1. My heart sought solace from Asma's name
And found no comfort therein
١. رامَ قَلبي السُلوَّ عَن أسماءِ
وَتَعزّى وَما بِهِ مِن عَزاءِ
2. She's warmth in winter, coolness in summer
A lamp in the blackest night
٢. سُخنَةٌ في الشِتاءِ بارِدَةُ الصَي
فِ سِراجٌ في اللَيلَةِ الظَلماءِ
3. Bury me, if I die, in Arwa's cloak
And draw water for me from Urwah's well
٣. كَفِّناني إِن مِتُّ في دِرع أَروى
وامتَحا لي مِن بِئرِ عُروَةَ مائي
4. By God whom Quraysh circumambulates
His house, travelling the pass of Kada
٤. إِنَّني والَذي تَحُجُّ قُرَيشٌ
بَيتَهُ سالِكينَ نَقبَ كَداءِ
5. I am obsessed with her, even if she spurns me
As one who came to her already sick
٥. لَمُلِمٌّ بِها وإِن أُبتُ مِنها
صادِراً كالَّذي وَرَدتُ بِداءِ
6. She has a square house at Khakh's Borqah
And a summer resort at Qubba Palace
٦. وَلَها مَربَعٌ بِبُرقَةِ خاخٍ
وَمَصيفٌ بِالقَصرِ قَصرِ قُباءِ
7. She turned the back of the howdah to me and so
Obeyed the words of my enemies
٧. قَلَبَت لي ظَهرَ المِجَنِّ فأَمسَت
قَد أَطاعَت مَقالَةَ الأعداءِ