
My two friends, convey from me to Ibn Murrah's son

خليلي من غيظ بن مرة بلغا

1. My two friends, convey from me to Ibn Murrah's son
Messages - though they won't increase your esteem -

١. خَليلَيَّ مِن غَيظِ بنِ مُرَّةَ بَلِّغا
رَسائِلَ مِنّي لا أزيدُكُما وِقرا

2. Oh, would that I knew! Is there a way to Umm Jandar's abode?
As for patience without her, there is no patience!

٢. أَلا لَيتَ شِعري هَل إِلى أُمِّ جَحدَرٍ
سَبيلٌ فَأَمّا الصَبرُ عَنها فَلا صَبرا

3. I busy myself with talk only for her sake,
That I may hear news of her as she journey's on.

٣. وَإِنّي لأَستَنشي الحَديثَ لأَجلِها
لأَسمَعَ عَنها وَهيَ نازِحَةٌ ذِكرا

4. And I find her home the most wondrous of homes, though
When I come to her abode it sends me back empty.

٤. وَأَعجَبُ دارٍ دارُها غَيرَ أَنَّني
إِذا ما أَتَيتُ الدَارَ تَرجِعُني صِفرا

5. In the evening I wrap myself in my cloak by the enclosure
As if without it the enclosure were flaming embers.

٥. عَشِيَّةَ ألوي بِالرِداءِ عَلى الحَشا
كَأَنّ الحَشا مِن دونِهِ مُشعَلٌ جَمرا