
Whenever I opposed a people, you clung to them,

أراني إذا عاديت قوما ركنتم

1. Whenever I opposed a people, you clung to them,
Despairing of victory for my hopes.

١. أرانِي إِذا عَادَيتُ قَوماً رَكَنتُمُ
إِلَيهِم فَآيَستُم مِنَ النَصرِ مَطمَعي

2. So many grave affairs befell me,
In which you let me down, yet I was not submissive.

٢. فَكَم نَزَلَت بِي مِن أُمورٍ مُهِمَّةٍ
خَذَلتُم عَلَيها ثُمَّ لَم أَتَخَشَّعِ

3. Their hardship turned away from me; I cared nothing for it
And did not call upon you in its stressful pursuit.

٣. فَأَدبَرَ عَنّي كَربُها لَم أُبالِهِ
وَلَم أَدعُكُم في جُهدِها المُتَطَلِّعِ

4. Yet I am gentle and expectant with you,
And if you do not say "Stop! Stop!" in calamities,

٤. وَإِنِّي لَمُستَأنٍ وَمُنتَظِرٌ بِكُم
وَإِن لَم تَقولوا في المُلِمّاتِ دَع دَعِ

5. I have hopes in you that you will see the best of your judgements
Soon, however much you take the best course.

٥. أُؤَمِّلُ فيكُم أَن تَرَوا خَيرَ رَأيِكُم
وَشِيكاً وَكَيما تَنزِعُوا خَيرَ مَنزَعِ

6. War has left the helpers and its biting
Due to your desertion of me, an unshaken youth.

٦. وَقَد أَبقَتِ الحَربُ العَوانُ وَعَضُّها
عَلى خَذلِكُم مِنّي فَتىً لَم يُضَعضَعِ

7. I suffered what was in me when I saw my tribe
In plain view of what I hated and heard.

٧. فَعانَيتُ ما بي إِذ رَأَيتُ عَشيرَتي
بِمَرأَىً مَعاً مِمّا كَرِهتُ وَمَسمَعِ

8. So I took my revenge, and by what you have done
Necklaces on your necks were not cut off.

٨. فَأَدرَكتُ ثأري والَّذي قَد فَعَلتُمُ
قَلائِدُ في أَعناقِكُم لَم تُقَطَّعِ