
As for time, its reins are in your hands,

أما الزمان ففي يديك عنانه

1. As for time, its reins are in your hands,
O honored king, exalted is his glory!

١. أَمّا الزَمانُ فَفي يَدَيكَ عِنانُهُ
يا أَيُّها المَلِكُ المُعَظَّمُ شانُهُ

2. You have subdued its unruly ways, so now it is as you see,
Its tyranny is no longer feared, nor its transgression.

٢. ذَلَّلتَ جامِحَهُ فَصارَ كَما تَرى
لا جَورُهُ يُخشى وَلا عُدوانُهُ

3. And you have shown it the praiseworthy ways, holding it back
From its opposite, so its essence has changed.

٣. وَأَرَيتَهُ السُنَنَ الحَميدَةَ رادِعاً
عَن ضِدِّها فَتَقَلَّبَت أَعيانُهُ

4. If it dispraises all others who behold it, it nevertheless
Praises you unceasingly and its tongue does not tire.

٤. إِن ذَمَّ سائِرَ مَن يَراهُ فَإِنَّهُ
يُثني عَلَيكَ وَلا يَكِلُّ لِسانُهُ

5. Let not this barren reign deceive you, for it is a sea,
While the delights of this world are but its billows.

٥. لا غاضَ ذا المُلكُ العَقيمُ فَإِنَّهُ
بَحرٌ وَأَملاكُ الدُنا خُلجانُهُ

6. Seek them, for you are the source of honor, reports of which
Are wonders - so imagine beholding it!

٦. طُلهُم فَإِنَّكَ مَعدِنُ الشَرَفِ الَّذي
أَخبارُهُ عَجَبٌ فَكَيفَ عِيانُهُ

7. You have attained in the horizon of the exalted a station
That no ambitious mind can claim to grasp.

٧. أوتيتَ في أُفُقِ العَلاءِ مَحَلَّةً
لا يَدَّعي إِدراكَها كِيوانُهُ

8. So surrender to a kingdom whose resolve is your bastion
And against whose swords no fortress can grow.

٨. فَاِسلَم لِمُلكٍ صِدقُ عَزمِكَ حِصنُهُ
وَعَلى سُيوفِكَ لا نَبَت إِحصانُهُ

9. And a populace you have comforted since alighting among them
An era ago, while their youth turn gray in its terror.

٩. وَرَعِيَّةٍ أَنسَيتَها مُذ حُطتَها
زَمَناً تَشيبُ لِهَولِهِ وَلِدانُهُ

10. So their place of rest is not in the Meadow of Adha without
Its freshness, its shade being delightful and its springs pure.

١٠. فَمَقيلُهُم بِفَناءِ دَوحٍ لَم يَزَل
عَذباً جَناهُ ظَليلَةً أَفنانُهُ

11. And a clan who thought opposing you an opportunity
That desire obeyed, so Satan led them astray.

١١. وَعَشيرَةٍ ظَنّوا خِلافَكَ فُرصَةً
طَوعَ الهَوى فَأَضَلَّهُم شَيطانُهُ

12. While the cure for them is what they have witnessed, and their disease
Is denying an obligatory recognition.

١٢. وَدَواؤُهُم ما شاهَدوهُ وَداؤُهُم
إِنكارُ حَقٍّ واجِبٍ عِرفانُهُ

13. So one who loves his life has obeyed you
And is saved, while defiance destroys the traitor.

١٣. فَلَقَد أَطاعَكَ مَن أَحَبَّ حَياتَهُ
فَنَجا وَأَردى حائِناً عِصيانُهُ

14. And if only they had yielded to the power of their king,
His authority would still defeat any who rebelled.

١٤. وَلَوَ اِنَّهُم ذَلّوا لِعِزِّ مَليكِهِم
لا زالَ يَقهَرُ مَن بَغى سُلطانُهُ

15. He would overlook their sins and unite their ranks
After divisions - such is his affection and tenderness!

١٥. لَمَحا ذُنوبَهُمُ وَجَمَّعَ شَملَهُم
بَعدَ الشَتاتِ حُنُوُّهُ وَحَنانُهُ

16. Let no ambitious man hope for your gracious pardon
Until his secret matches his proclamation.

١٦. لا يَطمَعَن في حُسنِ عَفوِكَ طامِعٌ
حَتّى يُماثِلَ سِرَّهُ إِعلانُهُ

17. And let the one stained with sin not feel secure
Until his spirit separates from his body.

١٧. وَليَسلُهُ مَن لا يُفارِقُ غِلَّهُ
حَتّى يُفارِقَ روحَهُ جُثمانُهُ

18. And let whoever is not deceitful resolutely follow your approval -
For those under your protection have hope and safety.

١٨. وَليَتبَعَنَّ رِضاكَ غَيرَ مُوارِبٍ
مَن في يَمينِكَ خَوفُهُ وَأَمانُهُ

19. For you are one who abhors hypocrisy, so none can live
Under its shade but those whose grudges have not died.

١٩. فَلَأَنتَ مَن يَأبى النِفاقَ فَلَم يَعِش
في ظِلِّهِ مَن لَم تَمُت أَضغانُهُ

20. And bereft is one from whom you have turned away -
Like a spear whose tip is bent, gone its sharpness.

٢٠. وَغَناءُ مَن أَصبَحتَ عَنهُ مُعرِضاً
كَغَناءِ رُمحٍ بانَ عَنهُ سِنانُهُ

21. So let them keep with you desire or awe,
For the steed is long vexed by its bridle.

٢١. فَليُصحِبوا لَكَ رَغبَةً أَو رَهبَةً
فَلَطالَما ضَرَّ الجَوادَ حِرانُهُ

22. Had another aspired to rule them, his supporters would crumble
And his pillars collapse.

٢٢. لَو أَنَّ غَيرَكَ رامَهُم لَتَصَعصَعَت
أَعوانُهُ وَتَضَعضَعَت أَركانُهُ

23. For they are stalwarts who, when the pass was dangerous,
Were its knights, never shrinking from the fray.

٢٣. وَهُمُ الأُلى ما أَشرَعوا صُمَّ القَنا
في مَأزِقٍ إِلّا وَهُم فُرسانُهُ

24. Heroes of Sa'sa'ah, defenders of Rabee'ah,
Where the coward is disgraced even if with companions.

٢٤. أَبطالُ صَعصَعَةٍ حُماةُ رَبيعَةٍ
في حَيثُ يُزري بِالجِبانِ جَنانُهُ

25. From every battlefield tested and proven -
He whom they protect is kept safe by their blows and stabs.

٢٥. مِن كُلِّ مُختَبَرِ المَضاءِ مُجَرَّبٍ
يَحمي حِماهُ ضِرابُهُ وَطِعانُهُ

26. Those who straighten when others slouch, with posture erect,
While mounts sway not having that nature.

٢٦. مَن يَنثَني وَمِنَ النَجيعِ مُدامُهُ
طَرَباً وَما طَبَعَ القُيونُ قِيانُهُ

27. Lions amidst the dense groves, their lair within,
Artful warriors, while deceit their tool.

٢٧. لَيثٌ وَفي خَلَلَ الوَشيجِ عَرينُهُ
وَفَنيقُ حَربٍ وَالمَكَرُّ عِرانُهُ

28. They have never raided a barren wasteland
But that their assault makes it desolate.

٢٨. ما أَمَّ قَفراً لَم تَجَفَّل أَسدُهُ
فَرَقاً كَما جَفَلَت بِهِ ظِلمانُهُ

29. They were deluded in defying you and exceeded bounds,
Yet defying the likes of you strains the possible.

٢٩. غُرّوا بِأَن عَقّوا سِواكَ وَأَسرَفوا
وَعُقوقُ مِثلِكَ مُعوِزٌ إِمكانُهُ

30. So firm resolutions came whose impact, if contiguous,
Would shatter its plateaus and terrify its shepherds.

٣٠. فَأَتَت عَزائِمُ لَو قَرَعنَ مُتالِعاً
لَتَهافَتَت هَضَباتُهُ وَرِعانُهُ

31. For the champion of resolute daring with the view
That no Amr came to, nor hosts have reached.

٣١. لِمُؤَيَّدِ الإِقدامِ بِالرَأيِ الَّذي
لَم يَأتِهِ عَمروٌ وَلا وَردانُهُ

32. And the advocate of the house whose glory is long,
With its edifice lofty, its structure ascending.

٣٢. وَنَصِيَّةِ البَيتِ الَّذي طالَ السُهى
وَعَلا الثُرَيّا صاعِداً بُنيانُهُ

33. Its tent poles are the oryx's white thighs, its pillars
Some spears, their shafts its columns.

٣٣. أَوتادُهُ بيضُ الظُبا وَعِمادُهُ
بَعضُ الرِماحِ وَبَعضُها أَشطانُهُ

34. From a folk whose honored abode's hearth flame was never
Extinguished but that their good name remains its lintel.

٣٤. مِن مَعشَرٍ لَم يُطوَ مُهرَقُ سُؤدُدٍ
إِلّا وَطَيِّبُ ذِكرِهِم عُنوانُهُ

35. When an era passes, they are its essence,
When good comes, they are its aid.

٣٥. وَإِذا اِنتَهى دَهرٌ فَهُم أَعيانُهُ
وَإِذا أَتى خَيرٌ فَهُم أَعوانُهُ

36. When they come to a barren land, its greenery flourishes
And its valleys narrow in their midst.

٣٦. وَإِذا أَتَوا بَلَداً جَديباً أَخصَبَت
فيهِ رُباهُ وَأُتئِقَت غُدرانُهُ

37. Had the riffraff not prevailed over them, the seeker
Of favor would not know where to find it.

٣٧. لَو لَم تَفُز بِهِمُ العُفاةُ لَما دَرى
مُتَطَلِّبُ المَعروفِ أَينَ مَكانُهُ

38. Foes do not deny their evident glory -
How can there be denial when proof leads the way?

٣٨. لَم يَجحَدِ الأَعداءُ واضِحَ مَجدِهِم
كَيفَ الجُحودُ وَسابِقٌ بُرهانُهُ

39. He was endowed with honor that the stars' blossoms supposed
Was their own, so encircled him as neighbors.

٣٩. مَن خُصَّ بِالشَرَفِ الَّذي ظَنَّت بِهِ
زُهرُ الكَواكِبِ أَنَّها جيرانُهُ

40. Guarded are his circumstances, emulated his words,
Successive his beneficence.

٤٠. مَمنوعَةٌ أَحوالُهُ مَتبوعَةٌ
أَقوالُهُ مُتَتابِعٌ إِحسانُهُ

41. If he leaves scholarship or contains affluence,
His clarity and munificence overflow.

٤١. ما إِن يُغادي العِلمَ أَو يَحوي الغِنى
حَتّى يَفيضَ بَيانُهُ وَبَنانُهُ

42. No aspirer to him has ever been frustrated,
Nor one who sought refuge met with flames.

٤٢. لا خابَ آمِلُهُ وَلا خَبَّ الرَدى
يَوماً إِلَيهِ وَلا خَبَت نيرانُهُ

43. O aide of one whose days have betrayed him
And supporter of one for whom homelands yearn!

٤٣. يا عَونَ مَن غَدَرَت بِهِ أَيّامُهُ
وَمُعينَ مَن تَنبو بِهِ أَوطانُهُ

44. You have spared the bitterness of asking and its sweetness
With dew that exceeds the elixir of life in its exhilaration.

٤٤. أَغنَيتَ عَن مُرِّ السُؤالِ وَحُلوِهِ
بِنَدىً يَزيدُ عَلى الحَيا تَهتانُهُ

45. It is like a torrent that does not refuse when resolve alights,
Not like a cloud whose moments of rain are scattered.

٤٥. هُوَ كَالغَوادي لا تَمُنُّ إِذا هَمَت
لا كَالغَمامِ تَباعَدَت أَحيانُهُ

46. Why not exaggerate my praise of you prolixly
When poetry is an impulse and my mind its arena?

٤٦. لِمَ لا أُبالِغُ في مَديحِكَ مُطنِباً
وَالشِعرُ طِرفٌ خاطِري مَيدانُهُ

47. I praise you for the wealth your hand conferred on me liberally
Of treasures making me needless of hoarding or aid.

٤٧. أُثني عَلَيكَ بِما أَنالَتني يَدٌ
بِكرُ الغِنى مِن سَيبِها وَعَوانُهُ

48. So forgive the patron I have breached the duty of
By broadcasting widely views that his wisdom concealed.

٤٨. فَليَعذِرِ المَولى الَّذي خالَفتُهُ
فَأَذَعتُ جوداً رَأيُهُ كِتمانُهُ