1. The worst of men is the vulgar brute,
The cold and bastardized one,
١. شر الرِّجال الأَرعن
البارد المتهجن
2. Who honors those who disgrace him,
And abandons those who help him.
٢. يُكرم مَن يهينه
يخذل مَن يعينه
3. He submits to the enemies,
Weak at defiance.
٣. يخضَع لِلأَعادي
عَجزاً عَن العِناد
4. And estranges the friend,
And cuts off the companion.
٤. وَيوحش الصَّديقا
وَيَقطَع الرَّفيقا
5. His ego blazes and wanders,
Oh, what a bright one am I!
٥. تضرم وَتيه
أَي انَّني نَبيه
6. He strayed from his brothers,
When he took from his time.
٦. تاه عَلى إخوانه
إِذ نالَ مِن زَمانه
7. The worst of men, the faultfinder
Who criticizes friends.
٧. شر الرِّجال اللمزه
للأَصدقاء الهمزه
8. Not having two faces,
Or two changing colors.
٨. لا كانَ ذو الوَجهين
وَصاحب اللونين
9. The deceitful hypocrite,
The slick and smooth-talker.
٩. الخادِع المُنافق
الملق المماذق
10. If he was good he hid it,
Or if bad he spread it.
١٠. إِن كانَ خَيراً سَتَرَه
أَو كانَ شَراً نَشَرَه
11. Repeating words,
Is the habit of the wicked.
١١. إِعادة الحَديث
مِن عادة الخَبيث
12. Especially distorted,
From their positions, falsified.
١٢. لا سيما محرفا
عَن وَضعِهِ مُزيفا
13. Reforming the least money,
Is better than asking.
١٣. إِصلاح أَدنى المال
خَير مِن السُّؤال