
Praise be to Allah who granted me

الحمد لله الذي حباني

1. Praise be to Allah who granted me
The heart and tongue of the youngest,

١. الحَمدُ لِلّه الَّذي حَباني
بِالأَصغرين القَلب وَاللسان

2. And verily man's merit
And pride is in his reason and eloquence.

٢. وَإِنَّما فَضيلة الإِنسان
وَفَخره بِالعَقل وَالبَيان

3. Praises with which I will be recompensed
And His blessings I can never fully praise.

٣. حَمداً يُجازى مِنهُ وَنعمته
وَجَل أَن يَبلغَ حمد منته

4. Then blessings of Allah and peace
As long as dark and light differ,

٤. ثم صلاة اللَّه والسلام
ما اختلف الضياء والظلام

5. Upon the chosen Prophet and his family
Muhammad and the pride of his men.

٥. عَلى النَّبي المُصطَفى وَآلِهِ
مُحَمد وَالغُر مِن رِجالِه

6. This is a book containing wisdom and manners
Surpassing the poetry and speeches.

٦. هَذا كِتاب فيهِ علم وَأَدَب
يَفوق أَنواع القَريض وَالخطب

7. I composed it for the master of kings
And refuge of the anxious and destitute.

٧. عَملته لِسيد المُلوك
وَموئل الملهوف وَالصعلوك

8. It came out like pure gold
I took an unprecedented approach in its prosody, composition and style.

٨. فَجاءَ مِثل الذهب المَسبوك
سَلَكت نَهجاً لَيسَ بِالمَسلوك

9. Not the usual words collected together
But origination of various wisdoms

٩. في نَظمِهِ وَسبكِهِ وَوَضعِه
لا من كَلام همني في جَمعِه

10. With enthusiasm for knowledge, what an enthusiasm!
I invented its meanings

١٠. بَل اِبتِداعاً لِصُنوف الحكمه
بِهمة في العلم أَيَّ همه

11. For a king never failing those who hope in him.
The sea of generosity, Lord of hands and favors,

١١. وَضَعتُهُ مخترعاً مَعناه
لملك ما خابَ من رَجاه

12. Sun of supremacy, light of guidance, my father al-Hasan,
The Muzayidi, the Asadi in his truthfulness,

١٢. بَحر الندا رَبَّ الأَيادي وَالمنن
شَمس العُلا نور الهُدى أَبي الحَسَن

13. When his praise is called a lie, it proves his truthfulness.
The Aryuhi, the Lumai, the Asadi,

١٣. المزيَديّ الأَسديّ صدقه
وَمن إِذا كذَّب مَدح صدقه

14. Leader of Auf, valiant of the clan of Asad.
Refuge of every fearful distressed one,

١٤. الأَريحي الأَلمَعي الأَسَدي
غُرة عوف الهزبر الأَصيدي

15. And pasture of the lost and guests.
The equal of Antar when swords clash,

١٥. ملجأ كُل خائف مَلهوف
وَمَرتع الحَيران وَالضُّيوف

16. And Hatim, he is hopes and wishes.
The Asadi, and verily the clan of Asad

١٦. من عَنتر إِذا تَقارع القَنا
وَحاتم وَهوَ المَنايا وَالمُنى

17. Are the soul of supremacy and the rest of people are a body.
Killers of kings and champions,

١٧. الأَسدي وَإِنما بَنو أَسَد
روح العلا وَسائر الناس جسد

18. Conquerors, warriors and breakers of champion.
When times get hard they display valor

١٨. القاتلوا المُلوك وَالجَبابره
وَالكاسر وَالقيول وَالأكاسره

19. And barren years and leanness make them fierce.
The least branch of Quraish in lineage

١٩. وَيَشرئبون إِذا ضن البرم
وَكَبت الجدب الجفان وَالبرم

20. When called upon regard Khuzaymah their Sheikh.
Among them many intrepid kings

٢٠. أَدنى نِزار مِن قُرَيش نَسَبا
إِذا دَعوا خزيمة الشَّيخ أَبا

21. Foremost in might and generosity.
Like Ali and the supported Ali

٢١. كَم فيهم مِن ملك جَحجاح
مقدم في البأس وَالسماح

22. Pillar and support of religion and state.
Then Dabais whose zeal made him wild,

٢٢. مِثل عَليّ وَعليّ معتمد
للدين وَالدولة رُكن وَسَند

23. Vast armed, of heated courage.
How much with the might of his bitter soul

٢٣. ثُمَ دَبيس وَدَبيس غرَّه
رَحب الذراع ذُو سَجايا حرّه

24. He protected platforms of Islam and captives.
He ransomed captives from Ortuq and his army

٢٤. كَم قد حَمى بِبأس نَفس مرّه
مَنابر الإِسلام وَالأسِرَّه

25. And rescued them from bondage and shackles.
Were it not for him they would be his slaves forever

٢٥. أنجد قرواشا عَلى الأَتراك
وَانتاشه مِن مخلب الهَلاك

26. And their freedom would become his prisoner.
His encampment never ceased to be

٢٦. في يَوم سنجار فَلولاه هَرَب
لَكن دَبيس وَحدَه حَمى العَرَب

27. A refuge for each king and caliph fleeing aggression.
And destitute people in need and fearful ones

٢٧. فَطاوِعي رَبَّك يا عَقيل
فَلَيسَ في ذاك عَلَيك قيل

28. Seek it out.
So the hungry gets satiated therein

٢٨. وَإِنَّما تَعتضد الأَحياء
بِمَن بِه الهَلاك وَالأَحياء

29. And the fearful feels safe under its protection.
With the horsemen of Muzayid, the Arabs

٢٩. وَهَكذا مِنك بِيَوم آمدِ
عَلَيهِمُ فَضلٌ فَهَل مِن جاحد

30. The guest who seeks refuge finds what he desires.
Would that I dwelled in that encampment

٣٠. ضَعضع عَرض مسلم فثلا
ثُمَ فَدى أَسرى عَقيل ثكلا

31. Amidst the suns of glory and family!
For it is the Kaaba of people of merit

٣١. أَنقذهم مِن أُرتُق وَجُنده
وَانتاشهم مِن أسره وَقَيده

32. And Mecca of praise and sanctuary of reason.
In the best land, guest of the best refuge

٣٢. لَولاه كانوا أَبداً عَبيدَه
وَأَصبَحَت حرتهم وَلَيده

33. A respected king whom people of wisdom regard highly.
Dazzling mighty in Bukhara, glorious,

٣٣. وَلَم تَزَل حلته ملاذاً
لِكُل مَن يَهرب مِن بَغذاذا

34. Most wondrous amalgamation of merit and praise.
Mas'ur the war kindled hearted,

٣٤. يَقصدها المُلوك وَالخَلائف
وَجائع ذو فاقة وَخائِف

35. Who disciplines the slave and is gentle to dogs.
So his fire is reckless tongued

٣٥. فَيَشبَع الجائع في ذراها
وَيَأمن الخائف في حِماها

36. And his dog in forbearance is like a coward.
Every frightened one feels safe in his abode

٣٦. عِندَ بَني مزيد فُرسان العَرَب
يَلقى النَزيل المُستَجير ما طَلَب

37. Except deer and partridges of his hunting group.
For they are frightened and perturbed

٣٧. يا لَيتَني سَكَنتُ تِلكَ الحله
بَينَ شُموس المَجد وَالأَهله

38. Their legs hungry and grieved.
Sultan Jangi fearsome in war,

٣٨. فَإِنَّها كَعبة أَهل الفَضل
وَمَكة المَدح وَقُدس العَقل

39. Refuge of the anxious, eloquent in speech.
If his feats were denied by contemporaries

٣٩. في خَير دار ضيف خَير مُرتَجى
ملك يَعز عِندَهُ أَهل الحجى

40. Wolves and eagles would sprout from it.
Or if his encampment were to be descended upon by moons

٤٠. أَبلج عز في البُخار ماجد
أَروع جَم الفَضل وَالمَحامد

41. It would not eclipse for its business is radiance.
But since my wish failed me

٤١. مسعر حَرب أَصمَعي القَلب
مُؤدب العَبد حَليم الكَلب

42. From reaching that pasture and desire.
And I found no way to hopes

٤٢. فَناره سَفيهة اللِّسان
وَكَلبه في الحلم كَالجَبان

43. Or to taste its shady shade.
I wished to have with him

٤٣. يأمن كُل خائف في دارِه
غَير الصَّفا وَالكَوم مِن عشاره

44. A memory and deputizing servant in his service.
So I found nothing but a book I composed

٤٤. فَإِنَّها خائفة مروعه
سيقانها جائعة مَفجوعة

45. I gift to him adorned in prose,
To deputize me in service

٤٥. مجن جان باسل في الحَرب
موئل مَلهوف خَطيب خَطب

46. Ever present at his court and companion.
For he is the best of kings, originally

٤٦. لَو جحدت أَيامه الأَقرانُ
أنبت بِها الذؤبان وَالعقبان

47. Those who praise him reap benefits.
And any praise rendered to another

٤٧. أَو نَزَلت حلته الأَقمار
ما خسفت وَشأنها السرار

48. Is mere slander devoid of his ascension.
For even when exceeded in his truthfulness

٤٨. لَكِنَّني إِذ فاتَني مُرادي
مِن ذَلِكَ المَسرَح وَالمرادي

49. And the praiser is excessive beyond his right,
The most benevolent house of the clan of Nizār is his house

٤٩. وَلَم أَجد إِلى المُنى سَبيلاً
وَلا رزقت ظله الظليلا

50. The best of kings, alive or dead.
Kings live under his shade

٥٠. أَحببت أَن يَكون لي في حضرته
ذكر وَعني نائب في خدمته

51. As destitutes live.
Time has known loyalty and generosity

٥١. فَلَم أَجد إِلا كِتاباً أَنظمه
أتحفه بنظمه وَأخدمه

52. And situations revealed and negated non-existence.
It judges neighbors and visitors

٥٢. يَكون في الخدمة عَني نائِباً
مُلازِماً مجلسه مصاحبا

53. And forces kings and eras.
The most faithful king to the covenant of a neighbor

٥٣. لأَنَّهُ خَير المُلوك أَصلاً
يَهز مِنهُ مادِحوه نَصلا

54. Clashclang who knows him by his letter.
If he left the youth in his lands

٥٤. وَكُل مَدح قيل في سِواه
إفك خَلا ما كانَ في علاه

55. He would return the white of old age from its blackness.

٥٥. فَإِنَّهُ وَإِن علا في صدقه
وَأَطنب المادح دون حَقه

56. Or if his gifts were like swords
Youth would extend and persist for people.

٥٦. أكرم بَيت في نِزار بَيته
خَير المُلوك حيه وَميته

57. Or if time copied his actions
Neither evil nor disgrace would be created.

٥٧. يَعيش تَحتَ ظله المُلوكُ
كَما يَعيش البائس الصعلوك

58. Or that he gives refuge from the injustice of adversity
Death grip would seize no one.

٥٨. قَد علم الدَّهر الوَفاء وَالكَرَم
وَكَشف المَحل واعدم العدم

59. When time was unkind to my journey
I dispatched this, my product and superiority,

٥٩. يحكم الجيران وَالضيفانا
وَيرغم المُلوك وَالزَّمانا

60. A precious and singular book in its art
With no peer between poetry and speeches.

٦٠. أَوفى المُلوك ذمة لِجاره
شنشنة تعرف مِن بخاره

61. It is like its master amidst kings and Arabs
Protected, realized from nothingness.

٦١. لَو تَرَك الشباب في بِلاده
رَد بَياض الشيب عن سَواده

٦٢. أَو كان مِن هباته لما نصل
وَامتَدَ لِلناس الشَباب وَاتصل

٦٣. أَو اِقتَدى بفعله الزمانُ
ما خَلَق الشر وَلا الهَوانُ

٦٤. أَو أَنه يجير مِن جور الردى
ما علقت كف المنون أحدا

٦٥. أنفذت إِذ عاق الزَّمان رحلي
نجلي إِلى مجلسه وَفَضلي

٦٦. وَهوَ كِتاب حَسَن خَطير
لَيسَ لَهُ في فَنِهِ نَظير

٦٧. كَأَنَّهُ بَينَ القريض وَالخطب
مخدومه بَينَ المُلوك وَالعَرَب