1. In the ruins, a house of a beautiful woman has stirred
Tales of love in your heart that settled
١. وَبِالقَفرِ دارٌ مِن جَميلَةَ هَيَّجَت
سَوالِفَ حُبٍّ في فؤَادِكَ مُنصِبِ
2. And whenever she went far or separated
The intensity of passion, you knew not what to say
٢. وَكانَت إِذا تَنأَى نَوىً أَو تَفَرَّقَت
شِدادُ الهَوى لَم تَدرِ ما قَولُ مِشغَبِ
3. Eyes flowing with tears, cheeks stained
Cool complexion, graceful nature
٣. أسيلَةُ مَجرَى الدَمعِ خُمصانَةُ الحَشا
بَرودُ الثَنايا ذاتُ خَلقٍ مُشَرعَبِ
4. The eyes see what they desire and in it, more
Of beauty when she appears, a playground for the glance
٤. تَرى العَينُ ما تَهوى وَفيها زيادَةٌ
مِنَ الحُسنِ إِذ تَبدو وَمَلهىً لِملعِبِ