
The soil of the deceased whose name starts with H

وتربة المرحوم والحاء جيم

1. The soil of the deceased whose name starts with H
Indeed has settled in Hell, the banished one

١. وَتُربَةِ المَرحومِ وَالحاءُ جيم
لَقَد ثَوى في النارِ مِنهُ رَجيم

2. Hell cries from the intense heat that has settled in its depths
And asks God for relief from him, the Blazing Fire

٢. تَبكي لَظى أَن حَلَّ في قَعرِها
وَتَستَقيلُ اللَهَ مِنهُ الجَحيم

3. He has passed away while evil was his intention
Thus he did not come to God with a sound heart

٣. مَضى وَفِعلُ السوءِ إِضمارُهُ
فَما أَتى اللَهَ بِقَلبٍ سَليم