1. The honorable is not
But the content ascetic
١. تَقولُ لَيسَ الماجِدُ
إِلا القَنوع الزاهد
2. So what is more precious than contentment
And what is more lowly than greed
٢. فَما أَعَزَّ من قنع
وَما أَذَل من طَمَع
3. Why are people heedless
They are deceived by respite
٣. ما لِلوَرى في غَفله
قَد خَدَعوا بِالمهله
4. Prepare for the journey
And get ready for the transfer
٤. تَزودوا للرحله
وَشَمروا للنقله
5. Beware, the sensible understands
Except the ignorant asks
٥. أَلا لَبيب يَعقل
إِلا جَهول يَسأل
6. Are you in doubt
How great is misfortune
٦. أَأنتُم في رَيبه
ما أَعظَم المُصيبه
7. Your life is a beloved
With its beauty and goodness
٧. دُنياكُم حَبيبه
بِحُسنِها وَالطيبه
8. But it is a betrayer
Tricky and cunning
٨. لَكنها غَدّاره
خَداعة غَراره
9. It has no lover
Its passing is near
٩. لَيسَ لَها حَبيب
زَوالَها قَريب
Like a promiscuous whore
١٠. كَالمومس البَغي
تَلبس كُلَّ زي
11. Who wears every attire
Deceitful and treacherous
١١. مَلولةٌ خَوانه
لَيسَ لَها أَمانه
12. It has no loyalty
Fortunes change
١٢. تحوّل الأَحوالا
تكذب الآمالا
13. Hopes are belied
Friends are separated
١٣. تُفَرق الأَحبابا
تُشَتت الأَترابا
14. Kinsmen are scattered
Gifts are taken back
١٤. تَسترجع المَواهِبا
تكدر المَشارِبا
15. Drinks are troubled
It is war to whoever makes peace with it
١٥. حَرب لمن سالمها
تملُّ مَن لازمَها
16. Bores whoever accompanies it
Its noble one is ignoble
١٦. عَزيزها ذَليل
كَثيرها قَليل
17. Its many are few
Its healthy one is sick
١٧. صَحيحها عَليل
جَوادها بخيل
18. Its generous one is stingy
Meeting it is parting
١٨. لِقاؤُها فراق
وَعُرسها طَلاق
19. And its wedding is divorce
Its union is estrangement
١٩. وِصالها صدود
وَوَعدها وَعيد
20. And its promise is a threat
Its kings are slaves
٢٠. مُلوكها عَبيد
رَغيدها زَهيد
21. Its opulent one is destitute
Its intimacy is hardship
٢١. وصالها عَناء
صُدودها بَلاء
22. Its aloofness is affliction
Its knots are untied
٢٢. عُقودها مَنقوضه
عُهودُها مَرفوضه
23. Its covenants are rejected
Its remedy is malady
٢٣. ذِمامها ذَميم
وَخيمها وَخيم
24. And its shelter is miserable
Its good is good
٢٤. سَليمُها سَليم
شَيطانُها رَجيم
25. Its devil is pelted
Its drink is a mirage
٢٥. شَرابُها سَرابُ
نَعيمها عَذاب
26. Its bliss is torment
If it comes it seduces
٢٦. إِن أَقبلت ففتنه
أَو أدبرت فَمحنه
27. If it turns away it punishes
Its morals are blameworthy
٢٧. أَخلاقُها مَذمومه
لَذاتها مَسمومه
28. Its pleasures are poisonous
Its forbidden is well-known
٢٨. مُنكَرها مَعروف
نفارُها أُلوف
29. Its estranged ones are many
Its loyalty is wondrous
٢٩. وَفاؤُها عَجيب
صَفاؤُها غَريب
30. Its clarity is strange
The ignorant gain it
٣٠. يَحظى بِها الجُهال
وَتَنعم الأَنذال
31. And the vulgar enjoy it
The sensible man suffers from it
٣١. يَشقى بِها اللبيب
وَيتعَب الأَديب