
The ruins of Rawwah among the sands

أقوت رواوة من أسماء فالسند

1. The ruins of Rawwah among the sands
Then the open plain, then the hollow between two caravans, then the solid ground

١. أَقوَت رُواوَةُ مِن أَسماءَ فالسَنَدُ
فالسَهبُ فالقاعُ مِن عَيرَينِ فالجُمُدُ

2. Then the throne of a desolate place, though
A tribe camped there for a time with their beasts

٢. فَعَرشُ خاخٍ قِفارٌ غَيرَ أَنَّ بِهِ
رَبعاً أَقامَ بِهِ نؤيٌ وَمُنتَضَدُ

3. And there were prostrations like nesting doves
And ashes from cooking pots piled high

٣. وَسُجَّدٌ كالحَماماتِ الجُثومِ بِهِ
وَمُلبِدٌ مِن رَمادِ القِدرِ مُلتَبِدُ

4. And I saw it recently inhabited
By which that sadness and those knots continued

٤. وَقَد أَراها حَديثاً وَهيَ آهِلَةٌ
بِها تَواصَلَ ذاكَ الجِزعُ فالعَقَدُ

5. Since passion did not change the course of its intention
The defiant one with the ugly disposition and sharp tongue

٥. إِذ الهَوى لَم يغَيِّر شَعبَ نِيَّتِهِ
شَكسُ الخَليقَةِ ذو قاذورَةٍ وَحَدُ

6. Stayed passionate even when I did not intend to see her
As if when she sees me visiting, I am avoiding her

٦. يَظَلُّ وَجداً وَإِن لَم أَنوِ رؤيَتَها
كَأَنَّهُ إِذ يَراني زائِراً كَمِدُ

7. If only she had the sense, if she would reward your passion
With the affection that you feel

٧. فَيا لَها خُلَّةً لَو أَنَّها بِهوىً
مِنها تُثيبُكَ بالوَجدِ الَّذي تَجِدُ

8. She stood, showing you the scattered vegetation with locusts
As if it were the coolness of a summer barn

٨. قامَت تُريكَ شَتيتَ النَبتِ ذا أُشُرٍ
كَأَنَّهُ مِن سَواري صَيِّفٍ بَرَدُ

9. The star Canopus brought its rain there for her
Until the sand dunes and mountains ended

٩. أَهدى أَهِلَّتَهُ نَوءُ السِماكِ لَها
حَتّى تَناهَت بِهِ الكُثبانُ والجَرَدُ

10. And the eyelids of the tall, solitary, obedient Mtiful
Where artemisia and myrrh, his resting place chirped

١٠. وَمُقلَتَي مُطفِلٍ فَردٍ أَطاعَ لَها
بَقلٌ وَمَردٌ ضَفا مُكّاؤُهُ غَرِدُ

11. Adorning her bosom a pearl enveloped
By a necklace, and they excelled at stringing

١١. يَزينُ لَبَّتَها دُرٌّ تَكَنَّفَهُ
نُظّامُهُ فأَجادوا السَردَ إِذ سَرَدوا

12. A pearl, and gems, and ruby which outshines
As if it were an ember of hell fire

١٢. دُرٌّ وَشَذرٌ وَياقوتٌ يُفَضِّلُهُ
كأَنَّهُ إِذ بَدا جَمرُ الغَضا يَقِدُ

13. And I was amazed by what she said, with her Salam
And her tears flowed with kohl, steadily

١٣. وَقَد عَجِبتُ لِما قَالَت بِذي سَلَمٍ
وَدَمعُها بِسَحيقِ الكُحلِ يَطَّرِدُ

14. She said, stay, do not distance yourself from us, so I said to her
Even if I was defective, the incomplete one stays

١٤. قالَت أَقِم لا تَبِن مِنّا فَقُلتُ لَها
إِنّي وَإِن كُنتُ مَلعوجاً بيَ الكَمَدُ