
He who feared an evil end, did not neglect to watch

من خاف سوء العاقبه

1. He who feared an evil end, did not neglect to watch
He who feared blame, did not go near what was unlawful

١. مَن خافَ سوء العاقِبه
لَم يَترُك المُراقبه

2. He who disliked answering, did not speak much
He who honored his brothers, had helpers for himself

٢. مَن خَشِيَ الملاما
لَم يقرب الحَراما

3. He who reformed his livelihood, attained the wishes he lived for
He who was content with enough, had merchandise for himself

٣. من كَرِهَ الجَوابا
لَم يُكثر الخِطابا

4. He who kept his friend, had a companion through him
He who stuck to good luck, had easy living for himself

٤. مَن أَكرَم الإِخوانا
كانوا لَهُ أَعوانا

5. He whose capital was well led, his state fared well
He who practiced good politics, his leadership lasted

٥. مَن أَصلَح المَعاشا
نالَ المُنى ما عاشا

6. He who befriended a sultan, was not safe from tyranny
He who feared blame, his safety lasted

٦. مَن لَزم القَناعه
كانَت لَهُ بِضاعه

7. He who feared consequences, did not feel safe from calamities
He who consulted the wise, was guided aright by him

٧. مَن حَفِظَ الصَّديقا
كانَ بِهِ رَفيقا

٨. مَن لَزِمَ المياسره
صفت لَهُ المُعاشره

٩. من رب رَاس ماله
كانَ صَلاح حاله

١٠. من أَحسن السياسه
دامَت لهُ الرِّئاسه

١١. مَن صَحِب السلطانا
لَم يَأمن الطُغيانا

١٢. مَن خَشيَ الملامه
دامَت لهُ السلامه

١٣. مَن أَمن العَواقِبا
لَم يَأمَن النوائِبا

١٤. مَن شاوَرَ اللبيبا
كانَ بِهِ مُصيبا