1. Is it one of the family of Salma, the night visitor continuously turning about,
That has come to me, while between me and Salma lie a howdah and mosquito net?
١. أَمِن آلِ سَلمى الطارِقُ المُتأَوِّبُ
إِليَّ وَبيشٌ دونَ سَلمى وَكَبكَبُ
2. I all but died of yearning when her phantom came to me;
I rave and my secret love appears.
٢. فَكِدتُ اشتياقاً إِذ أَلَمَّ خَيالُها
أَبوحُ وَيَبدو مِن هَوايَ المُغَيَّبُ
3. One day at Dhatu Bayshin I lingered, yearning
For your eyes – hosts of tears pouring from them.
٣. وَيَوماً بِذي بيشٍ ظَللت تَشَوُّقاً
لِعَينَيكَ أَسرابٌ مِنَ الدَمعِ تُسكَبُ
4. One of the she-dogs of Banu ‘Amir was granted to us
And a time far off may be fore-ordained and brought nigh.
٤. أُتيحَت لَنا إِحدى كِلابِ بنِ عامِرٍ
وَقَد يُقدَرُ الحَينُ البَعيدُ وَيُجلَبُ
5. In a land far removed from which the friend withdrew from me
I have a dwelling, remote from the quarters of the living, intimate ones.
٥. بِأَرضٍ نأى عَنها الصَديقُ وَغالَني
بِها مَنزِلٌ عَن طيَّةِ الحيِّ أجنَبُ
6. She fled not from any want that befell her,
But fled for fear of crime.
٦. وَما هَرَبَت مِن حاجَةٍ نَزَلَت بِها
وَلَكِنَّها مِن خَشيَةِ الجُرمِ تَهرُبُ
7. She stayed at a howdah, in pleasant shade,
With her a protector, fearing sins, who wrongs.
٧. أَقامَت بِبيشٍ في ظِلالٍ وَنِعمَةٍ
لَها قَيِّمٌ يَخشى الجَرائر مُذنِبُ
8. A stranger, far removed from his land and his skies,
That he might live, and length of life is a thing beloved.
٨. غَريبٌ نأَى عَن أَرضِهِ وَسَمائِهِ
ليَحيى وَطولُ العمر أمر محبّبُ