1. Like Aamir ibn Daarim ibn Raashid
And Maarih ibn Saabiq ibn Haamid
١. كَعامر بن دارِم بن راشِد
وَمارِح بِن سابق بِن حامد
2. He said where can I find news of him
For I have been captivated by his love undoubtedly
٢. قال أين لي أَمره لأعرفه
فَقَد غَلَوت في هَواه بِالصّفه
3. He said yes, Aamir was a king
Over Nizar, all of it his kingdom
٣. قالَ نَعم عامر كان ملكاً
عَلى نِزارٍ كُلها مملكا
4. Possessor of generosity, Najd, and strength
An elder, like the father of a house and clan
٤. ذا بَسطة وَنَجدة وَقوه
ندباً كَبير البَيت وَالأبوه
5. He possessed Najd and what adjoins it
And those in it cowered in fear of him
٥. كانَت لَهُ نَجد وَما يَليها
وَذل مِن خيفته مَن فيها
6. Then his cousin Bastaam went against him
And some people provoked him
٦. فَخَرج ابن عمه بسطام
عَلَيهِ وَاستفزه أَقوام
7. He went about trying to corrupt his command
Striving to kill or capture him
٧. فَمر يَسعى في فَساد أَمره
مُجتَهِداً في قَتله وَأَسره
8. Until he came to a king of Yemen
I reckon it was Yazin
٨. حَتّى أَتى بَعض مُلوك اليَمَن
وَإِنَّني أَحسَبه ذا يَزن
9. He said I am a guest seeking refuge
He said to him, you are the noblest of Arabs
٩. فَقالَ ضَيف مُستَجير وانتسب
قال لَهُ أَنتَ الكَريم في العرب
10. So welcome, descend into ample space
And a great bowl brimming over
١٠. فَمَرحباً انزل برَحب وَسعه
وَجفنة عَظيمة مدعده
11. Until when the drink was served
And dreams and minds were aflight
١١. حَتَّى إِذا ما حَضَر الشراب
وَطاشَت الأَحلام وَالأَلباب
12. He defamed his cousin foolishly
Aamir, since he was his greatest concern
١٢. أَرهقه جَهلاً على ابن عَمه
عامر لما كان جَد همه
13. And said, a lost kingdom weak
With Najd, if you sieged him, protecting him
١٣. وَقال ملك ضائع ما فيه
ذو نَجدة إِن رُمتَهُ تَحميه
14. Aamir has estranged the clans
So all the people resent him
١٤. وَعامر قَد أَوحَش العَشائِرا
فَعادَ كُل القَوم مِنهُ نافِرا
15. And if the ranks met in battle
And the spears and swords collided
١٥. وَلو تَلاقَت في الوَغى الصفوف
وَاِشتَكَت الرِّماح وَالسُّيوف
16. The people would turn against him for you
In their fury over what they saw of him
١٦. لانقلب القَوم إليك عَنهُ
لِغَيظهم لما لَقوه مِنهُ
17. For he who does not keep hearts safeguarded
Will be abandoned when battles flare up
١٧. فإِن مَن لا يَحفَظ القُلوبا
يخذل حين يَشهَد الحُروبا
18. He who neglected his soldiers in peace
Will not keep them in facing the opponent
١٨. وَمن أَضاع جُندَه في السلم
لَم يَحفَظوه في لِقاء الخَصم
19. The soldiers do not care for one who neglected them
No, they do not protect one who starved them
١٩. فَالجُند لا يَرعون من أَضاعَهُم
كَلا وَلا يَحمونَ من أَجاعَهُم
20. Being good and beneficial to them is like hoarding
And keeping them safe helps in times of panic
٢٠. وَبرهُم وَنفعهم كَالذخر
وَحفظهم يَنفع عِندَ الذّعر
21. The weakest kings in their rule
Are those peace deceived, neglecting soldiers
٢١. فأضعف المُلوك طراً عقدا
مَن غَره السلم فأقصى الجُندا
22. They are pleased with him and show obedience
Until when the clamor of war startles him
٢٢. يَرضونَهُ وَيظهرون الطاعه
حَتَّى إِذا فادح حرب راعه
23. He starts trying to please them with wealth
Hoping they will protect him in battle
٢٣. أَقبل يرضيهم بِبَذل المال
لعلهم يَحمونَ لِلقِتال
24. But that will not avail him anything
Except to increase the people's disdain
٢٤. وَلَيسَ يغني عَنهُ ذاكَ شيا
وَلا يَزيد القَوم إِلا غَيا
25. Until when told of war, they flee
Abandoning him alone as they leave
٢٥. حَتَّى إِذا قيل نزال فروا
وَخلفوه وَحده وَمروا
26. The luckiest kings are those who pleased them
In times of peace, those who gave to them
٢٦. وَأَسعَد المُلوك من أَرضاهم
في حالة السلم وَمَن أَعطاهم
27. So they know this is his way
And all strive to support him
٢٧. فَيَعلَمونَ إِنَّ ذاكَ دينه
فَكُلهم بِجُهدِهِ يعينه
28. So the few become many
And the noble becomes greater through him
٢٨. فَيكثرونَ وَهُم قَليل
والحر يزكو عنده الجميل
29. And ignorant is he who hoards wealth
And preserves horses and mules
٢٩. وجاهل من يذخر الأموالا
ويحفظ الخيول وَالبِغالا
30. For the hour of need, when it flares up
For in my view, hoarding people is best
٣٠. لساعة الحاجة حينَ تَفدح
إِن ادخار الناس عِندي أَصلح
31. Like the talk of two lions who said
We have a son, to summarize the speech
٣١. مثل حَديث الأَسدين قالا
ابن لَنا وَأَوجز المَقالا