1. O how excellent are the lines of his beautiful handwriting,
Sweet in composition, pleasant in style,
١. يا حبّذا أهيفُ خط
ط حسنهِ حلوُ النَّمَط
2. Sweet is youth, delicious is vitality,
Sweet is contentment, bitter is rage,
٢. حلوُ الصبِّا عذبُ اللَّمى
حلوُ الرِضا مرُّ السَّخط
3. As if the light of his bright smile is an unsheathed sword,
As if the pearls of his lips are a necklace in a casket,
٣. كأنَّ برقَ ثغرهِ ال
واضحِ سيفٌ مُختَرط
4. Beauty has let down his hair with locks of curls and a comb,
And God has molded him from beauty a person and fully formed.
٤. كأنّ دُرَّ ثغرهِ
عِقدُ لآلٍ في سَفَط
5. I yearn for a life now past, a lost opportunity,
So now my star has returned, nay it has descended, burning.
٥. سرّحَه الحُسنُ بأم
شاطِ التَّصابي ومَشَط
6. Bestow on me the grace of excuses, for you are most qualified to extend grace,
And oblige me promptly with funds, for my merit has despaired.
٦. وصاغَهُ اللهُ من ال
جمالِ شَخصا وخَرطَ
7. Among rotten carcasses whose morals are blemishes,
You see the literary man among them like a thief among cops.
٧. لهفي على عَيشٍ مَضى
على اقتراح وفَرَط
٨. فالآن نجمي راجعٌ
محترِقٌ بل قد هَبَط
٩. أنعِم ببَسطِ العُذرِ لي
فأنت أولى مَن بَسَط
١٠. وامنُن برسَمي عاجلا
نقداً ففَضلي قد قَنَط
١١. بين كِلابٍ جِيَفٍ
أعراضُهم ذانت نُقَط
١٢. ترى الأديبَ بينَهُم
كاللصِّ ما بينَ الشُّرَط