
The arrows of death do not miss nor bypass

سهام المنايا لا تطيش ولا تخطي

1. The arrows of death do not miss nor bypass
And the guide of nights does not oppress or torment

١. سهامُ المنايا لا تطيشُ ولا تُخطي
وحادي الليالي لا يجورُ ولا يبُطي

2. I see fate give then regretfully take back
Thus it strips what it bestows and seizes what it gives

٢. أرى الدهرَ يُعطي ثم يَرجع نادما
فيسلب ما يُولي ويأخذ ما يُعطي

3. And it makes up for good deeds with every wrongdoing
As it made up for negligence and the error of the transgressor

٣. ويستدركُ الحُسنى بكلِّ إساءةٍ
كما استدركَ التفريطَ والغلطَ الُمخطي

4. And it chooses the ignorant as a physician, pretending illness
And it purges the remedies through bloodletting and cupping

٤. ويختار للجهل الطبيبَ تَعَلّلا
ويستفرغُ الأدواءَ بالفَصدِ والسَّعطِ

5. And it examines the course of events, yet when
The archer of destiny aims, it's like a sieve

٥. ويجتابُ سَردَ السابري وإنّه
إذا ما رمى رامي المقاديرِ كالمِرطِ

6. It's as if we're fruits for time, so its palm
Ravages and reaps at harvest and gleaning

٦. كأنّا ثِمارٌ للزمانِ فكفّه
تَعيثُ فتجني بالحصاد وباللقطِ

7. Is there hatred in its heart against us that its violence
Against us is the fury of an enraged and impassioned one?

٧. أفي قلبه حِقدٌ علينا ففتكهُ
بنا فَتكُ موتورٍ من الغيظِ مُشتَطِّ

8. For the universe is only for corruption, and my life
Is like my death, like the reward with the condition

٨. وما الكونُ إلا للفسادِ وإنّما
حياتي كموتي كالجزاء مع الشرَطِ

9. Such is the fullness of the moon, the origin of its waning
It becomes, and the illumination of stars is for descent

٩. كذاك تمامُ البدرِ أصلُ مُحاقِهِ
يكونُ وإشراقُ الكواكبِ للهبط

10. Like the union of a maiden and intimacy for separation and estrangement
It becomes, and the nearness of home is for distance and remoteness

١٠. كوَصلِ الفتاةِ والرُّؤدِ للهجرِ والقِلي
يكونُ وقُرب الدارِ للبعدِ والشَّحطِ

11. It has been said that the soul remains because it
Is simple, and composition is only from decomposition

١١. وقد قيل إنّ النفسَ تبقى لأَنها
بسيطٌ وما التركيبُ إلا من البسطِ

12. Death will eliminate everything, so do not be deceived
By what they have adorned with a dot for you or a line

١٢. ستفُني المنايا كلَّ شيءٍ فلا تُرَع
بما زخرفُوا من نقطةٍ لكَ أو خطِّ

13. For the hated death is inevitable even if they refuse
Your saying in it, of a share and portion

١٣. فلا بدَّ للموتِ المقيتِ وإن أبَوا
مقالَكَ فيها من نصيبٍ ومن قِسطِ

14. God has willed that none remain except Him, for a wisdom
He has seen, and portions that transcend any portion

١٤. أبى الله أن يبقى سواهُ لحكمةٍ
رآها وأقسامٍ تَجِلُّ عن القِسطِ

15. Perhaps slowly you will deduce your pigeons
Gently, you will be inspired by what you used to deduce

١٥. لعلّكَ تستبطي حمامَكَ شَيِّقا
رويدا ستستوحي الذي كنت تَستبطي

16. I have known you, oh my world, by betrayal and harm
So you are not worthy of me, nor are you one of my conditions

١٦. عرفتكِ يا دنيايَ بالغدرِ والأذى
فما أنتِ من شأني ولا أنتِ من شَرطي