
I have taught my people, whenever a guest alerts me,

عودت قومي إذا ما الضيف نبهني

1. I have taught my people, whenever a guest alerts me,
To slaughter the fattest sheep, in hardship or ease.

١. عَوَّدتُ قَومي إِذا ما الضَيفُ نَبَّهَني
عَقرَ العِشارِ عَلى عُسري وإِيساري

2. For when a fire is hidden for a late night visitor,
I kindle the highest hill, raising my fire.

٢. إِنّي إِذا خَفِيَت نارٌ لِمُرمِلَةٍ
أُلفَى بِأَرفَعِ تَلٍّ رافِعاً نارِي

3. That is me, and I bend down to a ringlet-haired neighbor,
As one bends down with kindness upon a neighbor.

٣. ذاكَ وَإِنّي عَلى جاري لَذو حَدَبٍ
أَحنو عَلَيهِ بِما يُحنى عَلى الجارِ