1. O you whose youth is ever renewed
And who awaits tomorrow full of hope
١. يا لَلرِّجالِ لِوَجدِكَ المُتَجَدِّدِ
وَلما تؤَمِّلُ مِن عَقيلَةَ في غَدِ
2. You wish for a resurrection without equal
That would revive the heart's intent
٢. تَرجو مَواعِدَ بَعثُ آدَمَ دونَها
كانَت خَبالاً لِلفُؤادِ المُقصَدِ
3. Do you remember me, O Aqil, or have you forgotten
Me, after the turmoil of these corrupting times?
٣. هَل تَذكُرينَ عَقيلُ أَو أَنساكِهِ
بَعدي تَقَلُّبُ ذا الزَمانِ المُفسِدِ
4. The day we pledged our love at Al-Aqiq
When we were united, never to be parted
٤. يَومي وَيَومَكِ بِالعَقيقِ إِذِ الهَوى
مِنّا جَميعُ الشَملِ لَم يَتَبَدَّدِ
5. I have two nights: one sweet night
When I met my beloved under the luckiest star
٥. لي لَيلَتانِ فَلَيلَةٌ مَعسولَةٌ
أَلقى الحَبيبَ بِها بِنَجمِ الأَسعُدِ
6. And a night of rest for my worries
As if, until dawn, I clung to the saddlebags
٦. وَمُريحَةٌ هَمّي عَلىَّ كَأَنَّني
حَتّى الصَباحِ مُعَلَّقٌ بِالفَرقَدِ