
This is the way of the children of passion

هذه سنة أبناء النهى

1. This is the way of the children of passion
I am not the first in what I have come to

١. هذه سنّةُ أبناءِ النُّهى
لستُ فيما جئتُه مبتدِعا

2. What youth has not had his eyelids robbed of sleep
By the flickering of lightning when it flashes?

٢. أيّ صبٍّ لم يؤرِّق جفنَهُ
خفَقان البرقِ لمّا طلعَا

3. They wrung my heart with draughts of hot desire
Leaving it there distracted and forlorn

٣. أنشُدا قلبي بجرعاءِ الحمِى
فبها خلّفتُه منقطِعا

4. Many a flower of youth was lost to those eyes
Where hearts of passionate youths were led astray

٤. ضاعَ بين الحَدَقِ النّجل وكم
قلبِ صبٍّ عندها قد ضُيِّعا