
The Messenger of God, the Chosen One, was sent with prophethood

رسول الإله المصطفى بنبوة

1. The Messenger of God, the Chosen One, was sent with prophethood
Upon him be peace at the rising of dawn and at nightfall

١. رَسولُ الإِلَهِ المُصطَفى بِنُبُوَّةٍ
عَلَيهِ سَلامٌ بِالضُحى وَالأَصائِلِ

2. So all that I have listed is enough for you, just a portion
And what you obtain is better than oceans overflowing

٢. فَكُلُّ الَّذي عَدَّدتُ يَكفيكَ بَعضُهُ
وَنَيلُكَ خَير مِن بُحورِ السَوائِلِ