
I hope that you will come closer even if you are far away

إني لآمل أن تدنو وإن بعدت

1. I hope that you will come closer even if you are far away
For a thing is hoped to come closer even if distant

١. إِنّي لآمُلُ أَن تَدنو وَإِن بَعُدَت
والشّيءُ يؤمَلُ أَن يَدنو وَإِن بَعُدا

2. I have hated every country that I was once familiar with
So I blame none but its land as a homeland

٢. أَبغَضتُ كُلَّ بِلادٍ كُنتُ آلَفُها
فَما أُلائِمُ إِلا أَرضَها بَلَدا

3. Oh what men, killed without retaliation
They take neither reason nor retribution for him

٣. يا لَلرِّجالِ لمَقتولٍ بِلا تِرَةٍ
لا يأخُذونَ لَهُ عَقلاً وَلا قَودا

4. If she came close, he would not regain consciousness, and if she went far
His soul would be torn apart from love of her

٤. إِن قَرُبَت لَم يُفِق عَنها وَإِن بَعُدَت
تَقَطَّعَت نَفسُهُ مِن حُبِّها قِدَدا

5. Time does not remind me of happiness with you, but if it went away
The tears flowed down my eyes ceaselessly

٥. ما تذكرُ الدَهرَ لي سُعدى وإِن نَزَحَت
إِلا تَرَقرَقَ ماءُ العَينِ فاطَّرَدا

6. And I read no letter from you that reached me
Except I sighed from anguish for you continuously

٦. وَلا قَرَأتُ كِتاباً مِنكِ يَبلُغُني
إِلّا تَنَفَّستُ مِن وَجدٍ بِكُم صُعَدا

7. And happiness had shown displeasure with me
I greeted it morning and evening with you, happily

٧. وَقَد بَدَت ليَ مِن سُعدى مُعاتَبَةٌ
أَمسَى وَأَضحى بِها جَدّي بِكُم سَعِدا

8. And if I reproach one with hatred, I would have killed
My soul, reproaching you, not with hatred

٨. وَلَو أُعاتِبُ ذا حِقدٍ قَتَلتُ لَهُ
نَفساً مُعاتَبَتي إِيّاكِ ما حَقدا