1. A country whose stupid leader is Abul Fath
And it is said that Al Qasim bin Al Fadl is its president
١. بلدٌ أبو الفتح اللئيمُ عميدُهُ
والقاسمُ بن الفضل قيل رئيسُهُ
2. Its refined one is Al Kafi Al Tawil, and its width
Is the shabby, torn cloak, as you know its cheapness
٢. وظريفُه الكافي الطويل وعرضُه
رثُّ الرداء كما عرفتَ لبَيسُه
3. Its leader is Al Tays Arridha, frowning
Despite his being the dirty, despised one
٣. ونقيبُه التيسُ الرِضا متبظرِمٌ
مع أنِّه دنِسُ الَمحلِّ خسيسُه
4. And the young son of Al Khatibi in his wisdom
Is unstable, and the flowing of Al Mandawi is his companion
٤. وابنُ الخطيبيّ الصغير لحكمهِ
زلَلٌ وجروُ المندوي جليسهُ
5. The endowment is in the hands of Al Ulwaj, all of whom
Have increased the funds of the causes for their own gain
٥. والوقَفُ في أيدي العُلوج وكلُّهم
قد زاد من مال الَمصالحِ كيسُه
6. As for me and the literary Salman, our imam
And all those whose minds were polished by his lessons
٦. وأنا وسلَمان الأديبُ إمامُنا
وجميعُ مَن صقلت نُهاه دروسُه
7. We cry over the loss of merit that with their downfall
Its branches and plants have shrieked
٧. نبكي على الفضل الذي قد صوّحت
بسقوطهم أفنانُه وغروسُه