
The mention of you clings to my tongue

سلام ذكرك ملصق بلساني

1. The mention of you clings to my tongue
And for your love my sorrows return

١. سَلامُ ذِكرُكِ مُلصَقٌ بِلِساني
وَعَلى هَواكِ تَعُودُني أَحزانِي

2. Why did I see you obedient in my dream
Yet when I awoke you were rebellious and defiant

٢. مَا لِي رَأَيتُكِ في المَنامِ مُطيعَةً
وَإِذا انتَبَهتُ لَجَجتِ في العِصيانِ

3. Your lover forever holds his heart
Fearing your stubbornness in estrangement

٣. أَبَداً مُحِبُّكِ مُمسِكٌ بِفؤادِهِ
يَخشى اللَجاجَةَ مِنكِ في الهِجرانِ

4. If you are blaming then I am blamed
After wrongdoing, accept my favor

٤. إِن كُنتِ عاتِبَةً فَإِنّي مُعتِبٌ
بَعدَ الإِساءةِ فَاِقبَلي إِحسانِي

5. Do not kill a man who sees in you
Like drink to the thirst of the parched one

٥. لا تَقتُلي رَجُلاً يَراكِ لِما بِهِ
مِثلَ الشَرابِ لِغُلَّةِ الظَمآنِ

6. And I say to the dwellers among our people
You were of my character, of the brethren

٦. وَلَقَد أَقولُ لِقاطِنينَ مِنَ اهلِنا
كانا عَلى خُلُقي مِنَ الإِخوانِ

7. Oh my friend, there are embers on my heart
And the passion has seared my body, as you see

٧. يا صَاحِبيَّ عَلى فُؤادِي جَمرَةٌ
وَبَرى الهَوى جِسمي كَما تَرَيانِ

8. You two, hasten to safety
Not what I have faced and you both assume

٨. أَمُرَقّيانِ إِلى سَلامَة أَنتُما
ما قَد لَقيتُ بِها وَتَحتَسِبانِ

9. I cannot be patient from her, she
Flowed from my entrails to every place

٩. لا أَستَطيعُ الصَبرَ عَنها إِنَّها
مِن مُهجَتي نَزَلَت بِكُلِّ مَكانِ