
She said, "I heard that a free man got lost, in a town he arrived at, sick.

قالت سمعت أن حرا ضاعا

1. She said, "I heard that a free man got lost, in a town he arrived at, sick.
So he remained for days, a friend of the mosque; he didn't see any happiness among his neighbors.

١. قالت سَمعت أَن حُراً ضاعا
في بَلدة حَل بِها وَجاعا

2. Until when he was about to die of hunger, and he avoided settlement and rest,
His soul said to him, blaming him, "The young man failed at life unfortunately."

٢. فَظَل أَياماً حَليف مسجد
لَم يَرَ في جيرانِهِ مِن مسعد

3. "Seek scraps to preserve your life, know that the wretch is he who died.
Go out and beg, the humiliation of asking, is better than death in any case."

٣. حَتَّى إِذا كادَ يَموت جوعا
وَهَجر القَرار وَالهُجوعا

4. He said to her, "Nay, death is sweeter, than asking for food, at any watering place."
"For Qais ibn Dharih asked, when he was old, having become needy,

٤. قالَت لَهُ وَعنفته نَفسه
عَجز الفَتى عَن الحَياة نَحسه

5. So the people turned him away, and didn't give him, provision, and they fled from him when they saw him."
"My soul is content with humiliation, submitting, seeking food.

٥. اطلب حطاماً يحفظ الحياتا
إِنَّ الشقي فاعلمن مَن ماتا

6. It deserves to die of hunger, so it didn't taste a meal for a week."
He died of hunger and the wailing woman eulogized him, and mentioned his generosity.

٦. اخرج فَسَل فذلة السؤال
خَير مِن المَوت بِكُل حال

7. But I will seek and roam the roads, and it was dusk.
So he came to the door of a grocer, having apparent wealth and money.

٧. قالَ لَها بَل الحَمام أَحلى
مِن السُؤال مَورِداً وَأغلى

8. He said to the people, "Good evening, he who asks for food commits no wrong.
A stranger guest who has no dinner, his intestines are filled with hunger."

٨. فَإِن قَيس بن زُهير طَلَبا
وَهوَ كَبير السن لَما سَغبا

9. The homeowner had food, and it was the night of fasting.
So his wife took a loaf, and rushed to feed the weak man.

٩. فَرده القَوم وَما أَعطوه
قوتاً وَفَروا مِنهُ إِذ رَأوه

10. The husband got angry at her and jumped, whipping her severely saying in anger,
"Your reward is divorce, for this deed, after this you are not my wife!"

١٠. فَقالَ نَفس رَضيت بِالذل
وَخَضَعت طالِبَة لِلأَكل

11. The poor man rejected the home's door, and returned humiliated and broken.
Saying, "Why did you divorce the helpless, and the poor woman had to spend the night?"

١١. جَديرة بِأَن تَموت جوعا
فَلَم يَذُق مِن مَطعَم أسبوعا

12. And he spent the night in his mosque, determined to perish of hunger, and to end this life.
The neighbors gathered for prayer, and mentioned how to distribute the alms tax.

١٢. وَماتَ جوعاً وَرثته النائِحة
وَذَكرت ما كانَ مِنهُ شارِحه

13. Each said, "I have an obligation to God, it's enough for me to prevent that transgression."
The Imam said, "This man most deserves his right, so stop making excuses."

١٣. لكنني سَأَبتَغي وَأطلب
وَطافَ في الطرق وَكانَ المَغرب

14. So they gathered a thousand dinars from the alms tax, and the elder brought it to him secretly.
After misery and distress, he now had riches in fertility and prosperity,

١٤. فَجاءَ باب رَجل بقال
لُه ثَراء ظاهر ذو مال

15. Until when the year passed, his money doubled to great wealth.
He went early to the market, returning as a merchant,

١٥. فَقالَ للقوم عموا مَساء
من طَلَب القوت فَما أَساء

16. And he wouldn't lose money among the traders.
He became one of the prominent merchants,

١٦. ضَيف غَريب ما لَهُ عَشاء
قَد حشيت بِجوعه الأَحشاء

17. A leader among the great sellers.
A neighbor elder said to him, "Do you have among your family,

١٧. وَصاحب الدار عَلى الطعام
وَكانَ ذاكَ لَيلة الصيام

18. A young beautiful girl, like the full moon, radiant as a gazelle?"
"So that when she is gifted to him, and she displays her beauty to him,

١٨. فَأَخَذَت زَوجته رَغيفا
وَبادَرَت لِتُطعم الضعيفا

19. and they sit one day for the meal, and they turn to the wine to enjoy together,
A poor man comes to the door asking. His wife says, it's not nice,

١٩. فَغضب الزوج عَلَيها وَوَثب
بِالسوط وَاِشتاطَ وَقالَ في الغَضَب

20. God will give to you, I don't have, for all who ask, except refusal."
The husband gets angry at her and jumps, beating and cursing her severely,

٢٠. جَزاؤكَ الطلاق عَن ذا الفعل
فَلَست لي مِن بَعد ذا باهل

21. Handing the poor man what's atop the tray, all of it, from Iraq and Maraq.
And he says, "What's your excuse, O fool, for this terrible saying?"

٢١. فأنكر المسكين باب الدار
وَعادَ في ذُل وَفي انكِسار

22. She said to him, " I refused a beggar, that wasn't, if you consider, harmful.
And I had before you another husband, so he got angry

٢٢. يَقول لم طلقت الظعينه
بِسَببي وَباتَت المسكينه

23. And the bond between us broke because of him."
He said to her, "I recognize the story, don't mention to me the vile despicable man."

٢٣. وَباتَ في مَسجده وَقَد عَزم
عَلى الردى جوعاً وَلِلعَيش حسم

24. She said, "He passed away while you're safe, and he's regretting his actions since."
So the husband prostrated saying, "Thanks! Ill will only breeds more ill will!"

٢٤. فَاِجتَمع الجيران للصلاة
وَذَكَروا مَصارف الزكاة

25. "Do you recognize that beggar, when he came to you suffering and blind?"
I am that beggar wretch! And there's no despair of God's kindness!"

٢٥. وَقالَ كُل إِن عِندي حَقا
للَّه حَسبي منع ذاكَ فسقا

26. "Praise God who gave me his place, and endowed me with riches.
His home, his wedding, his money!" He feared when he heard her words.

٢٦. قالَ الإِمام إِنَّ هَذا الرجُلا
أَحَق بِالحَق فَخلوا العللا

27. So the cock came to me and said, "What do you complain of, and what do you desire to eat?"
I said to him, "I'm sickly and frail, thrown without feathers, captive of time."

٢٧. فَجَمَعوا مِن الزكاة أَلفا
فَجاءهُ الشَّيخ بِها وَخَفا

28. He said, "Who did this to you tell me, and speak the truth if talking to me fully."
So when I clarified all my matter, he came attacking me severely with his beak,

٢٨. فَباتَ بَعد البُؤس وَالضرَّاء
ذا ثَروة في الخَصب وَالرخاء

29. Striking me, an angered beating, saying: misery comes upon the wretched!
His hand is paralyzed, who didn't leave you! Damn him, what made him destroy you?!

٢٩. حَتَّى إِذا الحَول عَلَيهِ حالا
تَضاعف المال لَهُ أَموالا

30. Killing to me, is part of what you deserve, to leave you transgressor is not deemed right!
And now I've come to my household, get out to torture and hell!"

٣٠. وَباكر السوق وَعادَ تاجِرا
وَلَم يَكُن بَينَ التجار خاسِرا

31. He dragged me after beating me painfully, making me hear hurtful suffering.
So I got up not knowing where to go, confused in my purposes, doubtful.

٣١. وَصارَ في مَشايخ التجار
مُقَدما في الباعة الكِبار

32. Then I met a fox in my path so I shunned him to escape.
Behind me was the son of my protector, with ferocious attacking dogs!

٣٢. قالَ لَهُ شَيخ مِن الجِيران
هَل لَكَ في خود مِن النسوان

33. So I said "who can save me and help me flee?" Then I prayed to God, dispeller of distresses,
He is gentle to His creation, answering despair with imminent relief.

٣٣. صبية فائِقة الجَمال
كَالبَدر وَالقَضيب وَالغَزال

34. So I fell into their hands while they pulled with all their might
And only my Lord's subtle kindness could overcome them

٣٤. حَتّى إِذا ما أهديت إلَيهِ
وَنَفَضَت مِن حُسنِها عَلَيه

35. Until when I despaired of my life, and no means of salvation were built for me,
They disputed among themselves which would hunt me down,

٣٥. وَجَلَسا يَوماً عَلى الطعام
وَاِستَظهَرا في الشُرب للمدام

36. And they all had come wanting me, so I slipped away while they busied themselves,
Their sworn allies had surrounded me closely stacked.

٣٦. جاءَ إِلى الباب فَقير يَسأَل
قالَت لَهُ الزوجة ما لا يجمل

37. And I remained among them for a time until my wings grew back,
After they had molted. So that's the strangest of wonders,

٣٧. اللَّهُ يُعطيكَ فَلَيسَ عِندي
لِكُل مَن يَسأل غَير الرَد

38. And nothing in the eras is unbelievable!
So tell me the story of your affairs, and reveal your secrets!"

٣٨. فَغَضب الزَّوج عَلَيها وَوثب
يوسعها مِن قَولِها ضَرباً وَسَب

39. He said to me "I was set loose to graze, and I wouldn't stop looking."
Nightfall forced me into an owl's nest, so I spent the night an inauspicious owl guest.

٣٩. وَناول المسكين ما فَوقَ الطبَق
جَميعه مِن العِراق وَالمَرَق

40. They brought food and drink, feigning honor and admiration.
And they recounted what wonders they'd seen, and said "Tell me without sinning."

٤٠. وَقالَ ما عُذرك يا رَقيعه
في هَذِهِ المَقالة الشَّنيعه

41. So when he slept, drunk, I killed his chicks - he didn't thank me!
And I didn't know he intended, or plot against me with his words.

٤١. قالَت لَهُ إِني أَنلت سائِلا
ما لَم يَكُن إِذا اِعتَبَرت طائِلا

42. I slept drunk and the old hen said "Do not fall asleep!" I said "Quiet, you ignorant one!"
She said "It's ugly that the home's owner sleep, while the awake guest didn't sleep!"

٤٢. وَكانَ لي بَعل سِواك فَغضب
وَعادَ حبل الوَصل مِنهُ مُنقَضب

43. But drunkenness overwhelmed me so I slept, and he jumped,
Attacking my chicks who then faced destruction from him.

٤٣. قالَ لَها وَعرفَ الحَديثا
لا تَذكُري لي السفله الخَبيثا

44. The peacock said: "Evil is what you have done, your story is an innovation!"
"This isn't customary hospitality, to betray after affection and food!"

٤٤. قالَت لَقَد ماتَ وَأَنتَ سالم
وَإِنَّهُ مِن وَقتِهِ لَنادم

45. "We don't know anyone like this among our kind, our minds lead us more than our beauty!"
Maybe he's someone who one day accompanied, the debauched who taught him immorality.

٤٥. فَسَجَدَ الزوج وَقالَ شُكراً
لَيسَ يَجُر النكر إِلا النكرا

46. For accompanying evildoers is an infectious disease, like traits, from father and grandfather.
So describe him and trace his lineage if you know him, perhaps he may be recognized if you depict him."

٤٦. هَل تَعرِفين ذَلِكَ الفَقيرا
لما أَتاكُم بائِساً ضَريرا

47. So the owl said "He named himself Morning, and said his father's name is Pretty."
And he used to be called Father Qamash, entrusted with nests by all birds.

٤٧. إِني أَنا ذاك الفَقير البائس
وَلَيسَ مِن لُطف الإِله يائس

48. And my dwelling was Penguin Island, famous in the North African region.
So I was a blessing and money, such wealth the governor coveted.

٤٨. الحَمدُ للَّه الَّذي أَعطاني
مَكانه وَبالغنى حَباني

49. For my enviers crept toward it, and with the poor money is a sin.
So they all strove to uproot it, until they accomplished its extraction.

٤٩. وَدارَهُ وَعُرسه وماله
فَخافَ لَما سَمع المَقاله

50. My enviers were of two types, both actively seeking my demise at one time.
Some were spoiled by favors I gave ignorant of motives and doubts that occurred to me.

٥٠. فَجاءَني الديك وَقالَ ما الَّذي
تَشكو وَماذا تَشتَهي وَتَغتَدي

51. I preferred them over all birds, until when I singled them out favorably,
They transgressed and assumed it was their right, and sustenance duty-bound for them.

٥١. قُلت لَهُ إِني عَليل ضمن
ملقى بِلا ريش أَسير زَمَن

52. I have no right to obligate them, for it is provision for people taken forcibly.
Thus is he who patronizes fools and prefers lowly rogues.

٥٢. قالَ وَمَن ذا نالَ منكَ قُل لي
وَاصدق إِذا حَدثتَني في الكُل

53. Some I distanced due to assumption and excessive corruption in collecting.
For my nature disowned them, and recoiled from their temperament.

٥٣. فَحينَ أَوضَحت جَميع أَمري
نَحا إِليَّ جاهِداً بالنقر

54. I never liked them naturally so I always deprived them of gifts.
Among them are honorable noble minds, with intellect and dreams.

٥٤. يَضرِبُني ضَرب مغيظ محنق
إِن الشقاء نازِل عَلى الشقي

55. My coldness angered them - for aloofness causes enmity indeed.
Especially when they saw my cordiality towards the indecent and boorish.

٥٥. وَقالَ شلت يَده لم تَرَكك
تَباً لَهُ ما بالهُ ما أَهلكك

56. Nothing corrupts behavior like elevating the inferior and defective,
And denying virtue for passion, not qualities.

٥٦. فَالقَتل عِندي بَعض ما تستَوجب
تركك يا فاسق لا يَستصوب

57. He who deprives a stranger and guards distant and near
Deserves condemnation and blame, his actions are like Abu Nama's.

٥٧. وَالآن قَد جئت إِلى حريمي
أَخرج إِلى العَذاب وَالجَحيم