1. Yet I am assigned by every miser
To bear what I am busy with and denied
١. وَلَكِنَّني وُكِّلتُ مِن كُلِّ باخِلٍ
عَليَّ بِما أُعنى بِهِ وَأُمَنَّعُ
2. Stinginess is a disgraceful flaw and defect
Upon its people, while generosity is more lasting and ample
٢. وَفي البُخلِ عارٌ فاضِحٌ وَنَقيصَةٌ
عَلى أَهلِهِ والجُودُ أَبقى وَأَوسَعُ
3. I see you do not forget Suad's happiness and memory
So tears well up in your eyes as you lie down
٣. أجِدَّكَ لا تَنسى سُعادَ وَذِكرَها
فَيَرقأُ دَمعُ العَينِ مِنكَ فَتَهجَعُ
4. You were disturbed, so your love does not cease to grieve you
A departing lover, and one bid farewell
٤. طَرِبت فَما يَنفَكُّ يُحزِنُكَ الهَوى
مُوَدِّعُ بَينٍ راحِلٌ وَموَدَّعُ
5. Her heart refused but distance and harshness
While your heart's love leaned towards her completely
٥. أَبى قَلبُها إِلا بعاداً وَقَسوَةً
وَمالَ إِلَيها وُدُّ قَلبِكَ أَجمَعُ
6. She is not generous to you with kindness
To strengthen the rope of connection, or show good will
٦. فَلا هِيَ بِالمَعروفِ مِنكَ سَخيَّةٌ
فَتُبرِمُ حَبلَ الوَصلِ أَو تَتَبَرَّعُ
7. Nor is he but a reproacher who was accepting
Of the passionate, pleading, tearful lover
٧. وَلا هوَ إِمّا عاتِبٌ كانَ قابِلاً
مِنَ الهائِمِ الصَبِّ الَّذي يَتَضَرَّعُ
8. Wake up, O man who with his worries
Yearns for the remote, forsaken beloved
٨. أَفِق أَيُّها المَرءُ الَّذي بِهُمومِهِ
إِلى الظاعِنِ النائي المَحَلَّةِ يَنزِعُ
9. For not everything you wished for will you attain
Nor everything you feared will be warded off from you
٩. فَما كُلُّ ما أَمَّلتَهُ أَنتَ مُدرِكٌ
وَلا كُلُّ ما حاذَرتَهُ عَنكَ يُدفَعُ
10. Nor will every greedy one gain by his greed
Nor will every hopful person benefit what he hopes for
١٠. وَلا كُلُّ ذي حِرصٍ يُزادُ بِحِرصِهِ
وَلا كُلُّ راجٍ نَفعَهُ المَرءُ يَنفَعُ
11. And how many beseechers, if they attained their wish
Would remain content with evil speech among the people
١١. وَكَم سائِلٍ أُمنِيَّةً لَو يَنالُها
لَظَلَّ بِسوءِ القَولِ في القَومِ يَقنَعُ
12. And the stubborn whose hearing, when reproached
Hears what he wants from the matter of foolishness
١٢. وَذي صَمَمٍ عِندَ العِتابِ وَسَمعُهُ
لما شاءَ مِن أَمرِ السَفاهَةِ يَسمَعُ
13. And from a speaker whose speech reveals his blindness
While he had been wrapping himself from that in listening
١٣. وَمِن ناطِقٍ يُبدي التَكَلُّمُ عيَّهُ
وَقَد كانَ في الإِنصاتِ عَن ذاكَ مَربَعُ
14. And from a silent one, wisely, without suspicion
Or fault from a shameful affair he wraps himself
١٤. وَمِن ساكِتٍ حِلماً عَلى غَيرِ ريبَةٍ
وَلا سَوأَةٍ مِن خَزيَةٍ يَتَقَنَّعُ