1. Do not blame him today if he acts numb,
For the grieved is overpowered to act strong.
١. أَلا لا تَلُمهُ اليَوم أَن يَتبَلدا
فَقَد غُلِبَ المَحزونُ أَن يَتَجلَّدا
2. I cried my youth away, so let him who wishes blame me,
And let him who wishes grieve in crying and be joyous.
٢. بَكَيتُ الصِّبا جُهدي فَمَن شاءَ لامَنِي
وَمَن شاءَ آسَى فِي البُكاءِ وَأَسعدا
3. And if I am spurned in pursuing my youth,
I know that in love I am not the only one.
٣. وَإِنِّي وَإِن فُنِّدتُ فِي طَلَبِ الصِّبا
لأَعلَمُ أَنِّي لَستُ فِي الحُبِّ أَحدَا
4. So it has slipped from the edge of my eye without its ground,
And I do not try with my eyes until they wander.
٤. فَحَالَت لِطَرفِ العَينِ مِن دونِ أَرضِها
وَما أأتَلي بِالطرفِ حَتَّى تَرَدَّدا
5. If you have not fallen in love and do not know what passion is,
Then be a stone from the dry solid rock.
٥. إذا أَنتَ لَم تَعشَق وَلَم تَدرِ مَا الهَوى
فَكُن حَجَراً مِن يابِس الصَّخر جَلمَدا
6. For life is not but what you desire and covet,
Even if the ill-natured berates and chides.
٦. فَمَا العَيشُ إِلا ما تَلَذُّ وَتَشتَهي
وَإِن لامَ فيهِ ذُو الشَّنان وَفَنَّدا
7. And my pact with her, blond, pale, as if
Sweat from her trickled onto the color intensely yellow.
٧. وَعَهدِي بِها صَفراءَ رُوداً كَأَنَّما
نَضَا عَرَقٌ مِنها عَلَى اللَّونِ عَسجَدا
8. The upper and lower parts of her creation
Her flesh flowed without creasing.
٨. مُهَفهَفَةُ الأَعلَى وَأَسفَلُ خَلقِها
جَرَى لَحمُهُ مِن دونِ أَن يَتَخَدَّدا
9. And how when gray hair has appeared and cut
The lifetime into a rope that was for union reaped.
٩. وَكَيفَ وَقَد لاحَ المَشيبُ وَقطعَت
مَدى الدَّهرِ حَبلاً كانَ لِلوَصلِ مُحصِدا
10. For every lover she has from his cure
Ways that protecting shadows watch over.
١٠. لِكُلِّ مُحِبٍّ عِندهَا مِن شِفائِهِ
مَشارِع تَحميها الظّمان المُصَرَّدا
11. Do you reckon the names of the heart like its era
Or its days, or do you reckon the head blackened?
١١. أَتَحسَبُ أَسماء الفُؤاد كَعَهِدِه
وَأَيامه أَم تَحسَب الرأس أَسوَدا
12. Nights we do not meet in, yet living has
No pleasures from fate but hunting or hunted.
١٢. لَيالِي لا نَلقَى وَلِلعَيشِ لَذَّة
مِنَ الدَّهرِ إِلا صائِداً أَو مصيدا
13. From the conjoined flesh, plaits as if they are
The bridle of a craftsman, conjoined, reaped.
١٣. مِنَ المُدمَجاتِ اللَّحمِ جَدلاً كأنَّها
عِنانُ صَناعٍ مُدمَجُ الفَتلِ مُحصَدا
14. As if the pure musk from her has appeared
And the scent of musk, its fragrance exudes moisture.
١٤. كَأَنَّ ذَكِيَ المِسكِ مِنها وَقَد بَدَت
وَريح الخُزامَى عَرفُهُ ينفحُ النَّدا