1. By my father taken in his prime,
Whose glances borrow from the eyes of fawns their charm,
١. بأبي أهيفُ مهضومُ الحشا
مستَعار اللَّحظ عن عَين الرَّشا
2. Whose face would shame the moon should it appear,
Whose swaying form puts boughs of ban to shame when he walks by,
٢. يُخجل الأقمارَ وجهاً إن بدا
وغصونَ البان عِطفاً إن مشى
3. Ripely curved by the wine of youth,
With glances inebriating though no wine they've tasted,
٣. ثَمِلُ الأعطافِ من خَمر الصِّبا
مُنتشي الألحاظِ صاحٍ ما انتشى
4. Sociable with others, unlike me, so when
My eyes have found in him a friend, to all else they’re closed.
٤. آنِسٌ بالناس غيري فإذا اس
تأنست عينيَ منه استوحشا
5. O you who’ve purposelessly turned from me,
Who has maligned me, would that I knew!
٥. أيّها الُمعرض عني عبَثا
مَن وَشى بي ليت شعري لا وشى
6. I will probingly unveil my heart, perhaps
The wretched will accept this impassioned plea.
٦. سوف أرشو عنك قلبي فعسى
يَقبلُ المسكينُ في الُحبِ الرُّشا