
Yet without bread in his house

لكن دون الخبز في داره

1. Yet without bread in his house
The happenings of the poor and destitute

١. لكنَّ دون الخُبز في دارهِ
وقائعَ الدَّيلَمِ والتُّركِ

2. His dry loaf in his pocket
As though it were musk incense

٢. رغيفُه اليابسُ في جيبهِ
كأنّه نافِجةُ المِسكِ

3. He sees the fasting of a guest in his home
As devotion, and who disdains devotion?

٣. يرى صيامَ الضيفِ في بيتهِ
نُسكا ومَن يزهد في النسكِ

4. He safeguards the morsel as his religion
And to share it is polytheism to him

٤. وصَونه اللُّقمةَ ديِناً له
وبذله شِركا من الشركِ

5. He wishes in his meagerness that he
Would spend the night toothless and jawless

٥. يَوَدُّ من خِسَّتهِ أنّه
أمسى بلا ضرسٍ ولا فَكِّ