1. He said yes, she was an old demented woman
Married to a boy she burdened
١. قالَ نَعَم كانَت عَجوز خرفه
بِبَعلِها وَهوَ صَبي كلفه
2. And he refused her and loved another
A young gazelle-like girl
٢. وَكانَ يَأباها وَيَهوى أُخرى
صَبية مثل الغَزال بكرا
3. She spoiled his wedding in her love
That's from her flaw and stupidity
٣. فسفهته عرسه في عشقها
وَذاكَ مِن نُقصانِها وَحمقها
4. The pretty girl blamed
And forgot her ugly image
٤. وَعابَت الصَبية المَليحه
ونسيت صورتها القبيحه
5. Because she didn't know coquetry
In people's images or ugliness
٥. لأنها لم تعرف الملاحة
في صور الناس ولا القباحه
6. She said to him, blaming his deed
And mocking his words and mind
٦. قالَت لَهُ وَهيَ تَعيب فعله
وَتَستَزل قَولَه وَعَقله
7. You left me though I am old
For a girl, which is not right
٧. تَرَكتَني وَإِنَّني عَجوز
لطفلة وَذاكَ لا يَجوز
8. I never got pregnant or raised a child
A foolish one, no cleverness or misery in her
٨. ما حبلت قَط وَلا ربت وَلَد
بَلهاء ما فيها دَهاء وَنَكَد
9. Oblivious, not experiencing time
And has worn out clothes sometimes
٩. غافِلَة لا تُخبر الزمانا
وَقَد لَبِست برده أَحيانا
10. Look at her sick eyelids
And the redness of her cheeks and paleness
١٠. انظر إِلى أَجفانِها المراض
وَحُمرة الوَجنة وَالبَياض
11. And her narrow trimmed waist
And her heavy wide hips
١١. وَخصرها المُختَصر النحيل
وَردفها المُرتدف الثقيل
12. She is plump, corpulent
Chubby, meaty, fatty
١٢. وَإِنَّها سَمينة جَسيمه
بدينة لحمية شَحميه
13. Don't you see her flirtatious walking, how unseemly it is
Don't you see her talk, how soft it is
١٣. أَما تَرى دَلالَها ما أَهجَنه
أَما تَرى كَلامَها ما أَليَنَه
14. Don't you see her words are coarse
Don't you see her glances are sick
١٤. أَما تَرى أَلفاظَها رَخيمه
أَما تَرى أَلحاظَها سَقيمه
15. It's as if she is a sleepy old woman
Short stepping, thinking she is youthful
١٥. كَأَنَّها وَسنى أناة كَسلى
قَصيرة الخَطو تَظن نَشوى
16. Don't you see her scarf, how it dangles
Don't you see her anklet, how it clinks
١٦. أَما تَرى وِشاحَها ما يقلق
أَما تَرى خلخالَها ما ينطق
17. An old woman with coarse words
Beautifully ill glances
١٧. وَسناء غنجا رَخمة الأَلفاظ
صَحيحة عَليلة الأَلحاظ
18. She kept blaming her and mentioning
The beauty traits that can't be denied
١٨. فَلَم تَزَل تعيبها وَتذكر
مَحاسن الخَلق الَّتي لا تنكر
19. She thought that was immoral in her ignorance
Of beauty and ugliness due to her weak mind
١٩. تَظن ذاكَ فاحِشاً لِجَهلِها
بِالحُسن وَالقُبح لِضَعف عَقلِها
20. And so do you blame people
For every virtue, reverse reasoning
٢٠. وَهَكَذا أَنتَ تَعيب الناسا
بِكُل فَضل فاعكس القِياسا
21. Like one who blames honey for being sweet
And the inactive lion for being fierce
٢١. كَمَن يَعيب الشهد بِالحَلاوه
وَالأسد الخادر بِالقَساوه
22. By God, if not for the nobility of people
The world would just be dreams
٢٢. وَاللَّه لَولا شَرَف الأَنام
ما كانَت الدُّنيا سِوى أَحلام
23. Look at an empty land without them
And a place of refuse far from them
٢٣. انظُر إِلى أَرض خَلاء مِنهم
وَمَوضع ناء بَعيد عَنهُم
24. Is it like the inhabited place
Beautiful to souls and eyes?
٢٤. هَل هُو مثل المَوضع المَسكون
يحسن في النفوس وَالعُيون
25. And he did what he did for reform
No flaw or blame in it
٢٥. وَفعل ما يفعل لِلصلاح
ما فيهِ مِن عَيب وَلا جَناح
26. So the brave one is who reforms himself
Even by killing his son or wedding
٢٦. فَالشهم مَن أَصلَح أَمر نَفسه
وَلَو بِقَتل وَلَده وَعرسه
27. Haven't you heard the story of the crow
When he feared evil from punishment?
٢٧. أَما سمعت خَبَر الغُراب
إِذ خَشي الشر مِن العقاب