1. Ignorance is more comforting to the young man than his intellect
He goes to bed and wakes up feeling safe and content
١. الجهلُ أَروَحُ للفتى من عقلِه
يُمسي ويصبحُ آمِناً مسرورا
2. He has cast aside consequences from his thoughts
And wandered freely in passion and daybreak
٢. تَرَك العَواقبَ جانباً عن فكرِه
وسَعى رَواحاً في الهوى وبكُورا
3. While intellect makes him regretful
And holds him back, leaving him confounded
٣. والعقلُ يعقِلهُ على حَسَراته
ويَصُدُّ فيرُدّه مَحسورا
4. You see him very worried, his sorrow heavy
He lives captive or dies destitute
٤. وتراه مهتماً كثيراً غَمُّه
يَحيا أسيراً أو يموتُ فقيرا
5. When ignorance rose high in our time
And the foolish progressed, obtaining status and thrones
٥. لَمّا علا الجُهّالُ في أيامنا
ورَقَوا ونالُوا مَنزِلاً وسريرا
6. I concealed my knowledge and discarded my merits
So that if I were ignorant, I would become a prince
٦. أخفيتُ عِلمي واطّرحتُ فضائلي
عَلِّي أكونُ إذا جَهِلتُ أميرا