
For every side there is a resting place

لكل جنب مضجع

1. For every side there is a resting place
For every living thing there is a demise

١. لكل جَنب مضجع
لكل حي مَصرَعُ

2. For everything there is an end
For every gas there is a flag

٢. لِكُل شَيء غايه
لكل غاز رايه

3. For every living thing there is fire
For every people there is a home

٣. لكل حي نار
لكل قوم دار

4. For all people there is a nation
For every vain talker there is a howl

٤. لكل ناس دولة
لكل غاو صولة

5. For every sun there is a sunset
For every people there is a doctrine

٥. لكل شَمس مغرب
لكل قَوم مذهب

6. For everything there is a cause
For every living thing there is sustenance

٦. لكل شَيء سَبب
لكل حي أَرب

7. For every soul there is a desire
For every dream there is emptiness

٧. لكل نَفس شَهوة
لكل حلم هَفوه

8. For every fault there is a seeker
For every beauty there is a critic

٨. لكل عَيب طالب
لكل حسن عائب

9. For every matter there is an end
For every state there is a reminder

٩. لكل أَمر آخر
لكل حال ذاكر

10. Whoever prefers the truth is safe
Whoever suppresses the ego gains

١٠. من آثر الحَق سلم
مَن قَمع النَفس غنم

11. Whoever follows the truth succeeds
Whoever fears attains what he hopes for

١١. من تبع الحَق نَجا
مَن خَف نال ما رجا

12. For every veil there is a remover
For every era there is an owner

١٢. لكل ستر هاتك
لكل عَصر مالك

13. For every slave there is a master
For every body there is a heart

١٣. لكل عَبد رَب
لكل جسم قَلب

14. For every sin there is an excuse
For every folded thing there is an unfurler

١٤. لكل ذنب عذر
لكل طي نَشر

15. For every flock there is a herder
For every matter there is a supplicant

١٥. لكل رَعي راع
لكل أَمر داع

16. For every water there is a source
For every livelihood there is an envier

١٦. لكل ماء وارد
لكل عَيش حاسد

17. For every wealth there is an inheritor
For every evil there is an initiator

١٧. لكل مال وارث
لكل شَر باعث

18. For everything there is a time
For every slave there is fortune

١٨. لِكُل شَيء وَقت
لكل عَبد بَخت

19. For every wound there is grief
For every cup there is perception

١٩. لكل جرح آس
لكل كَأس حاس

20. For everything there is a limit
For every people there is seriousness

٢٠. لكل شَيء حَد
لكل قَوم جَد

21. For every bone there is a joiner
For every rupture there is a mender

٢١. لكل عظم عارق
لكل فتق راتق

22. For every occupation there is a maker
For every hole there is a patcher

٢٢. لكل شُغلٍ صانع
لكل خَرق راقع

23. For every era there is a people
For every people there is a day

٢٣. لكل عَصر قَوم
لكل قَوم يَوم

24. For every sin there is a denier
For every rose there is a source

٢٤. لكل ذَنب مُنكر
لكل وَرد مَصدَر

25. For every human there are deeds
For every benevolence there are slips

٢٥. لكل إِنسان عَمَل
لكل إِحسان زَلل

26. For every sadness there is ease
For every knot there is a release

٢٦. لكل حزنٍ سَهل
لكل عقد حَل

27. For every house there is a dweller
For every merit there is a burier

٢٧. لكل دار ساكن
لكل فَضل دافن

28. For every arena there is a horse
For every human there is a whim

٢٨. لِكُل مَيدان فَرَس
لكل إِنسان هَوس

29. For every mouth there is a guard
For every garment there is a wearer

٢٩. لِكُل ثَغر حارس
لكل ثَوب لابس

30. For every lightning there is a caster
For every science there is a scholar

٣٠. لكل بَرق شائِم
لكل علم عالم

31. For every supplicant there is a follower
For every saying there is a hearer

٣١. لكل داع تابع
لكل قَول سامع

32. For every planting there is a reaper
For every branch there is a supporter

٣٢. لكل زَرع حاصد
لكل غصن عاضد

33. For every heart there is a deterrent
From everything there is abstinence

٣٣. لكل قَلب منيه
عَن كُل شَيء غنيه

34. For every soul there is a youthful folly
For every love there is infatuation

٣٤. لكل نَفس صَبوه
لكل مهر كَبوه

35. For every might there is humiliation
For every authority there is dismissal

٣٥. لكل عز ذل
لكل وال عَزل

36. Intellect is the best advisor
Merit is the best companion

٣٦. نعم الوَزير العَقل
نعم القَرين الفَضل

37. Know that death is inevitable
Yet a bad successor is miserable

٣٧. ما المَوت فاعلمه التَلف
لكنه سوء الخَلف

38. Do not be content with fodder
An evil trustee is foolish

٣٨. لا تَقنعن بِالعلف
وَكيل سوء وَحَشف

39. Intellect is honor and nobility
Ignorance is disgrace and ruin

٣٩. العَقل زين وَشَرَف
الجَهل شين وَتَلَف

40. Knowledge is light and guidance
Ignorance is misguidance and evil

٤٠. العلم نور وَهُدى
الجَهل غَي وَردي

41. So said the wise one
And she is truthful

٤١. فَقالَت المُطَوقه
وَهيَ لَها مُصَدقه

42. Excellent is what you have said
You have remained on guidance

٤٢. نعم المَقال قُلت
عَلى الهُدى مازلت