
It is incumbent upon me to keep the promise and affection,

علي لها أن أحفظ العهد والودا

1. It is incumbent upon me to keep the promise and affection,
Even if it yields nothing but estrangement and distance.

١. عَلَيَّ لَها أَن أَحفَظَ العَهدَ وَالوُدّا
وَإِن لَم يُفِد إِلّا القَطيعَةَ وَالبُعدا

2. How many reproachers have hinted at their estrangement,
Bringing news to my ears insistently.

٢. وَكَم عاذِلٍ فيها أَشارَ بِهَجرِها
فَأَدّى إِلى أَسماعِنا خَبَراً إِدّا

3. When blame is prolonged, I say to him: be composed,
For no lover sees his madness as sensible.

٣. إِذا ما أَطالَ اللَومَ قُلتُ لَهُ اِتِّئِد
فَما عاشِقٌ مَن لا يَرى غَيَّهُ رُشدا

4. The mark of love is to count its displeasure as pleasure,
And its bitterness as sweetness and its sore as honey.

٤. وَخِدنُ الهَوى مَن عَدَّ إِسخاطَهُ رِضىً
وَإِكدارَهُ صَفواً وَحَنظَلَهُ شَهدا

5. Had separation and estrangement not pleased me for a while,
I would not have been content with promises and hopes.

٥. وَلَو لَم يَرُضني الشَوقُ وَالهَجرُ بُرهَةً
لَما كُنتُ أَرضى الوَعدَوَالنائِلُ الثَمدا

6. She was obstinate until I said estrangement is not her religion,
And she was unyielding until I ceased to deny affection.

٦. تَصَدَّت إِلى أَن قُلتُ ما الهَجرُ دينُها
وَسَدَّت إِلى أَن صِرتُ لا أُنكِرُ الصَدا

7. It became clear, so the phantom began to disobey her rule,
Continuing to forget me, and estranging me deliberately.

٧. وَبانَت فَباتَ الطَيفُ يَعصي بِحُكمِها
يُواصِلُني سَهواً وَيَهجُرُني عَمدا

8. One evening she said: he who insists on his claim without dying, does not truly die.
We stood together, while I sought the aid of tears and grief,

٨. عَشِيَّةَ قالَت لا يَمُتُّ بِأَنَّهُ
مُقيمٌ عَلى دَعواهُ مَن لَم يَمُت وَجدا

9. When her glances began to seek the aid of coquetry and grace.
The glance of an eye wounds the heart, while its injury

٩. وَقَفنا مَعاً أَستَنصِرُ الدَمعَ وَالضَنى
إِذا ما اِنبَرَت تَستَنصِرُ الطَرفَ وَالقَدّا

10. Degrades wounds that hurt bone and skin.
Apple cheeks are ashamed of my darkness, so whenever

١٠. وَسَهمَ لِحاظٍ يُؤلِمُ القَلبَ جُرحُهُ
أَهانَ جِراحاً تُؤلِمُ العَظمَ وَالجِلدا

11. The rose narrated, her cheek narrated my rose-tinted tear.
I have continued since the beginning of my life, wishing

١١. وَتَخجَلُ مِن ظُلمي صُراحاً فَكُلّما
حَكى الوَردَ خَدّاها حَكى دَمعِيَ الوَردا

12. That my soul would seek its whims intensely.
I will not ignite the fire that illuminates the path

١٢. وَمازِلتُ مِن أولى زَمانِيَ راغِباً
بِنَفسِيَ أَن تَبغي مَآرِبَها كَدّا

13. To fortune, if submission to it was feeble.
So my desire for love, return to asceticism,

١٣. وَلَن أَقدَحَ النارَ الَّتي يُهتَدى بِها
إِلى الحَظِّ ما كانَ الخُضوعُ لَها زَندا

14. For you are not the first desire to return to asceticism.
Leave futile hope to meet its remedy

١٤. فَيا رَغبَتي في الحُبِّ عودي زَهادَةً
فَما أَنتِ أولى رَغبَةٍ رَجَعَت زُهدا

15. In the presence of a king whose deeds create glory.
When he is generous, he does not fail to grant his gifts,

١٥. ذَري الأَمَلَ المُعتَلَّ تَلقَي صَحيحَهُ
لَدى مَلِكٍ أَفعالُهُ تَخلُقُ المَجدا

16. And when he speaks, he fails neither his threats nor promises.
Even if the clouds are stingy with rain in the land, they miss it,

١٦. إِذا جادَ لَم يَخلُف مَواهِبَهُ الحَيا
وَإِن قالَ لَم يُخلِف وَعيداً وَلا وَعدا

17. And if they are miserly in the place, it has its compensation.
If he punishes the guilty, he is just and did not transgress,

١٧. وَإِن جادَتِ الأَنواءُ في الخِصبِ فاتَها
وَإِن بَخِلَت في المَحلِ كانَ لَها ضِدّا

18. And if asked for grace, he enriches and does not exceed.
He is wise when speech avoids confusion,

١٨. وَإِن عاقَبَ الجانينَ صالَ وَما اِعتَدى
وَإِن سُئِلَ الإِنعامَ أَغنى وَما اِعتَدّا

19. And firm against the doubts of time when it is intense.
The horses of kings were sacrificed for him, for he deserves

١٩. سَديدٌ إِذا ما القَولُ نابَ عَنِ الظُبى
شَديدٌ عَلى رَيبِ الزَمانِ إِذا اِشتَدّا

20. To be praised and ransomed.
Their glory in honor makes the furthest of them in extent

٢٠. فَدَت سابِقاً شوسُ المُلوكِ فَإِنَّهُ
حَقيقٌ بِأَن يُثنى عَلَيهِ وَأَن يُفدا

21. Closest in lineage.
The purest in thought, most munificent in hand,

٢١. وَعِزُّهُمُ في المَجدِ أَبعَدُهُم مَدىً
عَلى أَنَّهُ بِالمَهدِ أَقرَبُهُم عَهدا

22. Most affluent in shade, and most abundant in aid.
He points without being pointed to, on the path of highborn persons,

٢٢. وَأَصفاهُمُ ذِهناً وَأَنداهُمُ يَداً
وَأَضفاهُمُ ظِلّاً وَأَوفاهُمُ رِفدا

23. Thus are the stars: floral, guiding without being guided.
The progeny of the exalted dissolved the knots of glory with spears,

٢٣. يَدُلُّ وَلَم يَدلُل عَلى نَهجِ سُؤدُدٍ
كَذاكَ النُجومُ الزُهرُ تَهدي وَلا تُهدى

24. And left the path open for whoever hopes to join them.
How many envious enemies have laid traps for them,

٢٤. سَليلُ الأُلى حَلّوا ذُرى المَجدِ بِالقَنا
وَخَلّوا لِمَن يَرجو لَحاقَهُمُ الوَهدا

25. But those enemies failed and did not attain what they wanted!
The virtues of this lineage are too numerous for nights

٢٥. وَكَم لَهُمُ مِن حاسِدٍ بَسَطَ المُنى
وَلَكِنَّهُ أَودى وَما نالَ ما وَدّا

26. That wrap themselves in trains to darken what was illuminated.
A king inherited the rule after Salih;

٢٦. وَتُنطِقُ أَهلَ العَيِّ أَوصافُ مَجدِهِم
عَلى أَنَّهُم إِن فاخَروا أَخرَسوا اللُدّا

27. You were given succession after him as young men.
So you unfurled before him and behind him

٢٧. بَني صالِحٍ أَقصَدتُمُ مَن رَمَيتُمُ
وَأَحيَيتُمُ مَن أَمَّ مَعروفَكُم قَصدا

28. Swords that vanquish enemies and straight undeviating spears.
Horses that when the battle cry is raised

٢٨. سَقى الَلهُ دَوحاً يُثمِرُ الحَتفَ وَالغِنى
وَلا مَلَكَت أَيدي الخُطوبِ لَهُ عَضدا

29. Hasten to it, carrying heavy loads and lions.
Bedouins whom the wool they wear adorns

٢٩. فَما وَخَدَت كُومُ المَطيِّ بِراغِبٍ
وَلا راهِبٍ إِلّا بِمَدحِكُمُ تُحدا

30. With majesty, although they were naked without garments before.
And two fires for kindness and might were ignited

٣٠. أَفَضتُم عَلى هَذا الوَرى أَنعُماً أَبى
تَواتُرُها أَن يَستَطيعوا لَها جَحدا

31. For the needy they protect and the transgressor they shun.
So a fire of villages that guide to it - how often

٣١. وَأَنّى يَهُمُّ الأَولِياءُ بِطَيِّها
وَلَم يَجِدِ الأَعداءُ مِن نَشرِها بُدّا

32. It has led a lost family and ransomed a delegation.
And a fire of battle in which every traitor is burned

٣٢. جَنَوا فَعَفَوتُم وَاِعتَفَوكُم فَجُدتُمُ
فَأَحسَنتُمُ البُقيا وَأَجزَلتُمُ الرِفدا

33. When he desires to extinguish it, it blazes more.
And beneath this honor is the sword of caliphate

٣٣. وَذَلَّلتُمُ صَعبَ الزَمانِ لِأَهلِهِ
فَذَلَّ وَقَد كانَ الجِماحُ لَهُ وَكدا

34. That surpasses confusion in extent and exceeds it in sharpness.
It distinguishes between intimate and distant

٣٤. وَمالَ إِلى الإِنصافِ من بَعدِ جَورِهِ
فَأَبدى الَّذي أَخفى وَأَخفى الَّذي أَبدا

35. When matters get serious and leave their sheaths.
O you who protected my gratitude with abundant reward,

٣٥. وَصَيَّرتُمُ البَذلَ الَذي شاعَ ذِكرُهُ
مُضافاً إِلى العَدلِ الَّذي يوجِبُ الخُلدا

36. When I attempt to enumerate it, it is like counting stars.
You were good to me, succeeding your father without transgressing,

٣٦. دُروعاً عَلى الأَعراضِ لا قَومُ تُبَّعٍ
قَضوها وَلا داوُدُ أَحكَمَها سَردا

37. And you were excessive in doing good without exceeding.
Are you not the son of those whose gifts made all forget -

٣٧. مَناقِبُ لَو أَنَّ اللَيالي تَوَشَّحَت
بِأَذيالِها لَاِبيَضَّ مِنهُنَّ ما اِسوَدّا

38. Whether their hands stretched voluntarily or reluctantly?
The reward of praise to them was a delay

٣٨. وَمُلكٌ حَواهُ بَعدَما شابَ صالِحٌ
وَخُوِّلتُموهُ بَعدَهُ غِلمَةً مُردا

39. Postponed for a time - so you made it immediate cash.
They gave little, then confirmed, so

٣٩. فَأَشرَعتُمُ قُدّامَهُ وَوَراءَهُ
صَوارِمَ تَجتاحُ العِدى وَقَناً مُلدا

40. My feet were set by those who gave much, not those who confirmed.
I was compensated by their uncertain hopes with honor,

٤٠. وَخَيلاً إِذا نادى الصَريخُ تَهافَتَت
إِلَيهِ سِراعاً تَحمِلُ الغابَ وَالأُسدا

41. Safety for fear, and gain for lack.
In the shade of the generous, noble in aid, whose equal

٤١. عِراباً كَساها النَقعُ مِمّا يَحوكُهُ
جِلالاً وَقَد سَدَّتهُ عارِيَةً جُردا

42. No ostrich begot, nor good fortune brought into being.
Among those acts of kindness is an honor

٤٢. وَنارَينِ لِلمَعروفِ وَالبَأسِ شُبَّتا
لِذي فاقَةٍ يُحبا وَذي إِحنَةٍ يُردا

43. I attained freely, so I became its slave.
So here I am, beside you, without hoping

٤٣. فَنارُ قِرىً دَلَّت عَلَيهِ وَطالَما
هَدَت عائِلاً قَد ضَلَّ وَاِستَوفَدَت وَفدا

44. For any hope to be fulfilled or any favor to be renewed.
He shuns the thorns of roads who found life,

٤٤. وَنارُ وَغىً يَصلَى بِها كُلُّ حائِنٍ
إِذا ما بَغى إِطفاءَها زادَها وَقدا

45. And refuses to be content with gifts, he who dwelt with enemies.
Congratulations on a second and a first feast day,

٤٥. وَمِن دونِ هَذا العِزِّ سَيفُ خِلافَةٍ
يَفوقُ الظُبى سَفحاً وَيَفضُلُها حَدّا

46. Upon which monarchs wish to be its cradle!
And its Giver, the Asked, to show it to you

٤٦. وَيَفرُقُ ما بَينَ المَفارِقِ وَاللَهى
إِذا ما عَرا خَطبٌ وَما فارَقَ الغِمدا

47. As an auspicious, most fortunate son of his son's son.
He remains attributed with the name of his ancestor

٤٧. أَيا مَن حَمى شُكري بِفائِضِ نائِلٍ
إِذا رُمتُ إِحصاءً لَهُ كَزَرَ العَدّا

48. While his news is narrated and his well-being echoed.
Why do I not gift you strange things

٤٨. وَأَحسَنَ بي يَتلو أَباهُ فَما اِعتَدى
وَأَسرَفَ في فِعلِ الجَميلِ وَما اِعتَدّا

49. That the highborn preserved from being sold or gifted?
Implicitly containing praise which, if published, would be lost,

٤٩. أَلَستَ اِبنَ مَن أَنسَت عَطاياهُ كُلَّ مَن
هَمَت يَدُهُ طَوعاً وَكَرهاً وَمَن أَجدا

50. For printing is not suitable to have a counterpart.
The rhymed prose of al-Tibr did not survive eras,

٥٠. وَكانَ ثَوابُ المَدحِ فيهِم نَسيئَةً
تُناسى إِلى حينٍ فَعَجَّلَهُ نَقدا

51. And the poem of Najd - its composer did not come from Najd.
How much poetry has flowed that no lover authored,

٥١. وَأَعطَوا قَليلاً ثُمَّ أَكدَوا فَيَمَّمَت
رِكابِيَ مَن أَعطى كَثيراً وَما أَكدا

52. And how many swords were forged that knew no warfare!
Speech cannot reach what you actually do,

٥٢. فَعُوِّضتُ مِن ذُلِّ المَطامِعِ عِزَّةً
وَمِن خيفَةٍ أَمناً وَمِن عَدَمٍ وَجدا

53. Even if it reached the utmost in describing your feats.
The least you grant fulfills wishes,

٥٣. بِظِلِّ كَريمِ النَجرِ وَاليَدِ لَم تَلِد
لَهُ مامَةٌ مِثلاً وَلا نَجَلَت سُعدا

54. And the easiest role you assume encompasses praise.

٥٤. وَفي ضِمنِ تِلكَ المَكرُماتِ كَرامَةٌ
ظَفِرتُ بِها حُرّاً فَصِرتُ لَها عَبدا

٥٥. فَها أَنا ثاوٍ في جَنابِكَ لَم أَمِل
إِلى أَمَلٍ يُنحى وَلا مِنَّةٍ تُسدا

٥٦. يَعافُ وُرودَ الطَرقِ مَن وَجَدَ الحَيا
وَيَأبى الرِضى بِالرَشحِ مَن جاوَرَ العِدّا

٥٧. هَنيئاً لَكَ العيدانِ ثانٍ وَأَوَّلٌ
تَوَدُّ الثُرَيّا أَن تَكونَ لَهُ مَهدا

٥٨. وَواهِبُهُ المَسؤولُ في أَن يُريكَهُ
هُماماً سَعيدَ الجَدِّ وَاِبنَ اِبنِهِ جَدّا

٥٩. وَلا زالَ مَنعوتاً بِنَعتِ سَميِّهِ
وَأَخبارُهُ تُروى وَراحَتُهُ تَندا

٦٠. وَمالِيَ لا أُهدي إِلَيكَ غَرائِباً
بِكَ اِعتَصَمَت عَن أَن تُباعَ وَأَن تُهدى

٦١. مُضَمَّنَةً مَدحاً إِذا ضاعَ نَشرُهُ
فَما النَدُ أَهلاً أَن يَكونَ لَهُ نِدّا

٦٢. وَطائِيَّةَ التَحبيرِ لَم تَعدُ أَعصُراً
وَنَجدِيَّةً لَم يَأتِ قائِلُها نَجدا

٦٣. وَكَم راقَ شِعرٌ ما حَبيبٌ أَتى بِهِ
وَقَدَّ الطُلى سَيفٌ وَما عَرَفَ الهِندا

٦٤. وَلَن تَبلُغَ الأَقوالُ ما أَنتَ فاعِلٌ
وَلو بَلَغَت في وَصفِ آلائِكَ الجُهدا

٦٥. فَأَنزَرُ ما تُعطيهِ يوفي عَلى المُنى
وَأَيسَرُ ما توليهِ يَستَغرِقُ الحَمدا