
If I had a soul that was patient for what

لو أن لي نفسا صبرت لما

1. If I had a soul that was patient for what
I encountered, but I have no soul

١. لو أنّ لي نفساً صبرتُ لِما
ألقى ولكن ليس لي نفسُ

2. Why should I stay with those whose
Noses are like the horns of young mountain goats?

٢. ما لي أُقيم لدى زعانِفةٍ
شُمِّ القرون أنوفُهم فطسُ

3. I have a funeral because of their bad deeds
And they have, because of my good praises, a wedding

٣. لي مأتمٌ من سوءِ فعلهِمُ
ولهم بحسنِ مدائحي عرسُ

4. I planted praise among them
Hoping for gain, but that planting bore no fruit

٤. ولقد غرستُ المدحَ عندهُمُ
طمعَاً فحَنظلَ ذلك الغَرسُ

5. Their old man and master
Is for your life a cold, lifeless statue

٥. الشيخَ عينُهُمُ وسَيّدهُم
خَرِفٌ لعمركَ باردِ جبسُ

6. Like a stable boy holding his stick
Going about with dryness behind him

٦. كالجاثَلِيقِ على عُصيتَّهِ
يَغدو ودارا خلفَه القَسُّ

7. While the honest counselor next to
The minister is like a lame old goat

٧. والناصحُ الهندورجي إلى
جَنبِ الوزير كأنّه جَعسُ

8. And you know Abu Al-Futuh
And Suhail is like a sneaking dog

٨. وأبو الفتوح فأنت تعرفه
وسُهَيل مثل الكلب يندسُّ

9. The wicked irrigation director acts
Without any closeness or intimacy

٩. وخليفةُ الريّ الخبيث له
بالتيس فَرط القُرب والأنسُ

10. While Abu Al-Ghanaim in his foolishness
Rises up without any past

١٠. وأبو الغنائم في تبظرمه
يعلو وليس ليومه أمسُ

11. Al-Zawzani is cold and rude
Like death, in him are coldness and dryness

١١. والزَّوزَنِيُّ فبارد سَمِجٌ
كالموت فيه البَردُ واليُبسُ

12. If the light of the sun were in his hand
Out of stinginess the sun would not rise

١٢. لو أن نورَ الشمس في يدهِ
من بخله لم تطلُعِ الشمس

13. I am one who speaks gently, that is, I
Am softer than his movements are holy

١٣. متخفِّفٌ أي أنّني دَمِثٌ
وأخفُّ من حركاته قُدسُ

14. While Muhammad the butcher, his arrogance
Forgetting the butcher's craft

١٤. ومحمدُ القصّابُ فَقحَتُهُ
لقصّابي نَسا رمَس

15. And Huraybah the tax collector, his treasurer
Is a penny-pinching miser as though toothless

١٥. وحُرَيبَةُ الإسكاف خازنهُ
رشخوُ الحِتارِ كأنّه قَلسُ

16. The wealth of the land has come freely into his hand
While the value of his head is a cent

١٦. قد صار مالُ الأرض في يدهِ
عفواً وقيمةُ رأسه فَلسُ

17. These are the affairs of the king altogether
Its outcome because of them is misfortune

١٧. هذي أمور الملك أجمعها
فسعُودها من أجلهم نَحسُ

18. And I had decided to leave them
And you would find me leading a blameless life

١٨. ولقد هممتُ بأن أفارِقَهُم
وتجدَّ بي عَيرانةٌ عَنس

19. But two things kept me from leaving them
My knowledge that people had sunk low

١٩. لكن ثناني عن فراقِهِمُ
عِلمي بأنّ الناس قد خَسُّوا

20. Who then can I desire and choose?
Affliction has spread and confusion abounds

٢٠. مَن ذا أرومُ وأجتديه لقد
عمَّ البلاءُ وأشكلَ اللَّبسُ

21. The imitator, poor thing, has no
Mind, opinion, or grit

٢١. المقتدي المسكين ليس له
عقل ولا رأي ولا جَسُّ

22. He builds and destroys what he erects
So that he is like one burning incense

٢٢. يبني وينقضُ ما يُشيِّدُهُ
فكأنّه مُتبخِّرٌ يفَسُو

23. That, while his lieutenant
Is like a stupid, cold, half-witted dog

٢٣. هذا وكُهرائِينُ شِحنَتُهُ
كالكلب خَبٌّ بارد نِمسُ

24. A man, but he has no
Wife, but she has no...

٢٤. رجُلٌ ولكن ما له
أنثى ولكن مالها

25. While Abu Shaja in his pillow
Is like a mute, nay, lower than a mute

٢٥. وأبو شجاع في وسادته
كالخَرسِ لا بل دوَنهُ الخَرس

26. My son Jahir hopes while they
Were just yesterday the closest of frowning faces

٢٦. أبني جَهير أرتجي وهمُ
بالأمسِ أقربُ سوقةٍ غُبسُ

27. The height of their affairs, if unrestrained
No rumor would spread about them or the price of tamarind rise

٢٧. أعلى أمورهمُ إذا نفق ال
طِريّخُ عنهم أو غَلا الدِبسُ

28. By God, if they owned the heavens they still would
Not have self-respect, or dignity, or become unsoiled

٢٨. واللهِ لو ملكوا السماءَ لَما
عرفوا ولا اهتزُّوا ولا انجسوا

29. Should I seek out Abu Ibrahim's door?
Alas! Hope is dashed and so is judgment

٢٩. أم بابَ إبراهيمَ أقصدهُ
هيهات خاب الظنُ والحَدسُ

30. Imprisoned he was, and he had generosity
But generosity and imprisonment are gone

٣٠. قد كان محبوسا وكان له
جودٌ فزال الجودُ والحَبسُ

31. Should I plead to his nephew hoping
For a pension from him like a coat of mail?

٣١. أم أعتفي ابن أخيه مُرتَجياً
عِلقا له من ظهره تُرسُ

32. I gave up on the Turks
Until we thought they were fleas

٣٢. ندفت التركِ
حتى ظننّا أنّها بِرسُ