1. So she went astray like the perfumer's wife
When the prosperous merchant travelled
١. فَيَغتَدي كَزَوجة البيطار
إِذ كَلَفَت بِالتاجر المكثار
2. Her husband's friend came to visit him
She saw him and lusted for his company
٢. كانَ صَديق زَوجها فَزاره
فَأبصَرته فاشتهت جواره
3. She said, "O youth, your charm shines forth
His image adorns him, his beauty on the left"
٣. قالَت فَتى ما إن بَدا عذاره
صورته يزينها يَساره
4. While my wretched husband is an impoverished old man
His wife is miserable, knowing no comfort
٤. وَبَعلي البائِس شَيخ معدم
زوجته شَقية لا تنعم
5. So she asked him for divorce, returning the dowry
And hoped for peace through separation
٥. فَسَألته الخلع بِالصداق
وَرَجَت الراحة بِالفِراق
6. And she sent messages to court that young man
He said to her, "You are nothing but a wanton woman
٦. وَراسَلَت ذاكَ الفَتى مذاكره
قالَ لَها ما أَنت إلا فاجره
7. Had you possessed dignity and chastity
You would not have taken the companionship so lightly
٧. لَو كُنت ذات كَرَم وَعفه
ما كُنت بِالصحبة مستخفه
8. You neglected the Sheikh's rights and the children's
And the sanctity of companionship and affection"
٨. أضعت حَق الشَّيخ وَالأَولاد
وَحُرمة الصُّحبة وَالوِداد
9. So she returned seeking reconciliation with her husband
But he would not accept her back, due to her ugly deed
٩. فرجعت تَطلب صُلح بعلها
فَلَم يردها لقبيح فعلها
10. So she remained confused and disturbed
Troubled between them, tortured
١٠. فمكثت حائرة مذبذة
بهمها بينهما معذبه
11. And he did not cease to deceive and delude him
With his words and hints of help he made him covet
١١. فَلَم يَزَل يغره وَيخدعه
بِقَوله وَفي نزار يَطمعه
12. Until the overwhelming armies attacked
And every tyrant and predator led
١٢. حَتّى غَزاهم في جُيوش لجبة
وَقادَ كُل سلهب وَسلهبه
13. While Amir feigned ignorance
As if he was in no hurry for the matter
١٣. وَعامر يظهر عَنهُ الغفله
كَأَنَّهُ مِن أَمرِهِ في مهله
14. And the people blamed him heavily
They said, "You left our land exposed to the enemy
١٤. وَالحَي قَد لاموه كُل اللوم
قالوا أبحت أرضنا للقوم
15. While you are lord of Qina and Zaq
And owe no allegiance to the king"
١٥. وَأَنتَ رب قينة وزق
وَلَست للملك بمستحق
16. Until when it was said, "Tomorrow he will meet you"
Behold, he has come to you now
١٦. حَتَّى إِذا قيل غَداً يَلقاكا
انظر فَهَذا هُو قَد أَتاكا
17. He called a neighbor of his
Asking his aid and fortune
١٧. قال غَداً ألقاه ثُم نادى
جاراً لَهُ يَسأله الإِسعادا
18. He said to him, "In my lands
For years you have not violated my neighborhood
١٨. قال لَهُ إِنك في دِياري
سنين لَم تذمم بِها جواري
19. And if you claim descent among the Arabs
Calling Qahtan father as they do
١٩. وَإِن تَكُن في يعرب منتَسِباً
تَدعو كَما يَدعون قَحطان أَبا
20. You have not seen in Nizar a view or passion
Nor found comfort in their neighborhood
٢٠. فَأَنتَ في نِزار رَأياً وَهَوى
لَم تَر في جوارِها ما يَجتوي
21. Yet among my people are men
Who would approve of this situation
٢١. وَإِنَّ في قَومي مِن الرِّجال
مَن يَرتَضي لِمثل هَذي الحال
22. But I have chosen you over my kinsmen
To avert the fears that troubled my sleep
٢٢. لَكِنَّني اخترتك دون قَومي
لدفع خَطب قَد أَطارَ نَومي
23. So go to our cousin, Bastam
For he is the essence of noble Arabs
٢٣. فامضِ إِلى ابن عمنا بسطام
فَهوَ صَميم العرب الكِرام
24. And give him this small, kind note
And say, 'You did me a great favor
٢٤. وَاِدفع إِلَيهِ هَذهِ الصحيفة
فَإِنَّها صَغيرة لطيفة
25. And did not deter the sinister omens
For I have attained my goal
٢٥. وَقُل لَهُ جزيت عَني خَيراً
وَلا زَجَرت للنحوس طَيراً
26. And you brought the hostile hordes to me
I lured them out of their forts by guile
٢٦. فَقَد تَوصلت إِلى مُرادي
وَجئتَني بزمر الأضداد
27. And violently led them to their doom
And had I wished to invade them, I could not
٢٧. أخرجتهم بِالكَيد مِن حصونِهم
وَسقتهم عُنفاً إِلى منونهم
28. Save by wearying the enduring steeds
For they are far from me and obstinate
٢٨. وَلَو أَرَدت غَزوَهُم لَم أقدر
إِلا بإتعاب الجِياد الضمر
29. Like eagles in their mountain keeps
And they have met this misery and toil
٢٩. لبعدهم عَني وَامتِناعهم
فَإنهم كَالعصم في قِلاعهم
30. And their horses are worn out from exhaustion
While we are in our homes, at leisure
٣٠. وَقَد لَقوا هَذا الشقاءَ وَالنصب
وَحسرت خيولهم مِن التعَب
31. Having never tired our noble horses'
So kill the people's women and children
٣١. وَنَحنُ في البيوت وادعونا
لَم نتعب المقربة الصفونا
32. And destroy the forts and towns
Then we will not remain here
٣٢. فاقتل نِساء القَوم وَالأَولادا
وَخرب الحُصون وَالبِلادا
33. For you are of great vigilance and skill'
And Bastam had stayed due to illness
٣٣. ثُم فإنا ههنا لا نبقى
فأنت ذو تيقظ وَحذق
34. That had weakened him and kept him bedridden
Beware, O Ziyad, that you do not betray us
٣٤. وَكانَ بسطام أَقام لمرض
خامره لَما غَزا فَما نَهَض
35. For the confidence of al-Mamun was never broken
Do not prefer your people out of zeal
٣٥. إياك يا زياد أَن تخونا
فَما فتئت ثقة مَأمونا
36. And the ancestral lineage of Arabs
Nor say, 'I am a Qahtani
٣٦. لا تؤثرن قَومك للحميه
وَنسبة في الأَصل يعربيه
37. While Amir is a foreign Adnani'
In secret leaning towards them
٣٧. وَلا تَقُل إِني قَحطاني
وَعامر أجنب عَدناني
38. So they would suspect my guile and scheming
This advice comes purely from a dear friend
٣٨. فَتنثَني إِلَيهم بسري
فَيحذرون حيلَتي وَمَكري
39. Take it, and seize the initiative in this endeavor"
So he went forth, heading towards Bastam
٣٩. وَهَذِهِ مِن خالص العين بدر
خُذها وَبادر في الأُمور تبتدر
40. Until when he saw the protector
Among his people of the Arabs, he wavered
٤٠. فَسارَ عَنهُ قاصِداً بسطاما
حَتَّى إِذا ما عاين الهماما
41. In his opinion and changed
And said, "Who will excuse me among the Arabs
٤١. في قَومِهِ مِن يَعرُب تحيرا
في رَأيهِ وَعادَ قَد تَغَيرا
42. If I willingly betray the sons of my father?
I fear that Adnan will kill them
٤٢. وَقالَ مَن يعذرني في العرب
كَيفَ أَبيع طائِعاً بَني أَبي
43. And neither Qahtan nor Adnan remain
My roots are more deserving of me than the lands
٤٣. أَخاف أَن تقتلهم عَدنان
فَيَمكث الناس وَلا قَحطان
44. And my family is obliged to the neighborhood"
So at that moment Ziyad ibn Uthman ibn Rasan
٤٤. أَصلي أولى بي مِن الديار
وَأُسرَتي لازمة الجوار
45. From the best house in Yemen, came to him
He said, "I am Ziyad ibn Unwan ibn Rasan
٤٥. فَجاءَ مِن ساعَتِهِ ذايزن
قالَ أبيت اللعن رب اليمن
46. Know that I am from the best house in Yemen
Bloodshed drove me out from there
٤٦. أَنا زِياد بن عنان بن رَسَن
مِن خَير بَيت فاعلمنه في اليَمن
47. And I gained experience from my conduct
Then I settled in the lands of Amir
٤٧. أَخرَجني مِنها دم أصبته
وَمُغرم في سيرَتي كسبته
48. And have been like a neighbor since that time"
And he explained the story clearly to him
٤٨. ثُم نَزَلت في بِلاد عامر
مِن ذَلك الزَّمان كَالمُجاور
49. And handed over the letter sincerely
So when they read the scroll
٤٩. وَشَرح القصة شَرحاً واضِحاً
وسلم الكِتاب مِنهُ ناصِحاً
50. They dispersed from the land in fear
And left behind the valuables and burdens
٥٠. فَفَرقوا إِذ قَرَأوا الصحيفه
وَاِنصَرَفوا مِن البِلاد خيفه
51. So Amir gained spoils in the morning
And he did not cease capturing and killing them
٥١. وَخَلفوا الأَموال وَالأَثقالا
فَأَصبَحَت لِعامر أَنفالا
52. Assailing and killing them without delay
Until when they reached their own lands
٥٢. وَلَم يَزَل يأسرهم وَيقتل
مُبادِراً بِقَتلهم لا يمهل
53. Amir did not spare their warriors
And when they felt safe, they killed Bastam
٥٣. حَتَّى إِذا ما وَصَلوا دِيارَهُم
وَلَم يخل عامر معاشرهم
54. And Amir attained what he desired from them
So is plotting, and whoever plots
٥٤. وَأَمنوا وَقَتَلوا بسطاما
وَنالَ مِنهُم عامر ما راما
55. Attains what he wants from matters
Whoever betrays heedlessly
٥٥. كَذَلِكَ الكيد وَمَن يَكيد
يَنَل مِن الأُمور ما يُريد
56. Is like a fleecer in his affairs
٥٦. فَإِن مَن يَغدر غَير ناظر
في أَمرِهِ مثل جابر