣٨. أَمينُهُمُ عَلى الوَفرِ الَّذي لَو
تَوَلّى أَمرَهُ مَلَكٌ لَغَلّا

39. And their supporter against adversities which if
Death saw coming, it would retreat

٣٩. وَناصِرُهُم عَلى النَوَبِ الَّتي لَو
رَآها المَوتُ مُقبِلَةً لَوَلّى

40. And their sword that defeated the enemies
So sheathed every sword since it was drawn

٤٠. وَسَيفُهُمُ الَّذي قَهَرَ الأَعادي
فَأَغمَدَ كُلَّ سَيفٍ مُنذُ سُلّا

41. It has silenced all who were hostile to you out of fear
That you may forgive those whose enmity it killed

٤١. أَمَتَّ جَميعَ مَن عاداكَ خَوفاً
لِتَفضُلَ مَن أَماتَ عِداهُ فَلّا

42. Decisions that have often relieved distresses for us
With their resolute progress and decisive killings

٤٢. عَزائِمُ طالَما فَرَّجتَ كَرباً
بِماضي حَدِّها وَقَتَلتَ قَتلا

43. You have left no wrongdoing in the heart of the religion
Nor any injustice against the excellent truth

٤٣. فَما تَرَكَت بِقَلبِ الدينِ غِلّا
وَلا أَبقَت لِجيدِ الحَقِّ غُلّا

44. You have united the cohesion of security among us
So days did not disperse what you united

٤٤. وَأَنتَ جَمَعتَ شَملَ الأَمنِ فينا
فَلا شَتَّت لَكَ الأَيّامُ شَملا

45. The prince Abu Ali still wears clothes of glory
That have not worn out from constant wearing

٤٥. وَلا زالَ الأَميرُ أَبو عَلِيٍّ
يُجِدُّ ثِيابَ عِزٍّ لَيسَ تَبلا

46. His good fortune was chaste so it remained
As the ignorant supposed it to be falsely

٤٦. لَقَد عَفَّت سَعادَتُهُ فَدامَت
عَلى ما ظَنَّهُ الحُسّادُ جَهلا

47. Our supposition produced sincerity and truth
While their supposition produced weakness and miserliness

٤٧. فَأَثمَرَ ظَنُّنا صِدقاً وَحَقّاً
وَأَثمَرَ ظَنُّهُم مَيناً وَبُخلا

48. So hearts are watered with the water of success
While other hearts are scorched by fires of misery

٤٨. فَأَفئِدَةٌ بِماءِ الفَوزِ تُسقى
وَأَفئِدَةٌ لَظى النيرانِ تَصلا

49. He did not deviate from what he saw fitting for him
Though discord shook others from it

٤٩. وَلَم يَعدِل بِهِ الإِرجافُ عَمّا
رَآهُ لَهُ إِمامُ العَصرِ أَهلا

50. He authorized him, with favor, a title
To elevate his mention to the most majestic name

٥٠. وَخَوَّلَهُ مَعَ التَقريبِ نَعتاً
لِيَرفَعَ ذِكرُهُ اللَقَبَ الأَجَلّا

51. The standard pointing to quality has not risen
Except for the standard pointing to the shady one

٥١. وَما العَلَمَ المُشيرَ إِلى طِرازٍ
نَحا لَكِن نَحا العَلَمَ المُظِلّا

52. It is not what the Khansa compared Sakhr to
Likening to him some impossible feat

٥٢. وَما مَدَحَت بِهِ الخَنساءُ صَخراً
مُشَبَّهَةً لَهُ فَعَلا مَحَلّا

53. There is no fire in this head but
Its luminous forehead dispels darkness

٥٣. وَلَيسَ بِرَأسِ ذا نارٌ وَلَكِن
بِنورِ جَبينِهِ الظُلُماتُ تُجلا

54. The people of Egypt saw something in him that was greater
So talk of him became their preoccupation

٥٤. وَأَعظَمَ أَهلُ مِصرٍ ما رَأَوهُ
فَصارَ حَديثُهُ لِلقَومِ شُغلا

55. They said we never knew the sun to be a bridegroom
I said and we never knew the full moon to be a husband

٥٥. وَقالوا ما عَهِدنا الشَمسَ عِرساً
فَقُلتُ وَلا عَهِدنا البَدرَ بَعلا

56. Would that the coming of this security was
A drink of poison to those who detest it

٥٦. فَلَيتَ حُلولَ هَذا الأَمنِ أَضحى
لِحَتفِ الكارِهينَ لَهُ مُحِلّا

57. Glad tidings have wearied birds so were it not
For their joy in what they guaranteed, they would perish

٥٧. بَشائِرُ أَتعَبَت زِنداً فَلَولا
مَسَرَّتُهُ بِما ضَمِنَت لَكَلّا

58. Some whose moisture is fresh and others
Whose sisters fill as soon as they diminish

٥٨. فَبُشرى نِقسُها رَطبٌ وَأُخرى
تُخَطُّ وَأُختُها في الحالِ تُملا

59. Reports we knew with certainty
So doubt in them disappeared and faded away

٥٩. أَحاديثٌ عَرَفناها يَقيناً
فَزالَ الشَكُّ فيها وَاِضمَحَلّا

60. Sweeter to listeners than singing
And than what is in the bellies of bees

٦٠. أَلَذُّ مِنَ الغِناءِ لِسامِعيهِ
وَمِمّا في بُطونِ النَحلِ أَحلا

61. They landed on the speakers so they thought
A pigeon that carried news had landed

٦١. حَلَت لِلناطِقينَ بِها فَظَنّوا
حَماماً طارَ بِالأَخبارِ يَحلا

62. The news of rapprochement became circulated
So it uncovered every darkened and thick place

٦٢. وَأَصبَحَ شائِعاً خَبَرُ التَداني
فَكَشَّفَ كُلَّ داجِيَةٍ وَجَلّا

63. It repelled what was reprehensible and attracted what was delightful
A drink for him from afar and a meadow up close

٦٣. أَدالَ مِنَ المَساءَةِ ما تَوَلّى
وَرَدَّ مِنَ المَسَرَّةِ ما تَوَلّى

64. So do not allow a time for his arrival
The auspicious rising star is sufficient guide for him

٦٤. فَسَقياً في البِعادِ لَهُ وَرَعياً
وَأَهلاً في الدُنُوِّ بِهِ وَسَهلا

65. I implore you to keep the stars that wish
To descend where he descended from plotting his affair

٦٥. فَلا تَجعَل لِمَقدِمِهِ أَواناً
عَلَيهِ الطالِعُ المُختارُ دَلّا

66. The palaces vie for him and if he complains
Of the pain of passion, he does not find rest from it

٦٦. وَأَبعِد أَن تُدَبِّرَهُ نُجومٌ
تَمَنّى أَن تَحُلَّ بِحَيثُ حَلّا

67. A palace of his in Fustat is vacant
And they furnished Damascus for him

٦٧. تَهاداهُ القُصورُ وَإِن تَشَكّى
أَليمَ الشَوقِ ما عَنهُ اِستَقَلّا

68. May you live for him and may he live unmatched
Surpassing Tughlub in might and nobility

٦٨. فَقَصرٌ مِنهُ بِالفُسطاطِ يَخلو
وَشَرواهُ لَهُ بِدِمَشقَ يُخلا

69. This happy holiday, you are the most faithful of people
In good deeds, testified by all who pray and give alms

٦٩. فَعِشتَ لَهُ وَعاشَ بِلا نَظيرٍ
يُكاثِرُ تَغلِباً عِزّاً وَنُبلا

70. And witnessed by all who attend the prayers
I intentionally prolonged this, knowing

٧٠. وَذا العيدُ السَعيدُ فَأَنتَ فيهِ
مِنَ الحَسَناتِ أَوفى الناسِ كِفلا

71. That listening to your description will never bore
And oh, would that my words expressed my thanks

٧١. يُقِرُّ بِذاكَ مَن صَلّى وَزَكّى
وَيَشهَدُ كُلُّ مَن شَهِدَ المُصَلّى

72. As long as I sensed life, I only perceived the beginning of them
Another besides you, the praiser increases his glory

٧٢. تَعَمَّدتُ الإِطالَةَ عَن يَقينٍ
بِأَنَّ سَماعَ وَصفِكَ لَن يُمَلّا

73. While others are fed up by hearing praise
Aloe wood is heated so it may increase in fragrance

٧٣. وَيا لَيتَ الكَلامَ وَفى بِشُكري
حَياً ما شِمتُهُ إِلّا اِستَهَلّا

74. And nadd refuses to increase in fragrance when heated
You remain tilting calamities from us

٧٤. سِواكَ يَزيدُهُ المُدّاحُ مَجداً
وَغَيرُكَ بِاِستِماعِ المَدحِ حُلّا

75. Even if the enemy insists and tries to debase
This is the entirety of the English translation of the Arabic poem.

٧٥. يُعَلّى العودُ كَي يَزدادَ طيباً
وَيَأبى النَدُّ طيباً أَن يُعَلّا