1. If an aspiring leader defends his destiny
None who champion guidance will be torn asunder
١. لَو أَنَّ شامِخَ قَدرٍ دافِعٌ قَدَرا
لَم يُختَرَم مَن لِإِعزازِ الهُدى ظَهَرا
2. And none shall ascend save he who is a shelter
For the guests of death in every abode
٢. وَلَيسَ يَعلو قَرا الغَبراءِ مِن أَحَدٍ
حَتّى يَكونَ لِأَضيافِ المَنونِ قِرى
3. Events whose actions make no distinction
Between the reckless and the overly cautious
٣. حَوادِثٌ لَم تُمَيِّز في تَصَرُّفِها
مَن ضَيَّعَ الحَزمَ مِمَّن أَكثَرَ الحَذَرا
4. And if time had marched differently in its expanse
It would have sought his return with great travail
٤. وَلَو مَشَت غِيَرُ الدَهرِ البَراحَ لَهُ
لَحاوَلَت مِن رَداهُ مَطلَباً عَسِرا
5. Yet his piercing sword kept it at bay
Though it crept toward him with wine
٥. وَرَدَّها سَيفُهُ الماضي مُفَلَّلَةً
عَنهُ وَلَكِنَّها دَبَّت لَهُ الخَمَرا
6. Until he fulfilled his desires and passed away
And how many hopes of mankind passed away
٦. حَتّى قَضى ما قَضى مِن لَذَّةٍ وَطَراً
وَكَم قَضَت مِنهُ آمالُ الوَرى وَطَرا
7. Eager to leave the throne, he left it
So God made his resting place in the Gardens
٧. وَراغِبٍ عَن سَريرِ المُلكِ فارَقَهُ
فَعاضَهُ اللَهُ في جَنّاتِهِ سُرُرا
8. With it came the greatest event which led to his burial
That bared hearts of sorrow when it was made public
٨. أَعظِم بِهِ حَدَثاً أَفضى إِلى جَدَثٍ
عَرّى القُلوبَ مِنَ الأَوجالِ حينَ عَرا
9. Tears flowed and sobbed, then poured forth
And had tidings been delayed, they would have flowed
٩. دَمعٌ تَرَقرَقَ في الأَجفانِ ثُمَّ رَقا
وَلَو تَأَخَّرَتِ البُشرى إِذاً لَجَرى
10. Had tears of the eyes no wisdom
Sorrow would have released a flood long suppressed
١٠. لَو لَم تَكُن لِدُموعِ العَينِ عاقِلَةً
لَأَطلَقَ الحُزنُ دَمعاً طالَما أُسِرا
11. So let time be forced to its nose that its events
Wished us woe but changed to abhorrence
١١. فَليُرغَمِ الدَهرُ أَنفاً أَنَّ حادِثَهُ
أَرادَنا بِسُهادٍ فَاِستَحالَ كَرى
12. A blessing that brought bounty and the light of guidance
That only receded like the blink of an eye then it saw
١٢. رَزِيَّةٌ جَلَبَت نُعمى وَزَندُ هُدىً
لَم يَكبُ إِلّا كَرَجعِ الطَرفِ ثُمَّ وَرى
13. And a sword whose strikes in the world
No sooner said to be sheathed than said to be brandished
١٣. وَصارِمٌ حَمَتِ الدُنيا مَضارِبُهُ
ما قيلَ أُغمِدَ حَتّى قيلَ قَد شُهِرا
14. Verily time has reaped regret for what it reaped
So it rose, apologizing, from what it had done
١٤. إِنَّ الزَمانَ جَنى لَمّا جَنى نَدَماً
فَقامَ مِن فِعلِهِ في الحالِ مُعتَذِرا
15. Is the sanctuary of the upright faith violated
When it finds a transgressor transgressing against guidance?
١٥. وَهَل يُباحُ حِمى الدينِ الحَنيفِ وَقَد
أَلفى مَعَدّاً مُعَدّاً لِلهُدى وَزَرا
16. So he stood without God's faith, seeking victory
For truth and for victory for God the Victorious
١٦. فَقامَ مِن دونِ دينِ اللَهِ يَكلَؤُهُ
بِاللَهِ مُستَنصِراً لِلحَقِّ مُنتَصِرا
17. And the Supreme Pen has decreed his victory
So it was proclaimed and he was called the Victorious
١٧. وَقَد جَرى القَلَمُ الأَعلى بِنُصرَتِهِ
فَقَبلَ يُدعى بِهِ مُستَنصِراً نُصِرا
18. His caliphate has perfumed the winds of dew easily
And the blossoms of prosperity spread fragrance from its scent
١٨. أَمَّت خِلافَتُهُ ريحُ النَدى يَسَراً
وَظَلَّ نَشرُ الدُنا مِن نَشرِها عَطِرا
19. A cloud hopefully drawing rain or inhaling moisture
It does not cease to descend or inhale droplets
١٩. عُرفاً وَعَرفاً فَما يَنفَكُّ آمِلُهُ
يَستَنزِلُ القَطرَ أَو يَستَنشِقُ القُطُرا
20. And he was specifically given pure nobility
For which sights were raised and the light which dazzled
٢٠. وَخُصَّ بِالشَرَفِ المَحضِ الَّذي اِرتَفَعَت
لَهُ النَواظِرُ وَالنورِ الَّذي بَهَرا
21. The light of the Prophet which continued to be transferred
Among those who openly and secretly call to him
٢١. نورِ النَبِيِّ الَّذي ما زالَ مُنتَقِلاً
فيمَن دَعا ظاهِراً مِنهُم وَمُستَتِرا
22. The people of pedigree, their roots ennobled and purified
While all other filtered essences revert to murkiness
٢٢. أَهلُ الصَفا كَرُمَت أَعراقُهُم وَزَكَت
فَكُلُّ صَفوٍ سِواهُم عائِدٌ كَدَرا
23. What remains of them the hands of deviance did not ruin
Of guidance and radiance however much they were bitter
٢٣. وَما بَقي خَلَفٌ مِنهُم فَما نَقَضَت
مِنَ الهُدى وَالنَدى أَيدي الرَدى مِرَرا
24. They are the near ones with whom God has taken covenant
While people are motes whether righteous or immoral
٢٤. هُمُ الأُلى أَخَذَ اللَهُ العُهودَ لَهُم
وَالناسُ ذَرٌّ عَلى مَن بَرَّ أَو فَجَرا
25. For them the world was created and inhabited
And Adam's sin, were it not for them, would not be forgiven
٢٥. لِأَجلِهِم خَلَقَ الدُنيا وَأَسكَنَها
وَذَنبُ آدَمَ لَولاهُم لَما غُفِرا
26. Imams for whom we have had no waning moon
Except that a moon like it followed
٢٦. أَئِمَّةٌ لَم يَغِب عَنّا لَهُم قَمَرٌ
إِلّا وَأَعقَبَنا مِن سِنخِهِ قَمَرا
27. And the best of them, and I am asked, is the eighth of them
As his ancestor the Chosen was the best who bore burdens
٢٧. وَخَيرُهُم وَأَنا المَسؤولُ ثامِنُهُم
كَما صَفِيُّ أَبيهِ خَيرُ مَن وَزَرا
28. He continues to show us, with his resolves
In every darkness that grows, radiant stars
٢٨. مَن ما يَزالُ يُرينا مِن عَزائِمِهِ
في كُلِّ ظَلماءَ تَدجو أَنجُماً زُهُرا
29. A rod, when dynasties don their crowns
By his view, leaves in their circle no crookedness
٢٩. عَودٌ إِذا دَولَةٌ أَلقَت مَقالِدَها
لِرَأيِهِ لَم يَدَع في عودِها خَوَرا
30. With persistence, he dispels every adversity
Until the firm course which faltered steadies
٣٠. ما زالَ بِالجِدِّ يَنفي كُلَّ نائِبَةٍ
حَتّى اِستَقامَ بِهِ الجَدُّ الَّذي عَثَرا
31. The greatest minister returns glory expected
With security outstretched and justice propagated
٣١. رَدَّ الوَزيرُ الأَجَلُّ العِزَّ مُقتَبَلاً
وَالأَمنُ مُنبَسِطاً وَالعَدلُ مُنتَشِرا
32. Bringing justice, refusing wrongdoings
So that none are sought from him even if cords are severed
٣٢. مُبَرِّحٌ بِالعِدى يَأبى الإِباءُ لَهُ
أَن يُبتَغى عِندَهُ وِترٌ إِذا وَتَرا
33. Your intellects molded to reject bloodshed
So they only flow when annihilation is justified
٣٣. ظُباكَ لا شَكَّ مِن آرائِهِ طُبِعَت
فَما أَراقَت دَماً إِلّا مَضى هَدَرا
34. O clearest of the rightly-guided in traces and signs
The most manifest of them being the day of turmoil
٣٤. يا أَوضَحَ البيضِ عِندَ المُجتَلى أُثُرا
أَجَل وَأَشهَرُها يَومَ الوَغى أَثَرا
35. It crushed your peers with the joy it brought
For how many a dear one have you crushed and subjugated?
٣٥. اِقهَر أَساكَ بِما قَد جَرَّ مِن فَرَحٍ
فَكَم قَهَرتَ عَزيزاً قَطُّ ما قُهِرا
36. So it is sorrow, whenever you appease it, it soothes
Its fires, and when you inflame it, it kindles
٣٦. فَهوَ الأَسى كُلَّما سَكَّنتَهُ سَكَنَت
نيرانُهُ وَإِذا سَعَّرتَهُ اِستَعَرا
37. As if your share of one departed is increasing
With each day for those present
٣٧. كَأَنَّ حَظَّكَ مِمَّن غابَ مُحتَضَرا
يَزيدُ في كُلِّ يَومٍ عِندَ مَن حَضَرا
38. You hurried, taking his oath of allegiance
Until you united both nomad and settled upon it
٣٨. سارَعتَ مُنصَلِتاً في أَخذِ بَيعَتِهِ
حَتّى جَمَعتَ عَلَيها البَدوَ وَالحَضَرا
39. Rushing toward it, finding safety in it
From events, and good fortune to the early bird
٣٩. مُبادِرينَ لَها مُستَعصِمينَ بِها
مِنَ الحَوادِثِ وَالحُسنى لِمَن بَدَرا
40. When I called them to its glory, insolence was its opposite
Had another called to it besides you, vileness would have been nearer
٤٠. لَمّا دَعَوتُهُمُ عِزّاً لَها الجَفلى
وَلَو سِواكَ دَعا ذُلّاً لَها النَقَرى
41. Since you commanded it, none distinguished themselves in it
Between those dwelling in plains and those in residences
٤١. وَما تَمَيَّزَ فيها مُذ أَمَرتَ بِها
مَن يَنزِلُ القاعَ مِمَّن يَسكُنُ المَدَرا
42. They came to you from every distant place
The she-camels had no resolve except marching tied
٤٢. جاؤوكَ مِن كُلِّ أَوبٍ قاطِعينَ فَلا
تَلقى العَرامِسُ نَصّاً دونَها وَسُرى
43. They shook a hand whose influence dispels the schemes of foes
And by it we seek rain from the clouds
٤٣. يُصافِحونَ يَداً تَنفي بِسَورَتِها
كَيدَ الخُطوبِ وَنَستَسقي بِها المَطَرا
44. It protects and threatens so it remains hopeful
Anticipated to prevent fertile land or water meadows
٤٤. تَحمي وَتَهمي فَلا زالَت مُؤَمَّلَةً
تُرجى لِمَنعِ ثَراءٍ أَو لِرَيِّ ثَرى
45. Had hands not stretched out to you, you would have extended a bow
That you disciplined to pierce fat and flesh
٤٥. لَو لَم تُمَدَّ لَكَ الأَيدي مَدَدتَ قَناً
عَوَّدتَها تَرِدُ اللَباتِ وَالثَغَرا
46. Your righteousness saw diligence behind the view
Until seldom did difference of opinion remain
٤٦. مَرى سَدادُكَ خِلفَ الرَأيِ مُجتَهِداً
حَتّى لَقَد قَلَّ خُلفٌ وَاِستَقَلَّ مِرا
47. And which endeavor of yours for Islam has not
Received roses and bosoms' approval from caliphs?
٤٧. وَأَيُّ سَعيِكَ لِلإِسلامِ ما حَمِدَت
لَكَ الخَلائِفُ فيهِ الوِردَ وَالصَدَرا
48. Blessed is he whose preparation was completed by him
So excellent is what the Eternal Inheritor has stored away
٤٨. تَقَدَّسَت روحُ مَن سَمّاكَ عُدَّتَهُ
فَنِعمَ ما وَرَّثَ الباقي وَما ذَخَرا
49. You routed the enemy when it turned
Against the one appointed over it, so you were the honed sword
٤٩. وَمُنتَضيكَ وَقَد لَجَّ الجِماحُ بِمَن
بَغى عَلَيهِ فَكُنتَ الصارِمَ الذَكَرا
50. Enraged when the reckless witnessed turmoil
He fled, and if he desired harmony, he saw
٥٠. عَضباً إِذا شَهِدَ الهَيجاءُ مُضرَمَةً
أَفرى وَإِن شاءَ إِصلاحَ الأُمورِ فَرى
51. And how can this truth remain violated
When this lion, unyielding, stands in its defense?
٥١. وَكَيفَ يُصبِحُ هَذا الحَقُّ مُهتَضَماً
وَقَد غَدا دونَهُ ذا اللَيثُ مُهتَصِرا
52. Continuously victorious in guarding its charge
Mobilizing might, support, and triumph
٥٢. مُظَفَّراً لَم يَزَل في مَنعِ حَوزَتِهِ
يَستَخدِمُ العِزَّ وَالتَأييدَ وَالظَفَرا
53. Since the Sublime King singled you out to guard it
You have warded harm from it, making it inaccessible
٥٣. مُذِ اِصطَفاكَ لَهُ المَلكُ الرَفيعُ ذُرىً
وَذُدتَ عَنهُ العِدى أَضحى المَنيعَ ذُرى
54. So if he delegates all affairs to you
After you have observed and examined it
٥٤. فَإِن يُفَوِّض إِلَيكَ الأَمرَ أَجمَعَهُ
فَبَعدَما رُقتَهُ مَرأىً وَمُختَبَرا
55. The world will not seek what you safeguard
The boldest of them undertaking boldness
٥٥. لا يَطلُبَنَّ الوَرى ما أَنتَ مُحرِزُهُ
أَجَلُّهُم خَطَراً مَن باشَرَ الخَطَرا
56. Then fear will revert to security and chaos to sanctuary
By his might, and time which betrayed will be faithful
٥٦. فَعاوَدَ الخَوفُ أَمناً وَالمُباحُ حِمىً
لِبَأسِهِ وَوَفى الدَهرُ الَّذي غَدَرا
57. The turn of nights will no longer persist in its harm
Since God has favored the world by your oversight
٥٧. ما عادَ صَرفُ اللَيالي في إِساءَتِهِ
مُذ أَحسَنَ اللَهُ لِلدُنيا بِكَ النَظَرا
58. For you, O pillar of faith, were the first
To whom this time will attribute glory when it glories
٥٨. فَأَنتَ يا عُدَّةَ الإيمانِ أَوَّلُ مَن
يَعُدُّ ذا الدَهرُ مِن فَخرٍ إِذا فَخَرا
59. If we deny what you have done of goodness
Then we have blasphemed you while the loser is he who blasphemes
٥٩. إِذا جَحَدناكَ ما أَولَيتَ مِن حَسَنٍ
فَقَد كَفَرناكَ وَالمَغبونُ مَن كَفَرا
60. We praise the blessings of the one who gave you victory
So your resolve strengthened the glory it covered
٦٠. نُثني بِآلاءِ مَن وَلّاكَ نُصرَتَنا
فَشادَ إِقدامُكَ العِزَّ الَّذي دَثَرا
61. His blessings cannot be encompassed
By any description though the rocks speak of it
٦١. وَإِنَّ آلاءَهُ ما لا يُحيطُ بِها
وَصفٌ عَلى أَنَّها تَستَنطِقُ الحَجَرا
62. To praise the Imams is something the effort of the eloquent cannot reach
Even if thought were to ignite for it
٦٢. مَدحُ الأَئِمَّةَ شَيءٌ لَيسَ يَبلُغُهُ
جُهدُ البَليغِ وَإِن أَنضى لَهُ الفِكَرا
63. Virtues equal to breaths, it left
No boaster among all people with pride
٦٣. مَناقِبٌ عَدَدَ الأَنفاسِ ما تَرَكَت
لِفاخِرٍ مِن جَميعِ الناسِ مُفتَخَرا
64. And how can we capture in poetry the description of sublime ones
When we consider immersing ourselves in its description an impossibility?
٦٤. وَكَيفَ نُدرِكُ بِالأَشعارِ وَصفَ عُلىً
نَعُدُّ إِغراقَنا في وَصفِها حَصَرا
65. Do not ask rhyme about their merits
If you wish to know them, then ask about them from the Suras
٦٥. لا تَسأَلَنَّ القَوافي عَن فَضائِلِهِم
إِن شِئتَ تَعرِفُها فَاِسأَل بِها السُوَرا