1. May Allah not bless the lands of Qashan
Whose towers were built with injustice and tyranny
١. لا باركَ اللهُ في قاشانَ من بلدٍ
زُرَّت على اللُّؤمِ والبلوى بَنائِقُهُ
2. Nor may he water the lands of Qum
Which wrathfully burn those within it with lightning
٢. ولا سَقى أرضَ قُمٍّ غَيرُ مُلتَهبٍ
غضبان تُحرِقُ مَن فيها صَواعِقُهُ
3. The land of Sawa is a land with no one in it
Whose aid is hoped for or whose peaks are feared
٣. وأرضُ ساوةَ أرضٌ ما بها أحدٌ
يُرجَى نداه ولا تُخشَى بَوائِقُهُ
4. So march onto it towards Qazvin with the march of a young man
And you will find severed in it all its dependencies
٤. فاضرط عليها إلى قزوينَ ضرطَ فتىً
تُجَدُّ مِن كُلِّ ما فِيها عَلائِقُهُ