
He weeps for what time has changed anew

يبكي لما قلب الزمان جديده

1. He weeps for what time has changed anew
In people, though time cannot be blamed

١. يَبكي لِما قَلَبَ الزَمانُ جَديدَهُ
خَلقاً وَلَيسَ عَلى الزَمانِ مُعَوَّلُ

2. His head's white hair makes it seem
After black hair, like transformed wool

٢. وَالرَأسُ شامِلُهُ البَياضُ كَأَنَّهُ
بَعدَ السوادِ بِهِ الثَغامُ المُحوِلُ

3. And a foolish woman assailed me with magic
Ignorantly blaming me and impudently complaining

٣. وَسَفيهَةٍ هَبَّت عَلَيَّ بِسُحرَةٍ
جَهلاً تَلُومُ عَلى الثَواءِ وَتَعذِلُ

4. So I answered her saying I cannot be coerced
Leave your preaching, it will not be accepted

٤. فَأَجَبتُها أَن قُلتُ لَستِ مُطاعَةً
فَذَري تَنَصُّحَكِ الَّذي لا يُقبَلُ

5. It is enough that I endure a journey
Of a lifetime and the prophecy of a miserly jealous one

٥. إِنّي كَفاني أَن أُعالِجَ رِحلَةً
عُمَرٌ وَنَبوَةَ مَن يَضنُّ وَيَبخَلُ

6. Whose dawn boasts will be, when time changes,
Generalities, though he descends polished and angry

٦. بنوالِ ذي فَجرٍ تَكونُ سِجالُهُ
عَمَماً إِذا نَزَلَ الزَمانُ المُمحِلُ

7. Men show reverence when his greatness appears
Fearing disaster, the slender ones are his lovers

٧. ماضٍ عَلى حَدَثِ الأُمورِ كَأَنَّهُ
ذو رَونَقٍ عَضبٌ جَلاهُ الصَيقَلُ

8. So they see he has a chapter over them
And a virtue preceding him, not unknown

٨. تُبدي الرِجالُ إِذا بَدا إِعظامَهُ
حَذَرَ البُغاثِ هَوى لَهُنَّ الأَجدَلُ

9. Bearing the weight of affairs, preceded in nobility
By a deliberate pioneer, poised and patient

٩. فَيَرَونَ أَنَّ لَهُ عَلَيهِم سورَةً
وَفَضيلَةً سَبَقَت لَهُ لا تُجهَلُ

10. And when Quraysh are mentioned, he has
The glory of leadership and the finest deeds

١٠. مُتَحَمِّلٌ ثِقَلَ الأُمورِ حَوى لَهُ
سَبقَ المَكارِمِ سَابِقٌ مُتَمَهِّلُ

11. In Mecca, when Umayyah are its people
An inheritance, if the old is enumerated

١١. وَلَهُ إِذا نُسِبَت قُرَيشٌ مِنهُمُ
مَجدُ الأَرومَةِ والفَعالُ الأَفضَلُ

12. His kinship enriched him, and his adherence
Was wise, as the reasonable person knows

١٢. وَلَهُ بِمَكَّةَ إِذ أُمَيَّةُ أَهلُها
إِرثٌ إِذا عُدَّ القَديمُ مُؤَثَّلُ

13. I transcended their morals, so I left them
To your blame, for the judicious one changes

١٣. أَغنَت قَرابَتُهُ وَكانَ لزومُهُ
أَمراً أَبانَ رَشادَهُ مَن يَعقِلُ

14. And indeed I began wanting the love of friends
And the keeping of appointments that were not kept when fulfilled

١٤. وَسَمَوتُ عَن أَخلاقِهِم فَتَرَكتُهُم
لِنَداكَ إِنَّ الحازِمَ المُتَحَوِّلُ

15. Until certainty returned my hopes to despair
And those I hoped for disappointed me

١٥. وَلَقَد بَدَأتُ أُريدُ وُدَّ مَعاشِرٍ
وَعَدوا مَواعِدَ أُخلِفَت إِذ حُصِّلوا

١٦. حَتّى إِذا رَجَعَ اليَقينُ مَطامِعي
يَأساً وَأَخلَفَني الَّذينَ أُؤَمِّلُ