
She bid me farewell with the farewell of the stern separator

أكرع الكرعة الروية منها

1. She bid me farewell with the farewell of the stern separator
Yes, a farewell of estrangement, not of affection

١. قَد وَدَّعَتكَ وداعَ الصارِمِ القالي
نَعَم وداعَ تَناءٍ غَيرَ إِدلالِ

2. And the affection she bid me adieu resumed
After the covenants like a slave from a family

٢. وَعادَ ما وَدَّعَتني مِن مَوَدَّتِها
بَعدَ المَواثيق كالجارِي مِنَ الآلِ

3. So I said, when she came to me, that she had chosen
And obeyed the word of my enemies and slanderers

٣. فَقُلتُ لَمّا أَتاني أَنَّها خَتَرَت
وَطاوَعَت قَولَ أَعدائي وَعُذَّالي

4. Whether you cut off the rope or please the envious about us
Or you touch, I have been satisfied with substitutes from us

٤. إِن تَصرِمِ الحَبلَ أَو تُرضِ الوشاةَ بِنا
أو تُمسِ قَد رَضِيت مِنّا بِأَبدالِ

5. For I see that she does not want a substitute from us
Nor does she, in past situations, obey about us

٥. فَقَد أَراها وَما تَبغي بِنا بَدَلاً
وَلا تُطيعُ بِنا في سالِفِ الحالِ

6. Does time keep for her the affection which she was accustomed to from me
Two matters that did not cease to be in my mind

٦. أَبقى لَها الدَهرُ مِن وُدّي الَّذي عَهِدَت
أَمرَينِ لَم يَبرَحا مِنّي عَلى بالِ

7. Yearning for her when her aspects suited
A day, and I saw from her a trace of ruins

٧. شَوقاً إِلَيها إِذا بُتَّت مَناسِبُها
يَوماً وَأَبصَرتُ مِنها رَسمَ أَطلالِ

8. And keeping what she entrusted with me, and she claimed
That the likes of me can not keep a secret well

٨. وَحِفظَ ما استَودَعَت عِندي وَقَد زَعَمَت
أَن لَيسَ يُحسِنُ حِفظَ السِرِّ أَمثالي

9. If what you came with consoles my heart
I have not returned to my family or wealth

٩. إِن كانَ يُسلي فُؤادي ما أَتَيتِ بِهِ
فَلا رَجَعتُ إِلى أَهلي وَلا مالي

10. With effort to inform her of the affection which she was accustomed
From me, and I emphasized words with words

١٠. جُهداً لأُعلِمَها الوُدَّ الَّذي عَهِدَت
عِندي وَأَكَّدتُ أَقوالاً بِأَقوالِ