
My home, did I bid Salma farewell as she departed

أمنزلتي سلمى على القدم اسلما

1. My home, did I bid Salma farewell as she departed,
For you have stirred up longing in a grieving heart,

١. أَمَنزِلَتي سَلمى عَلى القِدَمِ اسلما
فَقَد هِجتُما لِلشَّوقِ قَلباً مُتَيَّما

2. And reminded me of the days of youth now passed,
And the prime of union whose rope has now decayed.

٢. وَذَكَّرتُما عَصرَ الشَبابِ الَّذي مَضى
وَجِدَّةَ وَصلٍ حَبلُهُ قَد تَجَذَّما

3. When she stays at a campsite or sits at a dune,
Yearning comes over me, bringing hope

٣. وَإِنّي إِذا حَلَّت بِبيشٍ مُقيمَةً
وَحَلَّ بِوَجٍّ جالِساً أَو تَتَهَّما

4. And assumptions about the absent one.
I love her house being near, though the crevice of its valley refused

٤. يَمانِيَةٌ شَطَّت فَأَصبَحَ نَفعُها
رَجاءً وَظنّاً بِالمَغيبِ مُرَجَّما

5. Except to be cracked.
He cried over it without knowing, beyond assumption, whether

٥. أُحِبُّ دُنوَّ الدارِ مِنها وَقَد أَبى
بِها صَدعُ شَعبِ الدارِ إِلا تَثَلُّما

6. He was crying over the living or dust and bone.
Absence came and fear of criticizers came before it,

٦. بَكاها وَما يَدري سِوى الظَنِّ مَن بَكى
أَحَيّاً يُبَكّي أَم تُراباً وَأَعظُما

7. And news of her became too scarce to flow.
You returned to it for two months, then longing

٧. نَأَت وَأَتى خَوفُ الطَّواعِينَ دونَها
وَقَد أنعَمَت أَخبارُها أَن تَصَرما

8. Persisted in you until you were absent for a whole sacred month.
Why now, when the shadow has descended upon it,

٨. وَعُدتَ بِها شَهرَين ثُمَّتَ لَم يَزَل
بِكَ الشَّوقُ حَتَّى غِبتَ حَولاً مُحَرَّما

9. Do you regret when you did not regret back then?
You bid its mention farewell, but the rule of its mention

٩. أَفَالآنَ لَما حَلَّ ذُو الأثلِ دُونها
ندِمت وَلَم تَندَم هُنالِكَ مَندَما

10. Is nothing but sickness at noon.
So leave it and replace it with a eulogy for the Caliph

١٠. سَلِمتَ بِذكراها وَمَا حُكمُ ذِكرِها
بِفارِعَةِ الظُّهرانِ إلا لتَسقَما

11. That would alleviate your misery or profit you boons.
For in his hands are keys to mercy

١١. فَدَعها وَأَخلِف لِلخَليفَةِ مِدحَةً
تُزل عَنكَ بُؤسى أَو تُفيدُكَ أَنعُما

12. And rain that brings life to people in drought.
An Imam who came to power by clemency, without

١٢. فَإِنَّ بِكَفَّيهِ مَفاتيحَ رَحمَةٍ
وَغَيثَ حَياً يَحيا بِهِ الناسُ مُرهِما

13. Establishing his rule with ill-gotten money or blood.
The Lord of servants selected him for his character

١٣. إِمامٌ أَتاهُ المُلكُ عَفواً وَلَم يُثِب
عَلى مُلكِهِ مالاً حَراماً وَلا دَما

14. As Guardian, and Allah knows people best.

١٤. تَخَيَّرَهُ رَبُّ العِبادِ لِخَلقِهِ
وَلِيّاً وَكانَ اللَهُ بِالناسِ أَعلَما