1. The worst of men is the betrayer
With his deceptive companion
١. شَرُّ الرِّجال الغادر
بِصَحبه المماكر
2. The hardest to endure
Is the company of one who opposes
٢. أَصعب ما تكابد
صُحبة مَن يُعاند
3. He makes effort to harm you
To be safe from your harm
٣. يجهد في مَساءتك
للأمن مِن إِساءتك
4. He is pleased with others' evil
Out of spite for your good
٤. يَرضى بشر غَيركا
تَسخطاً بِخَيركا
5. And scorns favors
And disbelieves blessings
٥. وَيحقر الإِكراما
وَيكفر الأَنعاما
6. You please him yet he's discontent
You draw near him yet he distances
٦. ترضيه وَهوَ ساخِط
تُدنيه وَهوَ شاحِط
7. Harsh and rude toward you
You have no share with him
٧. قاس عَلَيك فَظ
ما لَكَ منهُ حَظ
8. Like a candle in every hand
Spinning like a spindle
٨. كَالشَّمع في كُلِّ يَد
يَدور مثل المرود
9. And to you he's a boulder
Hard, nay rigid
٩. وَهوَ عَلَيك صَخره
قاسية بَل زُبرَه
10. So the gazelle doubted
The one with the saying
١٠. فَاِرتابَت الغَزاله
مِنها بِذي المَقاله
11. Saying, who did you intend
With the ugliness you told
١١. تَقول من عَنيت
بِقُبح ما حَكيت
12. She said, I meant my husband
For my heart boils
١٢. قالَت عَنيت بعلي
لأن قَلبي يغلي