
A house of Zubayriyyah in slopes, in it dwellings

زبيرية بالعرج منها منازل

1. A house of Zubayriyyah in slopes, in it dwellings,
And in Khaif, below its dwellings, a drawing.

١. زُبَيرِيَّةٌ بِالعَرجِ مِنها مَنازِلٌ
وَبِالخَيفِ مِن أَدنى مَنازِلِها رَسمُ

2. I ask about it every individual I met,
And I have no knowledge of it after our separation.

٢. أُسائِلُ عَنها كُلَّ فَردٍ لَقيتُهُ
وَما لي بِها مِن بَعدِ مَكَّتِنا عِلمُ

3. O owner of the palm trees from the valley of Arthad,
To the palm trees from Waddan, how good they are!

٣. أَيا صاحِبَ النَخلاتِ مِن بَطنِ أَرثَدٍ
إِلى النَخلِ مِن وَدَّانَ ما فَعَلَت نُعمُ

4. So if there is war between my people and her people,
Then I am for her in every incident reconciled.

٤. فَإِن تَكُ حَربٌ بَينَ قَومي وَقَومِها
فَإِنّي لَها في كُلِّ حادِثَةٍ سِلمُ