
The best of people to their enemies are resolute

خير الأنام لشرهم إحكاما

1. The best of people to their enemies are resolute
Those who with swords execute commandments

١. خَيرُ الأَنامِ لِشَرِّهِم إِحكاماً
مَن بِالسُيوفِ يُنَفِّذُ الأَحكاما

2. None sleeps on down but the victorious
While others make miserable the afflicted

٢. غَيرُ المُظَفَّرِ مَن يَنامُ عَلى قَذىً
وَسِواهُ يوسِعُ مَن أَلامَ مَلاما

3. You made the Book into battalions against the foe
Revealing to them in place of talk, talk

٣. جَعَلَ الكِتابَ إِلى العَدُوِّ كَتائِباً
أَبدَت لَهُم عِوَضَ الكَلامِ كِلاما

4. And you made the swords speak knowledge
Rendering it needless for you to speak to pens

٤. وَاِستَنطَقَ الأَسيافَ عِلماً أَنَّها
تُغنيهِ أَن يَستَنطِقَ الأَقلاما

5. You are hoped for and feared out of greed and fear
He who gives bounty and compulsion abundantly

٥. يُرجى وَيُخشى رَغبَةً وَمَخافَةً
مَن يُجزِلُ الإِنعامَ وَالإِرغاما

6. O subduer of foes with a bitter soul
That refuses darkness and reveals gloom

٦. يا قامِعَ العَدوى بِنَفسٍ مُرَّةٍ
تَأبى الظَلامَ وَتَكشِفُ الإِظلاما

7. Your fear robbed the nights of their tyranny
And your bounties enslaved the days

٧. سَلَبَت مَخافَتُكَ اللَيالِيَ جَورَها
وَاِستَعبَدَت آلاؤُكَ الأَيّاما

8. And for many a realm whose men disobeyed you
You at times left the women widowed

٨. وَلَرُبَّ مَملَكَةٍ عَصَتكَ رِجالُها
حيناً فَغادَرتَ النِساءَ أَيامى

9. You shook the land of Rome with the tribulations
They still see occurring today

٩. زَلزَلتَ أَرضَ الرومِ بِالفِتَنِ الَّتي
ظَلّوا يَرَونَ اليَومَ مِنها عاما

10. They denied the favor you bestowed upon them while one
Scornful of praise was ungrateful for generosity

١٠. جَحَدوكَ ما أَولَيتَهُم وَمُعَرِّضٌ
لِلهَونِ مَن لَم يَحمَدِ الإِكراما

11. And long has the healthy been ungrateful for health
Only for thanklessness to turn it into sickness

١١. وَلَطالَما كَفَرَ المُعافى صِحَّةً
فَأَحالَها كُفرانُها أَسقاما

12. You overwhelmed them while alert with fears
As you did formerly in their dreams

١٢. غَشَّيتَهُم مُستَيقِظينَ مَخاوِفاً
غَشِيَتهُمُ فيما مَضى أَحلاما

13. Never did they encounter threatening lightning as a deceptive mirage
Nor the clouds of threat as delusive ghosts

١٣. ما صادَفوا بَرقَ التَهَدُّدِ خُلَّباً
كَلّا وَلا غَيمَ الوَعيدِ جَهاما

14. You gave them a sense of security and caught them unawares
That they might experience calm and feel at ease

١٤. أَمَّنتَهُم عَن قُدرَةٍ وَأَخَفتَهُم
كَي يَخبُروكَ سَكينَةً وَعُراما

15. If most of them are fodder, predators
Destroy the few but eschew fodder

١٥. إِن كانَ أَكثَرُهُم طَعاماً فَالظُبى
تُفني الخَبارَ وَلا تَعافُ طَعاما

16. With vanguards routed, what will be their state tomorrow
Should the valiant visit their land voraciously?

١٦. بِطَلائِعٍ نُكِبوا فَكَيفَ بِهِم غَداً
إِن زارَ أَرضَهُمُ الخَميسُ لُهاما

17. In brave lads whom the blaze of battle
Made its fuel forever, though they were honorable before you

١٧. في فِتيَةٍ تُصليهِمُ نارَ الوَغى
أَبَداً وَإِن كانوا عَلَيكَ كِراما

18. They forfeit only the souls that sufficed them
Bodies they gathered as booty from you, O mighty one

١٨. لا يَسلَبونَ سِوى النُفوسِ كَفَتهُمُ
نِعَمٌ جَنَوها مِن يَدَيكَ جِساما

19. The refinement of your kingdom - indeed it is the kingdom that
Facilitates victories and teaches valor

١٩. تَهذيبُ مُلكِكَ إِنَّهُ المُلكُ الَّذي
يُسني اللُهى وَيُعَلِّمُ الإِقداما

20. A mixed horde of city dwellers and nomads whom you
Long made encounter agony in your presence

٢٠. خِلطانِ مِن حَضَرٍ وَبَدوٍ طالَما
لاقَوا إِلى مَجنوبِكَ الآلاما

21. Of them not one harbored in his heart a passion
To cause kindred hearts to grow apart

٢١. ما غَضَّ فيهِم وَالقُلوبُ قَريبَةُ ال
أَهواءِ أَن يَتَباعَدوا أَرحاما

22. Horses you dispatched that outstripped warners
With resolves more wondrous than fantasies

٢٢. خَيلٌ سَبَقنَ المُنذِرينَ بَعَثنَها
عَزَماتُ أَروَعَ تَسبِقُ الأَوهاما

23. They clad the open desert with iron brightening it
While the atmosphere because of their coats of mail grew dark

٢٣. كَسَتِ البَسيطَةَ بِالحَديدِ إِضاءَةً
وَالجَوَّ مِن قَسطالِها إِدهاما

24. On a day of al-Artah after you had watered them
With a death that prevailed over souls fiercely

٢٤. في يَومِ أَرتاحٍ غَداةَ سَقَتهُمُ
مَوتاً تَحَكَّمَ في النُفوسِ زُؤاما

25. You captured their leader there and left
Their grandees in the depths of caves as bones

٢٥. أَسَرَت زَعيمَهُمُ هُناكَ وَغادَرَت
عُظَمائَهُم غِبَّ المُغارِ عِظاما

26. They cast aside their bows and surrendered them
For passions had flared and the arrows were aflame

٢٦. نَبَذوا القِسِيَّ وَأَسلَموهُ لِأَنَّها
طاشَت وَقَد حَمِيَ الوَطيسُ سِهاما

27. And so their heads came carried
They did wrong and destruction was not darkness

٢٧. وَمُبَطرِقُ البِطريقِ يَأبى مِثلَهُ
إِن أَنتَ لَم تُعطِ الرَسولَ ذِماما

28. Your squadrons sowed orphans
Throughout the land of Antioch

٢٨. وَبَنو عَدِيٍّ يَومَ لاقَوا جَمعَهُم
تَرَكوا القَنا لا تَشتَكينَ أُواما

29. And they marched decisively, undissuaded
Though they pitched tents on the coast of the gulf

٢٩. صَدَرَت تَرَنَّحُ في الأَكُفِّ كَأَنَّما
سُقّينَ مِن تِلكَ الدِماءِ مُداما

30. The garrison at Demos should remain confined
Abstaining from war, for abstinence it will praise

٣٠. لَمّا رَأَوا خَطَّ الظُبى مُستَعجِماً
جَعَلوا لَهُ وَخزَ القَنا إِعجاما

31. Were it to leave the ramparts it would become
Among the remnants of al-Washij a ruin

٣١. وَأَبو الفَوارِسِ شَلَّها بِمَخاضَةِ ال
بُرجِيِّ شَلَّ الفَيلَقِ الأَنعاما

32. And it knows that among the firmest in resolve there
When battle flares, and the fiercest in contest

٣٢. زَأَرَت زَئيرَ الأُسدِ إِلّا أَنَّهُم
صاروا وَقَد جَدَّ العِراكُ نَعاما

33. Not far is it from the day of ruin if it intends
What it intends in decisive confrontation

٣٣. فَأَتَت رُؤوسُ رُؤوسِهِم مَحمولَةً
ظَلَموا فَلَم يَكُنِ الرَدى ظَلّاما

You subjugated the kingdom of the Arabs in their domains

٣٤. بَثَّت سَراياكَ الحُتوفَ وَأَكثَرَت
في أَرضِ أَنطاكِيَّةَ الأَيتاما

35. While the Byzantines are easier if you desire
How can the protected lands oppose you

٣٥. وَمَضَت مُصَمِّمَةً وَإِن لَم تَثنِها
ضَرَبَت عَلى شاطي الخَليجِ خِياما

36. When they see the lion of glory who forestalls places of refuge?
And if you sought the presence of their king tomorrow

٣٦. وَليَلزَمِ الحِصنَ الدُمُستُقُ مُحجِماً
عَن حَربِها فَسَيَحمَدُ الإِحجاما

37. He would come to you in surrender or submission
So let them respond with obedience, for one unlike

٣٧. لَو فارَقَ الجُدرانَ أَصبَحَ جَمعُهُ
ما بَينَ مُنحَطِمِ الوَشيجِ حُطاما

38. The nobility of high glories pardons sins
By my life, they experienced his pleasure and anger

٣٨. وَدَرى هُنالِكَ مِن أَشَدُّ شَكيمَةً
عِندَ اللِقاءِ وَمِن أَلَدُّ خِصاما

39. And saw sweet life and affliction
And he gave them the water of life when they spurned

٣٩. ما نَكبَةُ الزَروارِ مِنهُ بَعيدَةٌ
إِن رامَ مِن حَسمِ الأَذى ما راما

40. Until when they yielded it turned to poison
Misguided is he who deems the stellar orbit

٤٠. دَوَّختَ مُلكَ العُربِ في سُلطانِها
وَالرومُ أَيسَرُ إِن أَرَدتَ مَراما

41. A meadow grazed, with the stars as cattle
The impregnability of capitals rests on the fact that you are their

٤١. أَنّى تُمانِعُكَ الوُعولُ وَقَد رَأَت
أُسدَ الشَرى لا تَمنَعُ الآجاما

42. Most honorable protector against every invader
If enemies ignite a fire, you return it cold

٤٢. وَلَوِ اِلتَمَستَ حُضورَ مَلكِهِمُ غَداً
لَأَتاكَ إِسلاماً أَوِ اِستِسلاما

43. Upon its people, and peace
With his decisiveness, judgment, and bounty

٤٣. فَليَستَجيبوا بِالخُضوعِ فَمَن سِوى
شَرَفِ المَعالي يَغفِرُ الإِجراما

44. He brings loss and injustice and tyranny to naught
His mention in his absence brings security though often

٤٤. عَمري لَقَد سَبَروا رِضاهُ وَسُخطَهُ
فَرَأَوا حَياةً حُلوَةً وَحِماما

45. The absent one was confused and confusion manifest
You grant security to the sleepless and before him

٤٥. وَسَقاهُمُ ماءَ الحَياةِ وَقَد عَنَوا
حَتّى إِذا عَنَدوا اِستَحالَ سِماما

46. Fear, by your life, kept the tranquil awake
So remain, for your command prevails, and you are equal

٤٦. قَد ضَلَّ مَن ظَنَّ المَجَرَّةَ رَوضَةً
تُرعى وَزاهِرَةَ النُجومِ سَواما

47. To one who, like you, travels or stays
And know that the realms of the countries belong each

٤٧. يَهني العَواصِمَ أَنَّها مَعصومَةٌ
بِأَعَزِّ مَن مَنَعَ الذِمارَ وَحاما

48. To a king who takes Damascus as his haunt
If an affair is risky, its sword is for him

٤٨. إِن شَبَّتِ الأَعداءُ ناراً رَدَها
بَرداً عَلى سُكّانِها وَسَلاما

49. Or if it battles champions, is its sword
The high-minded stag becomes a doormat if eminent

٤٩. بِمَضائِهِ وَقَضائِهِ وَنَوالِهِ
عَدِموا الرَدى وَالجَورَ وَالإِعداما

50. But when granted glory takes wing like a dove
Distinctions have specially exposed you to great danger

٥٠. أَمِنَت بِذِكرِكَ في المَغيبِ وَطالَما
غابَ الهِزَبرُ وَغابُهُ مُتَحاما

51. Which monopolize veneration and esteem
You remain indefatigable in every grand

٥١. أَمناً أَنامَ الساهِرينَ وَقَبلَهُ
خَوفٌ لَعَمرُكَ أَسهَرَ النُوّاما

52. Endeavor until you leave none unattempted
The latter takes the virtues from the former

٥٢. فَأَقِم وَأَمرُكَ نافِذٌ فَقَدِ اِستَوى
مَن كانَ مِثلَكَ رِحلَةً وَمُقاما

53. Yet you refused that, monopolizing them by inspiration
You left them a successor while deeming them

٥٣. وَلتَدرِ أَملاكُ البِلادِ بِأَنَّها
كُلٌّ عَلى مَلِكٍ يَحُلُّ الشاما

54. To have preceded - so your time seeks the foremost
Generosity and valor, O encompasser of both

٥٤. إِن جارَ خَطبٌ كانَ حَسّاماً لَهُ
أَو قارَعَ الأَبطالَ كانَ حُساما

55. Have deferred from your path the steps
You would have removed from the seat of the Caliphate its sword

٥٥. يُضحي الحَيا الهامي حَصيراً إِن سَخا
فَإِذا نَحا عِزّاً أَطارَ الهاما

56. A weight that a dignified, respected one can barely carry
And when does a passing state ever object

٥٦. خَصَّتكَ بِالخَطَرِ العَظيمِ مَناقِبٌ
تَستَغرِقُ الإِجلالَ وَالإِعظاما

57. To you annulling or deciding a matter?
So let one whom you strove to aid tirelessly

٥٧. ما زِلتَ هَمّاماً بِكُلِّ عَظيمَةٍ
في المَجدِ حَتّى ما تَرَكتَ هُماما

58. Until he rests while you stay up and he sleeps praise you
How good is the world with your compelling glory

٥٨. أَخَذَ الفَضائِلَ آخِرٌ عَن أَوَّلٍ
وَأَبَيتَ ذاكَ فَحُزتَها إِلهاما

59. With your gifts pouring down - so persist and last!
And you have flooded the sinful with deeds

٥٩. خَلَّفتَهُم خَلفاً وَأَنتَ تَظُنُّهُم
سَبَقوا فَدَهرُكَ تَطلُبُ القُدّاما

60. That rise above praise - and ample bounty
If only they fulfilled its slightest obligation

٦٠. وَالجودُ وَالإِقدامُ يا حاويهِما
قَد أَخَّرا عَن نَهجِكَ الأَقداما

61. They would for a time you fast perpetually equal you
So take the oath of allegiance - for how many a stance of yours, renowned,

٦١. لَحَمَلتَ عَن قَلبِ الخِلافَةِ سَيفَها
ثِقلاً يَؤودُ مُتالِعاً وَشَماما

62. Pleases God and Islam!
Why do souls not incline toward your staying

٦٢. وَمَتى تَبَرَّمُ بِالحَوادِثِ دَولَةٌ
جَعَلَت إِلَيكَ النَقضَ وَالإِبراما

63. When, were it not for you, bodies would lack residence?
But how could thoughts not praise you

٦٣. فَليَشكُرَنَّكَ مَن تَعِبتَ مُشَمِّراً
حَتّى اِستَراحَ وَمَن سَهِرتَ وَناما

64. When you are the one who broadened their awareness?
A king surpassing kings in ardor and reverence

٦٤. ما أَحسَنَ الدُنيا وَعِزُّكَ قاهِرٌ
وَنَداكَ مُنهَمِرٌ فَدُمتَ وَداما

65. Whose resolves flowed freely and he carried them out
He commanded the battalions to wage jihad while he strove

٦٥. وَلَقَد غَمَرتَ المُذنِبينَ صَنائِعاً
عَلَتِ الثَناءَ وَجازَرِ الإِنعاما

66. To facilitate the paths of pilgrims, then fasted
So may the month whose role as successor

٦٦. فَلَوَ اِنَّهُم قاموا بِأَدنى فَرضِها
قَطَعوا زَماناً أَنتَ فيهِ صِياما

67. You made rejoice in what came before and after praise you
A month you made holy war the opening of

٦٧. فَاِسلَم فَكَم لَكَ وَقفَةٌ مَشهورَةٌ
أَرضَيتَ فيها اللَهَ وَالإِسلاما

68. While the caring for pilgrims and their return its seal
You ascertained and protected a people you enriched

٦٨. لِمَ لا تَميلُ إِلى بَقائِكَ أَنفُسٌ
لَولاكَ لَم تَستَوطِنِ الأَجساما

69. And your fine deeds covered its blemishes
You improved its life and afterlife so live long,

٦٩. بَل كَيفَ لا تُثني عَلَيكَ خَواطِرٌ
أَنتَ الَّذي أَوسَعتَها إِفهاما

70. Passing months and expiring years
A man who outdid kings in zeal and consciousness

٧٠. فاقَ المُلوكَ حَمِيَّةً وَتَقِيَّةً
مَلِكٌ سَرَت عَزَماتُهُ وَأَقاما

71. A king whose resolves surged and he executed them
He commanded the squadrons to wage jihad and exerted himself

٧١. أَمَرَ الكَتائِبَ بِالجِهادِ وَجَدَّ في
تَسهيلِ سُبلِ الحَجِّ ثُمَّتَ صاما

72. In facilitating the paths of Hajj, then observed the fast
So may the month whose role as successor

٧٢. فَليَهنِكَ الشَهرُ الَّذي يُثني بِما
صَيَّرتَهُ خَلفاً لَهُ وَأَماما

73. You made rejoice in what preceded and followed praise you!
A month whose opening you made holy war

٧٣. شَهرٌ جَعَلتَ الغَزوَ فاتِحَةً لَهُ
وَرَعاً وَتَسيِيرَ الحَجيجِ خِتاما

74. And whose seal was caring for pilgrims and their return
It scrutinized a people you enriched

٧٤. قَد مَحَّصَت عَن أُمَّةٍ أَغنَيتَها
وَحَمَيتَها حَسَناتُكَ الآثاما

75. And your virtues covered its sins
You beautified its world and hereafter so persist

٧٥. حَسَّنتَ دُنياها وَأُخراها فَعِش
تُفني الشُهورَ وَتُنفِدُ الأَعواما