
The nights are tiring,

إِن الليالي متعبه

1. The nights are tiring,
Love of survival is troubling,

١. إِن الليالي متعبه
حُب البَقاء معطبه

2. No good in children,
Relatives or descendants.

٢. لا خَيرَ في الأَولاد
وَالأَهل وَالأَحفاد

3. Worries, sorrows and harm,
Regrets like burning coal,

٣. هَمٌّ وَغَمٌّ وَأَذى
وَحَسرات كَالجذى

4. No benefit in them,
Only corrupt suspicions

٤. وَلَيسَ فيهم فائِدَه
إِلا ظُنون فاسِدَه

5. And cold nonsense,
Increasing regrets.

٥. وَترهات بارِدَه
وَحَسرات زائِدَه

6. Disappointing and dissolved,
Humiliating and deadly,

٦. مخيبة وَمنحله
مُذلة وَمقتله

7. If not for them, the well-mannered and eloquent
Would not have been humiliated.

٧. لَولاهُم ما ذلا
ذو أَدَب وَقَلا

8. Barrenness to me is sweeter
Than them, so avoid the useless.

٨. الثكل عِندي أَحلى
مِنهُم فَخل العذلا

9. Women are unjust,
Ignorance does not suit them,

٩. إِن النِّساء غل
بِالجَهل لا يَحل

10. So flee from women,
For ugliness is in the beauty.

١٠. فَاِهرب مِن النِّساء
فَالقُبح في الحَسناء

11. Is there an impartial intellect
That I complain to of what I know?

١١. هَل مِن لَبيب يُنصف
أَبثّه ما أَعرف

12. One's world is their own soul
On their day and yesterday,

١٢. المَرء دُنيا نَفسه
في يَومِهِ وَأَمسه

13. Seeking for their own wedding
And heart and molar.

١٣. يَسعى لأَجل عُرسه
وَقَلبه وَضرسه

14. The wise and reasonable person,
Rather, the adept and virtuous,

١٤. إِن اللبيب العاقِلا
بَل الأَريب الفاضِلا

15. Finds solace in their solitude
And certainty in their perplexity.

١٥. مُستَأنس بِوَحشته
مُحَقق في دَهشته