1. The helper in my heart for Sauda is unceasing,
He advises my soul regarding her affairs.
١. وَمَا زَالَ مِن قَلبِي لسَودَةَ ناصِرٌ
يَكونُ عَلَى نَفسِي لَها وَوَزيرُ
2. No flashing lightning lit up the dark clouds,
Nor did patience illuminate the gloom.
٢. فَما مُزنَةٌ بَحرِيَّةٌ لاحَ بَرقُها
تَهَلَّلَ فِي غمٍّ لَهُن صَبيرُ
3. Neither did the sun shine on the gloomy day,
Nor the full moon radiate its light in the darkness.
٣. وَلا الشَّمسُ فِي يَومِ الدُّجُنَّةِ أَشرَقَت
وَلا البَدرُ فِي المِيساقِ حين يُنيرُ
4. Neither did the mother of chicks warble for her chicks,
In pleasant weather when the vegetation is green.
٤. وَلا شادِنٌ تَرنُو بِهِ أُم شادِنٍ
بِجَوٍّ أَنيقِ النبتِ وَهوَ خَضيرُ
5. More beautiful than Sauda on the morning she appeared,
With a face of radiance and joy.
٥. بِأَحسَنَ مِن سُعدَى غَداةَ بَدَت لَنا
بِوَجهٍ عَلَيهِ نَضرةٌ وَسُرورُ
6. By your life! When I pine for another,
And refrain from professing love for her, I have patience.
٦. لَعَمرك أَنِّي حين أكنِي بِغَيرِها
وَأتركُ إِعلاناً بِها لَصَبورُ
7. I am jealous that she kisses her husband,
By the life of her father, I am jealous indeed!
٧. أَغارُ عَلَيها أَن تُقَبِّلَ بَعلَها
لَعمرُ أَبِيها إِنَّني لَغَيورُ
8. I say to Amr as he insists on youth,
While we walk the highest path.
٨. أَقولُ لِعَمرٍ وَهوَ يَلحَى عَلَى الصِّبا
وَنَحنُ بِأَعلَى السَيِّرَينِ نَسيرُ
9. In the evening, neither reason holds back youth,
Nor do my friends excuse what I have encountered.
٩. عَشِيَّةَ لا حِلمٌ يَردُّ عَنِ الصّبا
وَلا صَاحِبي فِيما لقيت عَذورُ
10. The kindness of Um Jafar was denied me,
Yet for her kindness I am ever in need.
١٠. لَقَد مَنَعَت مَعروفَها أُمُّ جَعفَرٍ
فَإِنِّي إِلَى مَعروفِها لَفَقيرُ
11. I have made what I endured from her who
On earth I found to be perfidious and treacherous,
١١. وَقَد جَعَلت مِما لقِيتُ مِن الَّذي
وَجَدت بيَ الأَرضَ الفَضاءَ تَمورُ
12. She who obeyed the one whose love
Made me walk three steps for her sake, yet she is ungrateful.
١٢. أَطاعَت بِنا مَن قَد قَطَعتُ مِن اجلِها
ثَلاثاً تِباعاً أنها لكفورُ
13. So do not insist, after me, on a lover,
And do not support blaming him, for a lover is deceived.
١٣. فَلا تَلحَيَن بَعدِي مُحِبّاً وَلا تُعِن
عَلى لَومِه إِنَّ المُحِبَّ ضَريرُ
14. I visit houses adjacent to her house,
While my soul remains in the house I do not visit.
١٤. أَزورُ بُيُوتاً لاصِقاتٍ بِبَيتِها
وَنَفسِي فِي البَيتِ الَّذِي لا أَزورُ
15. I wander, and were it not that I see Um Jafar,
In your homes, I would not wander where I wander.
١٥. أَدورُ وَلَولا أَن أرَ أُمَّ جَعفَرٍ
بِأَبياتِكُم ما دُرتُ حَيثُ أَدورُ